Born in 1978 in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba
Lives and works in Havana, Cuba
Art x Cuba. Contemporary perspectives since 1989 = Kunst x Kuba. Zeitgenössische Positionen seit 1989 = Arte x Cuba. Perspectivas contemporáneas desde 1989. Exhibition catalogue, Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen, Germany, September 8, 2017 - February 18, 2018, curated by Andreas Beitin, and Tonel. With texts by Luis Camnitzer, Elsa Vega, Sujatha Fernandes, Jacqueline Loss, Roberto Zurbano (et al.). Cologne, Wienand, 2018.
Wilfredo Prieto. Loophole. Barcelona, ArtsLibris, 2018 (Serie AL 4).
Adiós utopia. Art in Cuba since 1950. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, March 5 - May 21, 2017, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA, November 11, 2017 - March 18, 2018. Edited by Ana Clara Silva, and Eugenio Valdés Figueroa, with texts by Rachel Weiss, Elsa Vega, Beatriz Gago Rodríguez, Tonel, René Francisco, Gerardo Mosquera, and Iván de la Nuez. Miami, CIFO - Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, 2017.
Adiós utopia. Arte en Cuba desde 1950. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, March 5 - May 21, 2017, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA, November 11, 2017 - March 18, 2018. Edited by Ana Clara Silva, and Eugenio Valdés Figueroa, with texts by Rachel Weiss, Elsa Vega, Beatriz Gago Rodríguez, Tonel, René Francisco, Gerardo Mosquera, and Iván de la Nuez. Miami, CIFO - Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, 2017.
Relational undercurrents. Contemporary art of the Caribbean archipelago. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, CA, USA, September 16, 2017 - March 4, 2018. With texts by Tatiana Flores, Michelle A. Stephens, Tonel, Laura Roulet, Rocío Aranda-Alvarado, Nelson Maldonado Torres (et al.). Long Beach, CA, Museum of Latin American Art, 2017.
Cuba. Tatuare la storia. Exhibition catalogue, Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea PAC, Milano, July 5 - September, 12, 2016, Zisa Arti Contemporanee ZAC, Palermo, Italy, October 7 - December 18, 2016. Edited by Diego Sileo, and Giacomo Zaza, with texts by Diego Sileo, Giacomo Zaza, Giulia Ingarao, Antonio Leone, and Antonio Eligio (Tonel). Milano, Silvana, 2016.
Machado, Mailyn. Fuera de revoluciones. Dos décadas de arte en Cuba. Leiden, Almenara, 2016.
Itinerarios XXI. Becas de artes plásticas. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Marcelino Botín, Santander, March 27 - May 31, 2015. With a text by Juan Antonio Álvarez Reyes. Santander, Fundación Marcelino Botín, 2015.
Luis Camnitzer Teacher's guide. Under the same sun. Art from Latin America today. Educational material for the exhibition at Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA, June 13 - October 1, 2014. With texts by Luis Camnitzer, Sofía Quirós, and María del Carmen González. New York, Guggenheim Museums Publications, 2014.
Realidades en conflicto = Realities in conflict. Exhibition catalogue, Espacio ArtNexus, Bogotá, Colombia, June 12 - September 9, 2014. With texts by Francine Birbragher, and Oscar Roldán-Alzate. Bogotá, Arte en Colombia, 2014.
Wilfredo Prieto. Works 1995-2012. Exhibition catalogue, S.M.A.K., Ghent, Netherlands, June 21 - September 21, 2014. Kunstverein Braunschweig, Germany, December 6 - February 15, 2014, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, La Habana, Cuba, May 22 - August 22, 2015. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Guillaume Désanges, Thibuat Verhoeven and a conversation between Gabriel Orozco and the artist. MIlano, Mousse, 2014.
55. Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte - la Biennale di Venezia. Il Palazzo enciclopedico. Vol. II. Exhibition catalogue, Biennale di Venezia, June 1 - November 24, 2013. Venezia, Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia, 2013.
