Born in 1948 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Cildo Meireles
Cildo Meireles es uno de los más influyentes representantes de una generación de artistas que surgió en Río de Janeiro a finales de la década de los 60, y cuya obra fue una rebelión contra la dictadura militar de Brasil durante los años 60 y 70.
Estos artistas ya no estaban interesados en un arte pasivo como el que se encuentra en los museos, sino que buscaban un arte que fomentara un pensamiento crítico y libre, y que invitara a la participación activa de los espectadores.
A través de los años Meireles ha creado un amplio y complejo cuerpo de trabajo en el que examina las relaciones entre el poder, el control y los sistemas autoritarios. Además de sus preocupaciones en términos de contenido, también aborda sistemáticamente los aspectos formales y estéticos. Es sobre todo en sus grandes instalaciones donde Meireles transmite claramente la dimensión físico-sensorial de su arte.
En la creación de su Missão/Missões (Cómo construir catedrales) de 1987, emplea 600.000 monedas, 2.000 huesos y 500 hostias, materiales impregnados también de su propio y complejo simbolismo. Esta impresionante instalación es una crítica a la labor misionera de los jesuitas en el sur de Brasil, Paraguay y Argentina en los siglos XVII y XVIII, una pieza con la que Meireles destaca las fuerzas que actuaban en el trasfondo: “Quería construir una especie de ecuación matemática, muy simple y directa, que conectara tres elementos: el poder material, el poder espiritual y una especie de consecuencia inevitable de esta combinación, que se repite históricamente, y que es la tragedia”.
El lenguaje artístico directo de Meireles siempre logra confrontar al público con su propio condicionamiento social, cultural, histórico y político.
Katrin Steffen
Oliveira, Eduardo Jorge de. How to build cathedrals. Cildo Meireles: A sensory geography of Brazil. In: Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies (2019).
Rio XXI. Vertentes contemporâneas. Edited by Paulo Herkenhoff. Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2019.
A Tale of Two Worlds. Experimental Latin American art in dialogue with the MMK Collection 1940s-1980s = Experimentelle Kunst Lateinamerikas der 1940er bis 1980er Jahre im Dialog mit der Sammlung des MMK. Exhibition catalogue, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, November 25, 2017 - April 2, 2018, Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 7, 2018 - October 14, 2018. With texts by Klaus Görner, Victoria Noorthoorn, Javier Villa, María Amalia García, Luis Camnitzer, Marcelo E. Pacheco, Tobi Maier, Abaseh Mirvali (et al.). Bielefeld, Kerber Verlag, 2018.
Historias afro-atlânticas. Vol. 2. Antologia. Exhibition catalogue, MASP, São Paulo, Brazil, June 29 - October 21, 2010. Edited by Adriano Pedros, Amanda Carneiro, André Mesquita, with collaboration by Artur Santoro, Hélio Menezes, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz, Tomás Toledo. São Paulo, MASP and Instituto Tomie Ohtake, 2018.
Memorias del subdesarrollo. Arte y el giro decolonial en América Latina, 1960-1985 = Memories of underdevelopment. Art and the decolonial turn in Latin America, 1960-1985. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, USA, September 17, 2017 - February 4, 2018, Museo Jumex, Mexico City, March 21 - September 9, 2018, Museo de Arte de Lima, Peru, November 20, 2018 - February 23, 2019. With texts by Julieta González, Sharon Lerner, Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, and Andrea Giunta. San Diego, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2018.
Viveros-Fauné, Christian. Social forms. A short history of political art. New York, David Zwirner Books, 2018.
The Matter of Photography in the Americas. Exhibition catalogue, Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, February 7 - April 30, 2018. Edited by Natalia Brizuela and Jodi Roberts. With contributions by Lisa Blackmore, Amy Sara Carroll, Marianela D'Aprile, María Fernanda Domínguez, Heloisa Espada, Rachel Price, Diana Ruiz, Tatiane Santa Rosa, and Kyle Stephan. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2018.
Alberro, Alexander. Abstraction in reverse. The reconfigured spectator in mid-twentieth-century Latin American art. Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 2017.
Manifestos and polemics in Latin American Modern Art. Edited and translated by Patrick Frank. Albuquerque, University of Mexico Press, 2017.
Shtromberg, Elena. Art systems. Brazil and the 1970s. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2016.
Arte e mercado no Brasil = Art and market in Brazil. With texts by Cesar Cunha Campos, Paulo Herkenhoff, Felipe Scovino, Ligia Canongia (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, FGV Projetos, 2016.
Hélio Oiticica. To organize delirium. Exhibition catalogue, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, October 1, 2016 - January 2, 2017, The Art Institute of Chicago, February 19 - May 7, 2017, Withney Museum of American Art, New York, USA, July 14 - October 1, 2017. With texts by Lynn Zelevansky, Adele Nelson, Guilherme Wisnik, Sérgio B. Martins, Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz (et al.). Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum of Art / Munich, Prestel DelMonico, 2016.
Alonso, Rodrigo. Elogio de la Low-Tech. Historia y estética de las artes electrónicas en América Latina. Buenos Aires, Luna Editores, 2015.
International Pop. Exhibition catalogue, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, April 11 - August 29, 2015, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, October 11, 2015 - January 17, 2016, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA, February 18 - May 15, 2016. With texts by Olga Viso, María José Herrera, Claudia Calirman (et al.). Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, 2015.
Made in Brasil (English). Exhibiton brochure, Casa Daros, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, March 21 - August 9, 2015. With a text by Hans-Michael Herzog and Katrin Steffen. Rio de Janeiro, Casa Daros, 2015.
Made in Brasil (Português). Exhibiton brochure, Casa Daros, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, March 21 - August 9, 2015. With a text by Hans-Michael Herzog and Katrin Steffen. Rio de Janeiro, Casa Daros, 2015.
Made in Brasil. Encontros 5. Art education publication accompanying the exhibition at Casa Daros, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, March 21 - August 9, 2015. With texts by Bia Jabor, Marcelo Campos, and Roberta Condeixa. Rio de Janeiro, Casa Daros, 2015.
Barnitz, Jacqueline. Twentieth-Century art of Latin America. Revised and expanded edition. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2015.
Cildo Meireles. Installations. Exhibition catalogue, Hangar Bicocca, Milano, Italy, March 27 - July 20, 2014. Edited by Vicente Todolí, with texts by Antonio Calabrò, and João Fernandes. Milano, Mousse / London, Koenig, 2014.
Food. Produire, manger, consommer. Exhibition catalogue, MuCEM - Musée des Civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France, October 29, 2014 - March 9, 2015. With texts by Adelina von Fürstenberg (et al.). Paris, Flammarion, 2014.
Prêmio de Artes Plásticas Marcantonio Vilaça 2010. Rio de Janeiro, Funarte, 2014.
Prêmio de Artes Plásticas Marcantonio Vilaça 2010. Rio de Janeiro, Funarte, 2014.
