Direkt zum Inhalt
Esto es un espejo. Usted es una frase escrita.Esto es un espejo. Usted es una frase escrita., 1966
Sentences. Adhesive Labels for #1 Mail Exhibition of New York Graphic Works... Sentences. Adhesive Labels for #1 Mail Exhibition of New York Graphic Workshop, 1966
Sentences. Adhesive Labels for #1 Mail Exhibition of New York Graphic Works... Sentences. Adhesive Labels for #1 Mail Exhibition of New York Graphic Workshop, 1966
This Is a Mirror. You Are a Written Sentence.This Is a Mirror. You Are a Written Sentence., 1966
EnvelopeEnvelope, 1967
Fragment of a CloudFragment of a Cloud, 1967
Rubber StampsRubber Stamps, 1967
BibliotecaBiblioteca, 1968
HorizonHorizon, 1968
Living RoomLiving Room, 1968
Selfportrait 1968Selfportrait 1968, 1968
Selfportrait 1970Selfportrait 1970, 1968
Selfportrait 1972Selfportrait 1972, 1968
Contenido: Exhibición N° 1-4 Luis CamnitzerContenido: Exhibición N° 1-4 Luis Camnitzer, 1969
Contenido: Exhibición N° 1-4 Luis CamnitzerContenido: Exhibición N° 1-4 Luis Camnitzer, 1969
Contenido: Exhibición N° 1-4 Luis CamnitzerContenido: Exhibición N° 1-4 Luis Camnitzer, 1969
Contenido: Exhibición N° 1-4 Luis CamnitzerContenido: Exhibición N° 1-4 Luis Camnitzer, 1969
Dictionary 1Dictionary 1, 1969
Dictionary 2Dictionary 2, 1970
Dictionary 3Dictionary 3, 1970
ExecutionExecution, 1970
First, Second, Third Degree BurnFirst, Second, Third Degree Burn, 1970
First, Second, Third Degree BurnFirst, Second, Third Degree Burn, 1970
First, Second, Third Degree BurnFirst, Second, Third Degree Burn, 1970
A Statement Enclosed in ItselfA Statement Enclosed in Itself, 1971
A) Object covered by its own image; B) Object covered by the viewer’s ima... A) Object covered by its own image; B) Object covered by the viewer’s image., 1971
ContentContent, 1971
Firma para vender por tajadas al pesoFirma para vender por tajadas al peso, 1971
Miraculous appearance of a dotMiraculous appearance of a dot, 1971
Compounded ErrorCompounded Error, 1972
CopyCopy, 1972
Forma determinada por la conexión de los puntos externos del texto describ... Forma determinada por la conexión de los puntos externos del texto describiendo la forma., 1972
Fragmentos de firma para vender por centímetroFragmentos de firma para vender por centímetro, 1972
Fragmentos de firma para vender por centímetroFragmentos de firma para vender por centímetro, 1972
Pintura mural originalPintura mural original, 1972
Pintura mural originalPintura mural original, 1972
Pintura mural originalPintura mural original, 1972
CircunferenciaCircunferencia, 1973
Coca-Cola Bottle filled with a Coca-Cola BottleCoca-Cola Bottle filled with a Coca-Cola Bottle, 1973
Distance representing a time difference of 0.00058504269 seconds between ea... Distance representing a time difference of 0.00058504269 seconds between east and west (New York City)., 1973
Fake EtchingFake Etching, 1973
Image constructed with words arranged in a sequence to form a sentence. (Se... Image constructed with words arranged in a sequence to form a sentence. (Sentence forming an image that looks like a sentence.), 1973
Span of the hand as a unit of lineal measure converted to one inch.Span of the hand as a unit of lineal measure converted to one inch., 1973
The Form Generating the Content.The Form Generating the Content., 1973
Pencil drawing done after L. Cranach’s “Pythagoras as discoverer of the... Pencil drawing done after L. Cranach’s “Pythagoras as discoverer of the musical intervals” and erased from the paper., 1974
Real edge of the line that divides reality from fiction.Real edge of the line that divides reality from fiction., 1974
Woman looking (at: an apple, an accident through the window, her drying fin... Woman looking (at: an apple, an accident through the window, her drying fingernails, a pornographic magazine, an embroided pillow, a screaming crowd, a grease spot on a checkered tablecloth, a telephone ringing, Eisenstein’s face for approval)., 1974
Aguafuerte de Picasso “Modelo y escultura surrealista” serie Vollard N.... Aguafuerte de Picasso “Modelo y escultura surrealista” serie Vollard N. 74, 1933 convertido en una sola línea, en un hilo, en una espiral, en su precisa longitud (cms. 813)., 1975
El instrumento y su obra.El instrumento y su obra., 1976
Posibles autorretratos según condiciones genéticas idénticas (estudio pa... Posibles autorretratos según condiciones genéticas idénticas (estudio para la eventual construcción de una raza)., 1976
Silence / RepressionSilence / Repression, 1976
The Shadow of the HorizonThe Shadow of the Horizon, 1976
The Book of HolesThe Book of Holes, 1977
The Perception of Oneself.The Perception of Oneself., 1977
Arbitrary Objects and Their TitlesArbitrary Objects and Their Titles, 1979
Arbitrary Objects and Their TitlesArbitrary Objects and Their Titles, 1979
Arbitrary Objects and Their TitlesArbitrary Objects and Their Titles, 1979
Arbitrary Objects and Their TitlesArbitrary Objects and Their Titles, 1979
Landscape as an AttitudeLandscape as an Attitude, 1979
PlusvalíaPlusvalía, 1979
Hommage to DuchampHommage to Duchamp, 1980
Hommage to DuchampHommage to Duchamp, 1980
Pintura bajo hipnosisPintura bajo hipnosis, 1980
The Discovery of GeometryThe Discovery of Geometry, 1981
The Invention of RainThe Invention of Rain, 1981
The PhotographThe Photograph, 1981
Two Identical ObjectsTwo Identical Objects, 1981
Dollar shelfDollar shelf, 1988
El viajeEl viaje, 1991
Portrait of the ArtistPortrait of the Artist, 1991
Portrait of the ArtistPortrait of the Artist, 1991
SelbstbedienungSelbstbedienung, 1996
SelbstbedienungSelbstbedienung, 1996
Las memorias del aguaLas memorias del agua, 1998
FensterFenster, 2001
FensterFenster, 2001
FensterFenster, 2001
FensterFenster, 2001
FensterFenster, 2001
King of HeartsKing of Hearts, 2002
King of HeartsKing of Hearts, 2002
CompassCompass, 2003