Jetztzeit (el temps d'ara/el tiempo del ahora). L'esquena de l'àngel = La espalda del ángel. Exhibition catalogue, Centre d'art la Panera, Lleida, Spain, 2013. With a text by Manuel Segade. Lleida, Centre d'art la Panera, 2013.
Permission to be global. Latin American art from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection = Prácticas globales. Exhibition catalogue, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami, USA, December 4, 2013 - February 23, 2014, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA, March 19 - July 13, 2014. With a conversation between Jen mergel, Liz Munsell and Jesús Fuenmayor. Miami, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, 2013.
Art and the City. Ein Kunstprojekt im öffentlichen Raum = A public art project. Vol. 1 Materialien / Materials. Exhibition catalogue, Zürich, June 9 - September 23, 2012. With texts by Christoph Doswald, Philip Ursprung (et al.) and an interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist. Zürich, JRP Ringier, 2012.
Art and the City. Ein Kunstprojekt im öffentlichen Raum = A public art project. Vol. 2 Ausstellung / Exhibition. Exhibition catalogue, Zürich, June 9 - September 23, 2012. Edited by Christoph Doswald. Zürich, JRP Ringier, 2012.
Aznar, Yayo, and Pablo Martínez (eds.). Arte actual. Lecturas para un espectador inquieto. Móstoles, Madrid, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, 2012.
Berger, Sebastiaan A.C.. Cuba. Arte contemporáneo = Cuba. Contemporary art. La Habana, Ceiba / Madrid, Turner, 2012.
Kunsthalle Lissabon. Performing the institution(al). Volume 2. Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Lissabon, Lisboa, Portugal, September 17, 2010 - July 2, 2011. With texts and interview with Wilfredo Prieto by João Mourão and Luís Silva. Lisboa, Kunsthalle Lissabon, 2012.
Primer acto = First act. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, August 24 - November 11, 2012. With texts by Andrea Torreblanca, Boris Groys (et al.). Mexico City, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, 2012.
XI Bienal de Cuenca. Entre-abierto. Aperturas, conexiones y derivas en el arte actual (Vol. 1: Atrabiliario, vol. 2: Hacia un meridiano inquietante, vol. 3: En defensa de la delicadeza). Exhibition catalogue, Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador, November 11, 2011 - January 31, 2012. With texts by Fernando Castro Flórez, Agnaldo Farias, Katya Cazar Almache (et al.). Cuenca, Fundación Municipal Bienal de Cuenca, 2012.
crisisss... América Latina, arte y confrontación. 1920-2010. Exhibition catalogue, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, March 12 - June 5, 2011. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Luis Camnitzer, Aracy Amaral, Karen Cordero Reiman (et al.). Mexico City, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, 2012.
29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in. Documentation. Exhibition catalogue, 29th São Paulo Biennial, September 25 - December 12, 2010. With texts by Agnaldo Farias and Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2011.
ArtNexus Brasil en Colombia. Artnexus, Arte en Colombia. Antología de textos. Edited by Adriano Pedrosa. Bogotá, ArtNexus / Arte en Colombia, 2011.
From contemplating to constructing situations. Exhibition catalogue, Pavilion Unicredit, Bucharest, Romania, June 2 - July 31, 2011. With texts by Lars Bang Larsen, Rosi Braidotti, Felix Guattari, Razvan Ion (et al.). Bucharest, Pavilion Unicredit, 2011 ( ).
The future lasts forever = El futuro dura para siempre. Exhibition catalogue, Gävle Konstcentrum, Gävle, Sweden, 2011. With texts by Carlos Motta, Inti Guerrero (et al.). Gävle, Gävle Konstcentrum, 2011.
Weiss, Rachel. To and from utopia in the new Cuban art. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2011.
Untitled. 12th Istanbul Biennial. The catalogue. Exhibition guide, Istanbul Biennial, September 9 - November 13, 2011. With texts by Jens Hoffmann and Adriano Pedrosa. Istanbul, Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, 2011.
Untitled. 12th Istanbul Biennial. The companion. Exhibition guide, Istanbul Biennial, September 9 - November 13, 2011. With texts by Jens Hoffmann and Adriano Pedrosa. Istanbul, Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, 2011.