Resistance performed. An anthology on aesthetic strategies under repressive regimes in Latin America. Exhibition catalogue, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich, Switzerland, November 21, 2015 - February 7, 2016. With texts by Heike Munder, Cristiana Tejo, Nelly Richard, Miguel A López, and Rodrigo Alonso. Zürich, JRP Ringier, 2014.
Amor e ódio à Lygia Clark = Love and hate to Lygia Clark. Exhibition brochure, Zacheta - National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland, December 13, 2013 - February 23, 2014. With a text by Magda Kardasz. Warsaw, Zacheta - National Gallery of Art, 2013. (
Arquipélago. Arte contemporânea brasileira - acervo CCUFG. Collection and exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Universidade Federal Goiás, Goiânia, Brasil, May 17 - July 19, 2013. With texts by Carlos Sena Passos. Goiânia, Centro Cultural UFG, 2013.
Candela, Iria. Art in Latin America 1990-2010. London, Tate, 2013.
Art turning left. How values changed making 1789-2013. Exhibition catalogue, Tate Liverpool, UK, November 8, 2013 - February 2, 2014. With texts by Lynn Wray (et al.). Liverpool, Tate, 2013.
Biennials and beyond - exhibitions that made art history. 1962-2002. Conceived and edited by Phaidon editors and Bruce Altshuler, introductory esssay and chapter introductions by Bruce Altshuler. London, Phaidon, 2013.
Brasiliana. Installationen von 1960 bis heute = Brasiliana. Installations from 1960 to the present. Exhibition catalogue, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, October 2, 2013 - January 5, 2014. With texts by Martina Weinhart, Mónica Amor, Guilherme Wisnik. Fernando Cocchiarale, Cauê Alves, Michael Asbury (et al.). Frankfurt am Main, Schirn, 2013.
Cildo Meireles. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, May 23 - September, 2013, Museu de Arte Contemporâneo de Serralves, Porto, Portugal, November 2, 2013 - January 26, 2014, HangarBicocca, Milano, Italy, March 26 - July 6, 2014. With texts by by João Fernandes, Sérgio B. Martins, Suzanne Cotter, and Guilherme Wisnik. Porto, Fundação de Serralves / São Paulo, Cosac Naify, 2013.
Torre Amerighi, Iván de la. Cildo Meireles. La doble distancia. In: Arte y parte. No. 105, June-July 2013, pp. 86-101.
Conceptual geographies. Frames and documents. Selections from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros collection. Exhibition catalogue, Wallach Art Gallery, New York, USA, January 23 - March 23, 2013. With a text by Anne Bruder. New York, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, 2013.
Concrete Invention. Colección Patrica Phelps de Cisneros. Reflections on Geometric Abstraction from Latin America and its legacy. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain, January 23 - September 16, 2013. With texts by Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, Reinaldo Laddaga, Andrea Giunta, and Olga Fernández López. Madrid, Turner, 2013.
Martins, Sergio B.. Constructing an Avant-Garde. Art in Brazil. Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 2013.
Fuentes Guaza, Luisa. Lenguajes contemporáneos desde Centroamérica. Madrid, Turner, 2013.
Modernités plurielles 1905-1970 dans les collections du Musée national d'art moderne. Exhibition catalogue, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, October 23, 2013 - January 26, 2015. With texts by Catherine Grenier, Marion Guibert, Michel Gauthier, Sophie Orlando (et al.). Paris, Centre Pompidou, 2013.
Museu revelado. Collection and exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, November 10, 2012 - February 3, 2013. With texts by Rodrigo Vivas, Cayo Honorato (et al.). Belo Horizonte, Museu da Pampulha, 2013.
Order, chaos, and the space between. Contemporary Latin American Art from the Diane and Bruce Halle collection. Collection catalogue. With texts by Beverly Adams (et al.). Phoenix, Phoenix Art Museum, 2013.
Para (saber) escutar. Um jornal sobre a transformação de um espaço e sua memória. 23 de Março de 2013, N 00. With texts by Eugenio Valdés Figueroa, Bia Jabor, Suzana Velasco, Ana Wambier, Isabella Rosado Nunes, Roberta Condeixa (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Casa Daros, 2013.
Pucu, Izabela, and Jacqueline Medeiros (eds.). Roberto Pontual. Obra crítica. Rio de Janeiro, Azougue, 2013.
Utopie beginnt im Kleinen. 12. Triennale Kleinplastik Fellbach = Utopia starts small. Exhibition catalogue, Triennale Kleinplastik, Fellbach, Germany, June, 22 - September 29, 2013. With texts by Yilmaz Dziewior, Angelika Nollert (et al.). Köln, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2013.
1911-2011 Arte brasileira e depois, na Coleção Itaú. Collection catalogue. With texts by Teixeira Coelho. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2012.
3ra Trienal Poli/Gráfica de San Juan: América Latina y el Caribe. Exhibition catalogue, Galería Nacional, Museo Casa Blanca, Antiguo Arsenal de la Marina Española, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 28 - August 28, 2012. With texts by Deborah Cullen, Ursula Dávila-Villa (et al.). San Juan, Puerto Rico, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, 2012.
Aberto fechado. Caixa e livro na arte brasileira = The enclosed openness. Box and book in Brazilian art. Exhibition catalogue, Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo, Brazil, October 20, 2012 - January 13, 2013. With texts by Guy Brett, Frederico Morais and Ana Paula Cohen. São Paulo, Pincoteca do Estado, 2012.
Amazônia. Ciclos de modernidade. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, May 28 - July 22, 2012, Brasília, August 13 - September 23, 2012. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff (et al.). São Paulo, Zureta, 2012.
Aznar, Yayo, and Pablo Martínez (eds.). Arte actual. Lecturas para un espectador inquieto. Móstoles, Madrid, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, 2012.
Arte de contradicciones. Pop, realismos y política. Brasil - Argentina 1960. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July - September 2012. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff, Rodrigo Alonso (et al.). Buenos Aires, Proa, 2012.
Speranza, Gabriela. Atlas portátil de América Latina. Arte y ficciones errantes. Barcelona, Anagrama, 2012.
Calirman, Claudia. Brazilian art under dictatorship. Antonio Manuel, Artur Barrio, and Cildo Meireles. Durham, Duke University Press, 2012.
Cildo Meireles, Antoni Muntadas. Salt & sugar ... no sugar, no salt. Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp, Cully, Switzerland, March 10 - April 14, 2012. Edited by Stefan Banz, with a text by Iria Candela. Nürnberg, Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2012.
Amirsadeghi, Hossein. Contemporary art Brazil. London, TransGlobe Publishing, 2012.
Candela, Iria. Contraposiciones. Arte contemporáneo en Latinoamérica 1990-2010. Madrid, Alianza, 2012.
Vinhosa, Luciano, and Martha D'Angelo (ed.). Interlocuções. Estética, produção e crítica de arte. Rio de Janeiro, Apicuri, 2012.
Open work in Latin America, New York & beyond. Exhibition catalogue, Bertha and Karl Leubsdorf Art Gallery, Hunter College, New York, February 8 - May 4, 2013. With texts by Harper Montgomery (et al.). New York, Hunter College of The City of New York, 2012.
Spirits of Internationalism. 6 European collecions 1956-1986. Exhibition catalogue, M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium, January 20 - May 6, 2012, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Netherlands, January 22 - April 29, 2012. With texts by Anders Kreuger (et al.). Antwerp, M HKA, 2012.
crisisss... América Latina, arte y confrontación. 1920-2010. Exhibition catalogue, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, March 12 - June 5, 2011. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Luis Camnitzer, Aracy Amaral, Karen Cordero Reiman (et al.). Mexico City, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, 2012.
29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in. Documentation. Exhibition catalogue, 29th São Paulo Biennial, September 25 - December 12, 2010. With texts by Agnaldo Farias and Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2011.
ArtNexus Brasil en Colombia. Artnexus, Arte en Colombia. Antología de textos. Edited by Adriano Pedrosa. Bogotá, ArtNexus / Arte en Colombia, 2011.
Sardenberg, Ricardo. Arte contemporânea no século XXI. 10 brasileiros no circuito internacional. Rio de Janeiro, Capivara, 2011.
Caderno SESC_Videobrasil 07. A revista. São Paulo, Edições SESC SP, Associação Cultural Videobrasil, 2011.
Cildo Meireles. Ocupação. Exhibition catalogue, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, August 21 - October 2, 2011. With texts and an interview with the artist by Guilherme Wisnik. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2011.
Cildo Meireles. rio oir. São Paulo, Itaú cultural, 2011.
Entre chien et loup. Works from the Meana Larrucea Collection. Collection catalogue. With texts by Guillermo Paneque (et al.). Madrid, Iberdrola, 2011.
Frames and documents. Conceptualist practices. Selections from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros collection. Exhibition catalogue, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami, USA, November 30, 2011 - March 4, 2012. With texts by Jesús Fuenmayor and Philippe Pirotte. Miami, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, 2011.
Gigante por la propia naturaleza. Exhibition catalogue, IVAM, Valencia, Spain, May 31 - July 17, 2011. With texts by Consuelo Císcar Casabán, Paolo Herkenhoff, Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda, Roberto Conduru (et al.) Valencia, Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno IVAM, 2011. (
Campbell, Brígida, and Marcelo Terça-Nada! (ed.) Intervalo, respiro, pequenos deslocamentos. Ações poéticas do Poro = Interval, breathing, small displacements. Poro's poetical actions. São Paulo, Radical Livros, 2011.
País paisagem. Uma expedição pelo Brasil através do acervo do Museu de Arte da Pampulha. Collection and exhibition catalogue, Projeto Museu Andante, Centro Cultural Usiminas, Ipatinga, May 19 - August 21, 2011. With texts by Renata Marquez. Belo Horizonte, Museu de Arte da Pampulha, 2011.
Sistemas, acciones y procesos 1965-1975. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July - October 2011. With texts by Rodrigo Alonso, Andrea Giunta, Cristina Freire (et al.). Buenos Aires, Fundación Proa, 2011.
Studio international. Visual arts, design and architecture. Yearbook/special issue 2009, vol. 208, no. 1031. 2011.
Tate Latin American Acquisitions Committee. Celebrating 10 years. With texts by Nicolas Serota and Dawn Ades. London, Tate, 2011.
Translatability. Book as part of the collaborative project, "Translatability. Aesthetics and the transformation of the public sphere in an era of globalization", Bonniers Konsthall, August 24, 2011 - January 8, 2012. With texts by Jochen Volz, Daniela Castro (et al.). Stockholm, Albert Bonniers, 2011.
XIe Biennale de Lyon. Une terrible beauté est née = A terrible beauty is born. Exhibition catalogue, Biennale Lyon, September 13, 2011 - January 3, 2012. With texts by Victoria Noorthoorn, Carlos Gamerro, Ruben Mira, Alejandro Tantanian (et al.). Dijon, Les presses du réel, 2011.
29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in. Exhibition catalogue, 29th São Paulo Biennial, September 25 - December 12, 2010. With texts by Agnaldo Farias and Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2010.
Cuno, James, John Elderfield, and Ariel Jiménez. A constructive vision. Latin American abstract art fom the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. New York, Fundación Cisneros, 2010.
After utopia. A view on brazilian contemporary art. Exhibition catalogue, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy. With texts by Moacir dos Anjos, Ligia Canongia and Atto Belloli Ardessi, and an interview with Oscar Niemeyer. Prato, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, 2010.
Al calor del pensamiento. Obras de la Daros Latinamerica Collection = Al calor del pensamiento. Works from the Daros Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Banco Santander, Madrid, Spain, February 3 - April 30, 2010. With texts by Katrin Steffen (et al.). Madrid, Fundación Banco Santander, 2010.
Arquivo Brasília: Cidade imaginário. Exhibition catalogue, Espaço Cultural Marcantonio Vilaça, Brasília, Brasil, May 7 - July 3, 2010. With a text by Renata Azambuja. Brasília, Espaço Marcantonio Vilaça / Tribunal de Contas da União, 2010.
Larrañaga Altuna, Josu (ed.). Arte y política (Argentina, Brasil, Chile y España, 1989-2004). Madrid, Editorial Complutense, 2010.
Contemporary Art in Latin America. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Luis Camnitzer, Guy Brett (et al.) and a conversation between Gabriela Salgado and Guillermo Gómez-Peña. London, Black Dog, 2010.
Galanternick, Nina. Formas do afeto. Um filme sobre Mário Pedrosa. Rio de Janeiro, NUSC/UFRJ, 2010. (DVD 33 min)
García Canclini, Néstor. La sociedad sin relato. Antropología y estética de la inminencia. Madrid, Katz, 2010.
Los impolíticos. Exhibition catalogue, Palazzo delle Arti PAN, Napoli, Italy, December 19, 2009 - February 28, 2010. With texts by Laura Bardier (et al.). Napoli, Electa, 2010.
Los impolíticos. Q 04 Centro di documentazione. Exhibition catalogue, Palazzo delle Arti PAN, Napili, Italy, December 19, 2009 - February 28, 2010. With texts by Laura Bardier (et al.). Napoli, Palazzo delle Arti PAN, 2010.
MACP. Animação cultural e inventário do acervo do Museu de Arte e de Cultura Popular da UFMT. Collection catalogue, Museu de Arte e de Cultura Popular da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Edited by Aline Figueiredo, and Humberto Espíndola. Cuiabá, Entrelinhas, 2010.
O Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói: As coleções = The Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói: The collections. Collection catalogue. Niterói, Fundação de Arte de Niterói / MAC de Niterói, 2010.