Wilfredo Prieto. Amarrado a la pata de la mesa. Exhibition catalogue, CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid, Spain, February 2 - April 24, 2011. With texts by Ferran Barenblit, Gerardo Mosquera (et al.). Madrid, CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, 2011.
29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in. Exhibition catalogue, 29th São Paulo Biennial, September 25 - December 12, 2010. With texts by Agnaldo Farias and Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2010.
Antes que todo = Before everything. Exhibition catalogue, CA2M, Móstoles, Madrid, Spain, September 2010. With texts by Ferran Barenblit (et al.). Móstoles, Madrid, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo CA2M, 2010.
Colección CA2M. Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo de la Comunidad de Madrid. Volumen I. Collection catalogue. With texts by Ferran Barenblit and Mariano Navarro. Móstoles, Madrid, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo CA2M, 2010.
Contemporary Art in Latin America. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Luis Camnitzer, Guy Brett (et al.) and a conversation between Gabriela Salgado and Guillermo Gómez-Peña. London, Black Dog, 2010.
León, Glenda. La condition de performance. Quebec, Editions Nota bene, 2010.
Los impolíticos. Exhibition catalogue, Palazzo delle Arti PAN, Napoli, Italy, December 19, 2009 - February 28, 2010. With texts by Laura Bardier (et al.). Napoli, Electa, 2010.
Los impolíticos. Q 04 Centro di documentazione. Exhibition catalogue, Palazzo delle Arti PAN, Napili, Italy, December 19, 2009 - February 28, 2010. With texts by Laura Bardier (et al.). Napoli, Palazzo delle Arti PAN, 2010.
PanAmericana. El periódico de la vida artística. Exhibition catalogue, kurimanzutto, Mexico City, July 10 - September 11, 2010. With a text by Jens Hoffmann. Mexico City, kurimanzutto, 2010.
Portolano of the 29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in = 29a Bienal des São Paulo. Há sempre um copo de mar para um homem navegar. Portulano = . Portolano. Six of the many ways to visit the 29th Bienal. São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2010.
Décima Bienal de La Habana. Integración y resistencia en la era global. Exhibition catalogue, Bienal de La Habana, Cuba, March 27 - April 30, 2009. With texts by Dannys Montes de Oca Moreda, José Manuel Noceda Fernández (et al.). La Habana, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam, 2009.
Décima Bienal de La Habana. Integración y resistencia en la era global. Exhibition catalogue, Bienal de La Habana, Cuba, March 27 - April 30, 2009. With texts by Nelson Herrera Ysla, Santiago Olmo, Orlando Britto Jinorio (et al.). La Habana, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam, 2009.
I'm not here. An exhibition without Francis Alÿs. Exhibition catalogue, Appel Boy's School, Amsterdam, April 17-June 6th, 2010. With texts by Nikita Yngqian Cai (et al.). Amsterdam, de Appel arts centre, 2009/10.
Revolutionen des Alltäglichen. Zeitgenössische Lateinamerikanische Kunst = Ordinary revolutions. Contemporary Latinamerican art. Exhibition catalogue, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, August 23 - November 1, 2009. Edited by Stefanie Kreuzer, wiith texts by Michel Blancsubé. Nürnberg, Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2009.
MUSAC. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León. Colección vol. II = Collection vol. II. Collection catalogue, with texts by Rafael Doctor Roncero (et al.). León, MUSAC, 2008.
States of exchange. Artists from Cuba = Estados de intercambio. Artistas de Cuba. London, Iniva,
Wifredo Prieto. Mountain. Exhibition catalogue, Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent, Belgium, April 5 - June 29, 2008. With a text by Thibaut Verhoeven. Gent, S.M.A.K., 2008.
Held together with water. Kunst aus der Sammlung Verbund. Catalogue of the Sammlung Verbund. Edited by Gabriele Schor, with contributions by Yve-Alain Bois (et al.). Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2007.