On Line. Drawing Through The 20th Century. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Modern Art, New York, November 21, 2010 - February 7, 2011. With texts by Catherine de Zegher and Cornelia H. Butler. New York, Museum of Modern Art MOMA, 2010.
Portolano of the 29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in = 29a Bienal des São Paulo. Há sempre um copo de mar para um homem navegar. Portulano = . Portolano. Six of the many ways to visit the 29th Bienal. São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2010.
Río experimental. Más allá del arte, el poema y la acción. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Botín, Santander, Spain, July 30 - September 26, 2010. With texts by Mónica Carballas, Frederico Morais (et al.). Santander, Fundación Botín, 2010.
Tropicália. Die 60s in Brasilien. Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria, January 28 - May 2, 2010. With texts by Gerald Matt and Thomas Miessgang. Wien, Kunsthalle, 2010.
7a Bienal do Mercosul. Grito e escuta. Exhibition catalogue, 7th Mercosur Biennial, Porto Alegre, October 16 - November 29, 2009. With texts by Victoria Noorthoorn (et al.). Porto Alegre, Fundação Bienal do Mercosul, 2009.
Ribeiro, Marcos. A obra de arte. Sete artistas brasileiros abrem seus ateliês e revelam seus pensamentos sobre arte e criação artística (English subtitles). TV Imaginaria (DVD 71 min).
Scovino, Felipe (ed.). Arquivo contemporâneo. Rio de Janeiro, 7letras, 2009.
Ferreira, Glória. Arte contemporáneo brasileño. Documentos y críticas = Contemporary Brazilian art. Documents and critical texts. Santiago de Compostela, Artedardo,
Scovino, Felipe (ed.). Cildo Meireles. Rio de Janeiro, Beco de Azougue, 2009.
Cildo Meireles. Exhibition catalogue, Tate Modern, London, October 14, 2008 - January 11, 2009, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, February 11 - May 3, 2009, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, June 7 - September 27, 2009, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, November 22, 2009 - February 7, 2010, Art Gallery of Ontario, March 27 - June 27, 2010. Edited by Guy Brett, with essays by Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). Barcelona, MACBA, 2009.
Ortega, Damián (ed.). Cildo Meireles. IVAM Centre del Carme, 2 febrero / 23 abril 1995. México, Alias, 2009. (Alias 10)
La Biennale di Venezia. 53. Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte. Fare mondi. Exhibition catalogue, Biennale di Venezia, Italy, June 7 - November 22, 2009. With texts by Daniel Birnbaum, Jochen Volz (et al.). Venezia, Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia, 2009.
Latin America. Auction catalogue, Phillips de Pury, New York, October 3, 2009. With texts and an interview with Vik Muniz by Karen Wright. New York, Phillips de Pury, 2009.
MERA07. Memorias del Encuentro Regional de Arte, Montevideo 2007. Volumen 1. Región: Fricciones y ficciones. Exhibition catalogue, Montevideo August 8 - September 30, 2007. With texts by Gabriel Peluffo Linari (et al.). Montevideo, Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan Manuel Blanes, 2009.
MERA07. Memorias del Encuentro Regional de Arte, Montevideo 2007. Volumen 4. Arte en tránsito. Exhibition catalogue, Montevideo August 8 - September 30, 2007. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Nelly Richard, Cuauhtémoc Medina (et al). Montevideo, Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan Manuel Blanes, 2009.
Trienal de Chile 2009. Coloquios. Exhibition catalogue, Trienal de Chile, 2009. With texts by Nelly Richard (et al.). Santiago de Chile, Fundación Trienal de Chile, 2009.
Lenz, Iris (ed.). ifa Dokumente 3/2009. Fragrance of difference. Räume der Kunst und der kulturellen Diversität. Konferenz vom 20. November 2008 in der ifa-Galerie Stuttgart. Texte. Stuttgart, ifa Institut für Auslandbeziehungen, 2009.
An unruly history of the Readymade. A yellow plastic box with a book, a poster, scotch tape and a set of cards. Colección Jumex, Mexico City, September 8 - February 2009. With texts by Jessica Morgan, Cuauhtémoc Medina (et al.). Mexico City, Fundación / Colección Jumex, 2008.
Duarte, Paulo Sergio. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Um prelúdio. Rio de Janeiro, Silvia Roesler Edições de Arte, 2008.
Duarte, Paulo Sergio. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Um prelúdio. Rio de Janeiro, Silvia Roesler Edições de Arte, 2008. (DVD)
Cullen, Deborah. Arte no es vida. Actions by artists of the Americas 1960 - 2000. New York, El Museo del Barrio, 2008.
Através. Inhotim. Exhibition/collection catalogue, Inhotim, Brumadinho, Brazil. With texts by Adriano Pedrosa, Jochen Volz, Rodrigo Moura (et al.). Brumadinho, Instituto Cultural Inhotim, 2008.
Cildo Meireles. Exhibition catalogue, Tate Modern, London, October 14, 2008 - January 11, 2009, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, February 11 - May 3, 2009, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, June 7 - September 27, 2009, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, November 22, 2009 - February 7, 2010, Art Gallery of Ontario, March 27 - June 27, 2010. Edited by Guy Brett, with essays by Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). London, Tate Publishing, 2008.
Circuitos compartilhados. Curitiba, Epa!, 2008.
Circuitos compartilhados - catálogo de sinopses / guia de contextos OBS. Curitiba, Epa!, 2008.
Correspondences: Contemporary art from the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Beard and Weil Galleries, Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts, USA, February 4 - April 10, 2008. With texts by Carlos E. Palacios (et al.). New York, Fundación Cisneros, 2008.
Camnitzer, Luis. Didáctica de la liberación. Buenos Aires, Centro Cultural de España, 2008.
Face to face. The Daros collections. Exhibition catalogue, Daros Exhibitions, Zurich, October 5, 2007 - February 17, 2008 (Part 1), March 14 - September 7, 2008 (Part 2). With texts by Alexander Alberro and Luis Camnitzer. Zürich, Daros-Latinamerica and Daros Services ; Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2008.
Futuro do presente. Exhibition catalogue, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, November 2007 - February 2008. With texts by Agnaldo Farias, Cristiana Tejo (et al.). São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2008.
Pucu, Isabela (ed.). Imediações. A crítica de Wilson Coutinho. Rio de Janeiro, 2008.
It's not neutral = Ez da neutrala = No es neutral. Exhibition catalogue, Tabakalera, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, July 19 - October 5, 2008. With texts by Joxean Muñoz, Luis Camnitzer and Eugenio Valdés Figueroa. Donostia - San Sebastián, Tabakalera, 2008.
MAM 60. Collection and exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brasil, October 16 - December 14, 2008. With texts by Annateresa Fabris, Luis Camillo Osorio (et al.). São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2008.
Mestizo. Una historia del arte latinoamericano 13. Arte sin fronteras. Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2008. (DVD 30 min)
Neovanguardas. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, December 23, 2007 - March 16, 2008. With texts by Marcio Sampaio (et al.). Belo Horizonte, Museu de Arte da Pampulha, 2008.
On location. Siting Robert Smithson and his contemporaries. Exhibition catalogue, "On Location: Art, Space and Place in the 1960s".Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Unversity of East Anglia, Norwich, 2008. With texts by Simon Dell, Alistair Rider, and William Wood. London, Black Dog, 2008.
Goldman, Shifra M.. Perspectivas artísticas del continente Americano. Arte y cambio social en América Latina y Estados Unidos en el siglo XX. Mexico City, Universidad Autónoma, 2008.
Urbânia 3. São Paulo, Editora Pressa, 2008.
When lives become form. Dialogue with the future. Brazil / Japan = Quando vidas se tornam forma. Diálogo com o futuro. Brasil / Japão. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil, April 10 - June 22, 2008. With texts by Yuko Hasegawa, and Felipe Chaimovich. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2008.
6a Bienal do Mercosul. Zona Franca. Exhibition catalogue, Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 1 - November 18, 2007. With texts by Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro (et al.). Porto Alegre, Fundação Bienal do Mercosul, 2007.
Conduru, Roberto. Arte Afro-Brasileira. Belo Horizonte, Editora C/Arte, 2007.
Coleção Itaú Moderno. Arte no Brasil 1911-1980. Edited by Teixeira Coelho. Collection catalogue. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2007.
Camnitzer, Luis. Conceptualism in Latin American Art: Didactics of Liberation. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2007.
Constructing a poetic universe: The Diane and Bruce Halle collection of Latin American Art. Exhibition catalogue, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA, March 11 - June 10, 2007. With texts by Beverly Adams (et al.). London/New York, Merrell Publishers, 2007.
Camnitzer, Luis. Didáctica de la liberación. Arte conceptualista latinoamericano. Murcia, Cendeac, 2007.
Malin, Regula. Face to face. Teil 1. Zürich, Daros Art Education, 2007.
Fortunate objects. Selections from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection = Objetos afortunados. Selección de la Colección Ella Fontanals-Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (Cifo), Miami, December 5, 2007 - February 17, 2008. With texts by Cecilia Fajardo-Hill. Milan, Charta, 2007.
La presencia. Latin American art in the United States. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, California, USA, June 10 - August 25, 2007. With texts by Gregorio Luke (et al.). Long Beach, California, Museum of Latin American Art MoLAA, 2007.
Lab. 07. Arte, deshonra y violencia en el contexto iberoamericano. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural España, Montevideo, Uruguay, October - December 2007. With texts by Patricia Bentancur and Luis Camnitzer. Montevideo, Centro Cultural España, 2007.
Obras comentadas da coleção do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo. Collection catalogue. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, 2007.
Panorama da Arte Brasileira 2007. Contraditório. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil, October 20, 2007 - January 6, 2008. With texts by Moacir dos Anjos and Milton Hatoum. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2007.
Viva la muerte. Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Wien, Austria, October 17, 2007 - February 17, 2008; CAAM, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, April - June 2008. With texts by Thomas Miessgang (et al.). Wien, Kunsthalle Wien, 2007.
Viva la muerte. Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Wien, Austria, October 17, 2007 - February 17, 2008; CAAM, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, April - June 2008. With texts by Thomas Miessgang (et al.). Wien, Kunsthalle Wien, 2007.
Olivares, Rosa (ed.). 100 artistas Latinoamericanos = 100 Latin American artists. Madrid, Exit, 2006.
Blanton Museum of Art. Guide to the collection. By Jessie Otto Hite. Austin, Blanton Museum of Art, 2006.
Blanton Museum of Art. Latin American collection. Collection catalogue, Blanton Museum of Art, Austin. Edited by Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, with texts by Jessie Otto Hite (et al.). Austin, Blanton Museum of Art, 2006.
Coleção Itaú Contemporâneo. Arte no Brasil 1981-2006. Collection catalogue, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2006.
Coleção de Arte Moderna Museu de Arte Moderna Aloísio Magalhães. Inventário. With an introduction by Moacir dos Anjos. Recife, MAMAM, 2006.
Cruce de miradas. Visiones de América Latina. Colección Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, August 2 - October 22, 2006. With texts by Ariel Jiménez (et al.). Mexico City, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, 2006.
Ferreira, Glória, and Cecilia Cotrim (eds.). Escritos de artistas. Anos 60/70. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 2006.
Espaço aberto /espaço fechado. Sites for sculpure in modern Brazil. Exhibition catalogue, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, February 5 - April 16, 2006. With texts by Stephen Feeke (et al.). Leeds, Henry Moore Institute, 2006.
Invenção de mundos. Coleção Marcantonio Vilaça. Collection catalogue. With texts by Moacir dos Anjos, and Ileana Pradilla Ceron. Recife, Instituto Cultural Banco Real, 2006.
Living in Rio. With a text by Paulo Thiago de Mello and photographs by Reto Guntli and Agi Simões. London, Thames & Hudson, 2006.
Los Desaparecidos = The disappeared. Exhibition catalogue, North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, USA, March 29 - June 5, 2005 and other venues in USA and South America. With texts by Laurel Reuter (et al.). Milan, Charta, 2006.
MAC de Niterói. 10 anos. Collection catalogue, MAC Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. With texts by Luiz Guilherme Vergara (et al.). Niterói, Fundação de Arte de Niterói / MAC de Niterói, 2006.
MAM na OCA. Arte brasileira do acervo do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, 2006. With texts by Tadeu Chiarelli (et al.). São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2006.
Notas do observatório. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Telemar, Rio de Janeiro, 2006. With texts by Wilton Montenegro and Glória Ferreira and conversations. Rio de Janeiro, Acro Arquitetura e Produções, 2006.
Power, Kevin. Pensamiento crítico en el nuevo arte latinoamericano. Lanzarote, Fundación César Manrique, 2006.
Malin, Regula. Seduções. Valeska Soares, Cildo Meireles, Ernesto Neto. Installationen. Zürich, Daros Art Education, 2006.
Seduções. Valeska Soares, Cildo Meireles, Ernesto Neto. Installations. Exhibition catalogue, Daros Exhibitions, Löwenbräu, Zurich, June 9 - October 15, 2006. With conversations between Hans-Michael Herzog and the artists, and texts by Rodrigo Moura, Paulo Herkenhoff, and Víctor Zamudio-Taylor.. Zürich, Daros-Latinamerica / Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2006.
Olea, Héctor, and Mari Carmen Ramírez (eds.). Versions and inversions. Perspectives on Avant-Garde art in Latin America. Houston, The Museum of Fine Arts, 2006.
20 desarranxos. Panorama da arte brasileira. Exhibition catalogue, MARCO, Museo de Arte Contemporánea, Vigo, January 21 - May 8, 2005. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Adrienne Samos. Vigo, Museo de Arte Contemporánea, 2005.