La Biennale di Venezia. 52. Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte. Think with the senses - feel with the mind. Art in the present tense. Vol. II. Participating countries, collateral events. Exhibition catalogue, Biennale di Venezia, Italy, June 10 - November 21, 2007. With texts by Davide Croff, Simon Njami et al. Venezia, Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia, 2007.
System error: War is a force that gives us meaning. Exhibition catalogue, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, Italy, February 3 - May 6, 2007. With texts by Lorenzo Fusi, Naeem Mohaiemen (et al.). Milan, Silvana Editoriale, 2007.
Territorios. Exhibition catalogue, 52th Venice Biennial, Latinamerican Pavillion, June 10 - November 21, 2007. With texts by Irma Arestizábal et al. Rome, iila - Istituto Italo Latino-Americano, 2007.
Olivares, Rosa (ed.). 100 artistas Latinoamericanos = 100 Latin American artists. Madrid, Exit, 2006.
Fernandes, Sujatha. Cuba Represent!: Cuban Arts, State Power, and the Making of New Revolutionary Cultures. Durham/London, Duke University Press, 2006.
Las Horas. Artes Visuales de América Latina contemporánea = The Hours. Visual arts of contemporary Latin America. Exhibition catalogue, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, October 5, 2005 - January 15, 2006. With texts by Sebastián López, Eugenio Valdés Figueroa and Hans-Michael Herzog. Zürich, Daros Latinamerica / Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2005.
Cordially invited, episode 3. Project guide, published on the occasion of the exhibition at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht and Central Museum, Utrecht, October 31 - December 31, 2004. With texts by Maria Hlavajova (et al.). Utrecht, bak basis voor actuele kunst, 2004.
Island nations. New art from Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and the diaspora = Islas naciones. Arte nuevo de Cuba, la República Dominicana, Puerto Rico, y la diáspora. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, October 29, 2004 - January 30, 2005. With texts by Judith Tannenbaum and René Morales. Providence, Rhode Island, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, 2004.
Who if not we should a t least try to imagine the future of all this ?. Exhibition catalogue, Ludwig Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, September 17 - October 24, 2004, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, October 23, 2004 - January 30, 2005, Bak basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, Central Museum, Utrecht, October 31 - December 31, 2004, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, November 7, 2004 - January 9, 2005, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, November 8 - December 5, 2004, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, November 20, 2004 - January 9, 2005, Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw, December 2004. Edited by Maria Hlavajova, with contributions by Lívia Páldi (et al.). Amsterdam, Artimo/Gijs Stork, 2004.
Octava Bienal de la Habana. El arte con la vida. Exhibition catalogue, 8th Habana Biennial, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wilfredo Lam, La Habana, Cuba, 2003. With texts by Rafael Acosta de Arriba, Hilda María Rodríguez Enríquez (et al.). La Habana, Consejo Nacional de Artes Plásticas / Centro Wifredo Lam, 2003.
Sentido común. Exhibition catalogue, Galería Habana, La Habana, Cuba, March 2003. With texts by René Francisco (et al.). La Habana, Galería Habana, 2003.
ES2002 Tijuana. Il Bienal internacional de estandartes y memorias = II International standard Biennial and a memoir of previous shows. Exhibition catalogue, 2nd International Standard Biennial, Tijuana, 2002. With texts by Francisco Reyes Palma (et al.). Tijuana, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes; Centro Cultural, 2002.
Nexo. Encuentros de artistas jóvenes de América Latina y España 2000-2001. Exhibition catalogue, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, España, Panamá, Perú, Paraguay, Venezuela, 2001. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, María Luz Cárdenas (et al.). Bogotá, Convenio Andrés Bello, 2001.
González Lorente, Margarita. Tercer salón de arte cubano contemporáneo. La Habana, Centro de Desarollo de las Artes Visuales, 2001.
Séptima Bienal de la Habana. Uno más cerca del otro. Exhibition catalogue, Bienal de La Habana, Cuba, November 2000 - January 2001. With texts by Nelson Herrera Ysla, Sara Vega, Alicia García (et al.). La Habana, Consejo Nacional de las Artes Plásticas, 2000.