Suazo, Félix. A diestra y siniestra. Commentarios sobre arte y política. Caracas, Fundación de Arte Emergente, 2005.
Anos 70: Trajetórias. With texts by António Risério, Paulo Sérgio Duarte, Cristina Freire (et al.). São Paulo, Iluminuras and Itáu Cultural, 2005.
Bandeiras do Brasil. Exhibition catalogue, Museu da República, Rio de Janeiro, 2005. With texts by Fernando Cocchiarale (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Museu de la República, 2005.
Brett, Guy. Brasil Experimental. Arte/vida: Proposições e paradoxos. Rio de Janeiro, Contra Capa, 2005. Edited and foreword by Katia Maciel, translated by Renato Rezende.
Cildo Meireles. Algum desenho. 1963-2005. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, April 25 - July 3, 2005. With a text and an interview by Frederico Morais. Rio de Janeiro, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, 2005.
Cildo Meireles. Casos de sacos. Exhibition catalogue, SESC Rio, Petrópolis, Brasil, July 15 - August 14, 2005. With a text by Paulo Venancio Filho. Rio de Janeiro, Artviva Produção Cultural, 2005.
Corpo. Exhibition catalogue "O corpo na arte contemporânea brasileira", Itaú Cultural, March 30 - May 29, 2005. With texts by Fernando Cocchiarale, Viviane Matesco (et al.). São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2005.
Cury, Constantino. Dicionário de artistas plásticos brasileiros. São Paulo, Cury Arte Brasil, 2005.
Obrist, Hans-Ulrich. Do it. Volume I. Extension. New York, e-flux/Frankfurt, Revolver, 2005.
Ecos y contrastes. Arte contemporáneo en la Colección Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo, San José, Costa Rica, December 7, 2005 - February 25, 2006, Museo de Arte de El Salvador, San Salvador, April 4 - June 24 2006, TEOR/éTica, San José, Costa Rica, December 7, 2005 - February 19, 2006. With texts by Ariel Jiménez and Virginia Pérez-Ratton. Caracas, Fundación Cisneros, 2005.
Espaço Brasil. Catálogo geral do Espaço Brasil = catalogue général de l'Espace Brésil. Exhibition catalogue, Espaço Brasil = Espace Brésil, Carreau du Temple, Paris, June 25 - September 11, 2005. With texts by Arlindo Machado (et al.). Paris, Carreau du Temple, 2005.
Brito, Ronaldo. Experiência crítica. São Paulo, Cosac Naify, 2005.
La Biennale di Venezia. 51. International art exhibition. The experience of art. Exhibition catalogue, 51st Venice Biennial. June 12 - November 6, 2005. With a text by María de Corral and an introduction by David Croff. Venezia, Marsilio, 2005.
O lúdico na arte. Exhibition catalogue "Homo Ludens", Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, Ocotober 12, 2005 - January 29, 2006. With texts by Denise Mattar (et al.). São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2005.
Open systems: Rethinking art c. 1970. Catalogue, published on the occasion of the exhibition at Tate Modern, London, June 1 - August 29, 2005. Edited by Donna de Salvo, with contributions by Johanna Burton (et al.). London, Tate Publishing, 2005.
Alcázar, Josefina. Performance y arte-acción en América Latina. Mexico City, Ex Teresa; Ediciones sin Nombre, 2005.
Quinta Bienal do Mercosul. Uma história concisa da Bienal do Mercosul. Exhibition catalogue, Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 30 - December 4, 2005. With a text by Gaudêncio Fidelis. Porto Alegre, Fundação Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, 2005.
Díaz Bringas, Tamara (ed.). Situaciones artísticas latinoamericanas. With texts by Virginia Pérez-Ratton, Ticio Escobar, Mari Carmen Ramírez, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Ivo Mesquita (et al.). San José, Costa Rica, TEOR/e?Tica, 2005.
A angles vifs. Ehibition catalogue, capcMusée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, June 10 - September 26, 2004. With texts by Maurice Fréchuret (et al.). Bordeaux, capcMusée d'art contemporain, 2004.
Teixeira da Costa, Cacilda. Arte no Brasil 1950-2000. Movimientos e meios. São Paulo, Alameda, 2004.
Beyond geometry. Experiments in form, 1940s-70s. Published in conjunction with the exhibition at the County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, June 13 - October 3, 2004, Miami Art Museum, Miami, USA, November 18, 2004 - May 1, 2005. With texts by Lynn Zelevansky, Ines Katzenstein (et al.). Cambridge, Mass., London, The MIT Press, 2004.
Coleção de Arte Moderna Museu de Arte Moderna Aloísio Magalhães. Doações 2001-2004. Collection and Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna Aloisio Magalhães, Recife, Brazil, November 16, 2004 - January 30, 2005. With a text by Moacir dos Anjos. Recife, Museu de Arte Moderna Aloísio Magalhães, 2004.
Diálogos. Arte Latinoamericano desde la Colección Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile, November 25, 2004 - February 28, 2005. With an interview with Patricia Phelps de Cisneros by Luis Pérez Oramas. Caracas, Fondación Cisneros, 2004.
Fragmentos e souvenirs paulistanos. Vol. 1. Published in conjunction with the exhibition at the Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, September 24 - October 22, 2004. Edited by Adriano Pedrosa, with texts by Carlos Basualdo (et al.). São Paulo, Galeria Luisa Strina, 2004.
Imagem sitiada. Exhibition catalogue, Espaço Sesc, Rio de Janeiro, May 4 - 30, 2005, Espaço Sesc, Petrópolis, June 6 - July 4, 2005, Espaço Sesc, Campos, July 09 - August 8, 2005. With texts by Armando Mattos, Daniela Labra, and Juliana Monachesi. Rio de Janeiro, SESC, 2004.
International 04. Exhibition catalogue, Liverpool Biennial, September 18 - November 28, 2004. With texts by Lewis Biggs (et al.). Liverpool, Biennial of Contemporary Art, 2004.
Inverted utopias. Avant-garde art in Latin America. Catalogue published in conjunction with the exhibition at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, June 20 - September 12, 2004. With essays by Mari Carmen Ramírez, Héctor Olea (et al.). New Haven and London, Yale University Press / Houston, Texas, The Museum of Fine Arts, 2004.
Latin american and caribbean art. MoMA at El Museo. Exhibition catalogue, Museo del Barrio, New York, March 4 - July 25, 2004. Edited by Miriam Basilio (et al.), with texts by Garry Garrels (et al.). New York, El Museo del Barrio/Museum of Modern Art, 2004.
Gomes, Dyógenes Chaves. Núcleo de arte contemporânea da Paraíba - NAC. Rio de Janeiro, Funarte, 2004.
Rocha, Daniela de Andrade. O discurso conceitual nas artes plásticas brasileiras da década de 1970: Da visceralidade ao intelectualismo predominante. Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal UFRJ, EBA, 2004.
8th International Istanbul Biennial. Exhibition catalogue, 8th Istanbul Biennale, September 20 - November 16, 2003. Edited by Efza Evrengil, with texts by Dan Cameron (et al.). Istanbul, Foundation for Culture and Arts, 2003.
A subversão dos meios. Exhibition catalogue, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, October 23, 2003 - February 1, 2004. With texts by Maria Alice Milliet and Nancy Betts. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2003.
Arte e sociedade. Uma relação polêmica. Exhibition catalogue, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, April 15 - June 29, 2003. With texts by Aracy Amaral. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2003.
Amaral, Aracy A.. Arte para quê? A preocupação social na arte brasileira 1930-1970. Subsídios para uma história social da arte no Brasil. São Paulo, Studio Nobel, 2003.
Cildo Meireles. Exhibition catalogue, Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain, Strasbourg, France, March 7 - May 18, 2003. With texts by Cécile Dazord (et al.). Strasbourg, Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, 2003.
Ciudad multiple city. Arte > Panama 2003. Arte urbano y ciudades globales: una experiencia en contexto = Urban art and global cities: an experiment in context. Exhibition catalogue, Panama City, 2003. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Adrienne Samos, Carlos Monsivais (et al.). Amsterdam, KIT Publishers, 2003.
Dreams and conflicts. The dictatorship of the viewer. 50th International art exhibition. Exhibition catalogue, 50th Venice Biennial, June 15 - Ocotober 19, 2003. Edited by Francesco Bonami and Maria Luisa Frisa, with contributions by Daniel Birnbaum (et al.). Venice, Marsilio, 2003.
Geo-metrías. Abstracción geométrica latinoamericana en la Colección Cisneros = Geo-Metries. Latin American geometric art from the Cisneros Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Malba, Buenos Aires, March 14 - May 19, 2003. With a text by Ariel Jiménez and an interview between Patricia Phelps de Cisneros and Luis Pérez Oramas. Buenos Aires, Malba, 2003.
História de uma coleção. Arte brasileira entre os anos 1960 e 1980 no acervo do Banco JPMorganChase = History of a collection. Brazilian art among the years 1960 and 1980in the JPMorganChase Bank collection. Corporate collection catalogue, Banco JPMorgan Chase, Rio de Janeiro. Wit texts by Luiz Camillo osorio. Rio de Janeiro, Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio, 2003.
MAC USP 40 Anos. Interfaces contemporáneas. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Contempôranea, São Paulo, April 8 - June 8, 2003. With texts by Elza Ajzenberg (et al.). São Paulo, Museu de Arte Contemporánea, 2003.
Panorama da arte brasileira 2003. 19 Desarranjos. Exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, October 16 - November 30, 2003. WIth texts by Gerardo Mosquera and Adrienne Samos. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2003.
Archivo Pons Artxiboa. Exhibition catalogue, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, Donostia, San Sebastián, Spain, October 17, 2002 - January 11, 2003. With texts by Mónica Amor (et al.). San Sebastián, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, 2002.
Chiarelli, Tadeu. Arte internacional brasileira. São Paulo, Lemos-Editorial, 2002.
Artists from Latin American cultures. A biographical dictionary. By Kristin G.Congdon and Kara Kelley Hallmark. Westport, Conn. and London, Greenwood Press, 2002.
Leal, Carlos (ed.). Ateliês do Rio de Janeiro. With photographs by Reto Guntli, and Agi Somões. Rio de Janeiro, Barléu, 2002.
Caminhos do contemporâneo 1952/2002. Exhibition catalogue, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, July - October 2002. With texts by Lauro Cavalcanti (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Paço Imperial, 2002.
Plas, Els van der. Creating spaces of freedom. Culture in defiance. London, Saqi Books; The Hague, Prince Claus Fund Library, 2002.
Desenhistas e coloristas. Exhibition booklet, published on the occasion of the opening of the Galeria Luisa Strina, March 2000. Curated and with a text by Felipe Chaimovich. São Paulo, Galeria Luisa Strina, 2002.
Do it. Hágalo. Exhibition catalogue, Fundaçion Teorética, Costa Rica, San José, November 2002 - January 2003. With texts by Hans-Ulrich Obrist (et al.). San José, Costa Rica, TEOR/e?Tica, 2002.
Documenta 11, Platform 5: Ausstellungsorte = Exhibition venues. Exhibition catalogue, Documenta, Kassel, Germany, June 8 – September 15, 2002. Edited by Heike Ander, photographed by Werner Maschmann. Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2002.
Documenta 11, Platform 5: Kurzführer Ausstellung = Short guide exhibition. Program, published in conjunction with the Documenta 11, Kassel, Germany, June 8 - September 15, 2002. With texts by Okwui Enwezor (et al.). Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2002.
Documenta 11, Plattform 5: Ausstellung. Katalog. Exhibition catalogue, Documenta 11, Kassel, Germany, June 8 - September 15, 2002. With essays by Okwui Enwezor (et al.). Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2002.
Cocchiarale, Fernando. Mapeamento nacional da produção emergente. Rumos Itaú Cultural Artes Visuais 2001/2003. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2002.
Na paisagem. Colecçao da Fundação de Serralves. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Serralves, Porto, March 13 - April 7, 2002. With texts by Marta Moreira de Almeida (et al.). Porto, Fundaçao Serralves, 2002.
Paralelos. Arte brasileira de segunda metade do século XX em contexto. Colección Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, March 23 - June 16, 2002. With texts by Ariel Jiménez and Mari Carmen Ramírez and an interview with Patricia Phelps de Cisneros by Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2002.
Macrì, Teresa. Postculture. Rome, Meltemi Editore, 2002.
Tempo. Exhibition catalogue, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 29 - September 9, 2002. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff (et al.). New York, Museum of Modern Art, 2002.
Transit. Latin american art at the university gallery. Exhibition catalogue, University of Essex, Colchester, October 3 - November 9, 2002. With texts by Isobel Whitelegg (et al.). Colchester, University of Essex; Palladian Press, 2002.
Vivências. Dialogues between the works of Brazilian artist from 1960s - 2002. Exhibition catalogue, The New Art Gallery, Walsall, April 5 - June 9, 2002, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Art, University of East Anglia, Norwich. With texts by Felicity Lunn (et al.). Walsall, The New Art Gallery; Manchester, Cornerhouse Publications, 2002.
Ars 01: Avautuvia näköaloja = Unfolding perspectives. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, September 30, 2001 - January 20, 2002. With essays by Maaretta Jaukkuri (et al.). Helsinki, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, 2001.
Basbaum, Ricardo. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Texturas, dicções, ficções, estratégias. Rio de Janeiro, Rios Ambiciosos, 2001.
Cildo Meireles, geografia do Brasil. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna Aloísio Magalhães, Recife, December 14, 2001 - February 17, 2002, Museu de Arte Moderna de Bahia, March 1 - April 7, 2002, Espaço Cultural Contemporâneo Venâncio (ECCO), Brasília, May 7 - June 16, 2002. WIth texts by Paulo Herkenhoff and Ileana Pradilla. Rio de Janeiro, Artviva Produção Cultural, 2001.
Da adversidade vivemos = De l'adversité nous vivons. Exhibition catalogue, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, June 1 - September 30, 2001. With texts by Carlos Basualdo (et al.). Paris, Musée d'Art Moderne, 2001.
Doação Paulo Figueiredo. Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo. Exhibition catalogue of the Paulo Figueiredo donation at the Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo. With texts by Tadeu Chiarelli (et al.). São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2001.
El final del eclipse. El arte de América Latina en la transición al siglo XXI. Fundación Telefónica, Madrid, Spain, September 13 - November 18, 2001. With texts by José Jiménez (et al.). Madrid, Fundación Telefónica, 2001.
Lucio Fontana Brasil. Catalogue, published in conjunction with the exhibition at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, November 2001, Brasília, February 2002 and São Paulo, April 2002. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff (et al.). Milan, Edizioni Charta, 2001.
Marulho. Cildo Meireles 1992-2001. Exhibition catalogue, Arte Futura, Brasília, Brazil, August 14 - September 8, 2001. Brasília, Arte Futura e Companhia, 2001.
Barnitz, Jacqueline. Twentieth-Century art of Latin America. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2001.
Versiones del sur. Heterotopías. Eztetyka del sueño. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Palacio de Cristal/Palacio de Velázquez, Madrid, Spain, January 23 - March 25, 2001. With texts by Carlos Basualdo (et al.). Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2001.
Alegoria. Arte brasileira. Século XX. Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo. By Tadeu Chiarelli. São Paulo, Lemos Editorial, 2000.
Rubiano Caballero, Germán. Art of Latin America 1981-2000. New York, Inter-American Development Bank, 2000.
Arte contemporânea = Contemporary art. Mostra do redescobrimento. Parque Ibirapuera, São Paulo, April 23 - September 7, 2000. With texts by Nelson Aguilar (et al.) and a foreword by Edemar Cid Ferreira. São Paulo, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo; Associação Brasil 500 Anos Artes Visuais, 2000.
Rubiano Caballero, Germán. Arte de América Latina 1981-2000. New York, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2000.
Bagoli, Luiz Armando. Arte e artistas plásticos no Brasil 2000. São Paulo, Metalivros, 2000.
Beyond preconceptions. The sixties experiment. Exhibition catalogue, Veletrzni Palac, Prag, November 2, 2000 -January 14,2001, Centro Recoleta, Buenos Aires, April 2001, Museum of Brazilian Art, São Paulo, August 2001, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, September 2001, Berkely Art Museum, October 31, 2001 - January 13, 2002. With texts by Milena Kalinovska (et al.). New York, Independant Curators International, 2000.
Brasil. Plural y singular. Exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires, March - May 2000. With a text by Clelia Taricco. Buenos Aires, Museo de Arte Moderno, 2000.
Cildo Meireles and Lawrence Weiner. The southern cross. As far as the eye can see. Exhibition catalogue, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, August 18 - October 1, 2000, Kunstverein Heilbronn, October 6 - November 26, 2000. With a text by Udo Kittelmann. Cologne, Kölnischer Kunstverein; Heilbronn, Kunstverein, 2000.
Das Lied von der Erde = The song of the earth. Exhibition catalogue, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany, June 10 - October 3, 2000. With texts by Llilian Llanes, Regina Bärthel (et al.). Kassel, Museum Fridericianum, 2000.
Investigações. O trabalho do artista. Exhibition catalogue, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, June 16 - September 24, 2000. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff (et al.). São Paulo, Instituto Itaú Cultural, 2000.
Investigações. O trabalho do artista. DVD. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2000.
Marcas do corpo, dobras da alma = Marks of the body, folds of the soul. Exhibition catalogue, XII Mostra da Gravura de Curitiba, Brazil. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff, Adriano Pedrosa, Frederico Morais (et al.). Curitiba, Mostra da Gravura, 2000.
Other modernities. Foreign investment. Milton Machado, Cildo Meireles, Yinka Shonibare. Exhibition catalogue, The London Institute Gallery, 6 - 29 September 2000. Curated and texts by Oriana Baddeley and Michael Asbury, with contributions by Peter Cross and Guy Brett. London, The London Institute Gallery, 2000.
Outros 500. Highlights of Brazilian contemporary Art in UECLAA. Exhibition catalogue, University of Essex, Colchester, October 2000 - January 2001. With texts by Gabriela Salgado. Colchester, University of Essex; Paladian Press, 2000.
Situações. Arte brasileira. Anos 70. Exhibition catalogue, Fundaçao Casa França-Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, August 16 - September 24, 2000. With an essay by Paula Terra and Glória Ferreira. Rio de Janeiro, Fundaçao Casa França-Brasil, 2000.
Versiones del sur. F[r]icciones. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, December 12, 2000 - March 26, 2001. Edited by Ivo Mesquita and Adriano Pedrosa. Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2000.
Versiones del sur. Heterotopías. Medio siglo sin-lugar 1918 - 1968. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, December 12, 2000 - February 27, 2001. Edited by Mari Carmen Ramírez and Héctor Olea. Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2000.
Versiones del sur. No es sólo lo que ves: pervirtiendo el minimalismo. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, December 12, 2000 - February 19, 2001. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera and Lynn Zelevansky. Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2000.
Vivências. Lebenserfahrung = Life experience. Exhibition catalogue, Generali Foundation, Vienna, September 15 - December 22, 2000. Edited by Sabine Breitwieser, with contributions by Guy Brett (et al.). Cologne, Walther König, 2000.
Leirner, Sheila. Art latino-américain. Au-delà des limites de l'identité = Latin american art. Beyond the limits of identity. Paris, Cie Amérique Latine, 1999.
Herkenhoff, Paulo. Cildo Meireles. London, Phaidon Press, 1999.
Cildo Meireles. Studio K. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, April 9 - June 6, 1999. With a text by Maaretta Jaukkuri. Helsinki, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, 1999.
Alberro, Alexander. Conceptual Art: A critical anthology. Cambridge, Massachusetts/London, MIT Press, 1999.
Cotidiano/Arte. Consumo. Exhibition catalogue, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, November 19, 1999 - February 6, 2000. With texts by Frederico Morais. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1999.
Cotidiano/Arte. Objeto anos 60/90. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, April 8 - May 30, 1999, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, June 16 - August 8, 1999. With texts by Agnaldo Farias and Reynaldo Roels. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1999.
Das vanguardas ao fim do milénio. Exhibition catalogue, Culturgest, Lisboa, Portugal, April 23 - August 1, 1999. With a text by Jorge Glusberg. Lisboa, Culturgest, 1999.
Alvarado, Daisy Valle Machado Peccinini de. Figurações. Brasil anos 60. Neofigurações fantásticas e neo-surrealismo, novo realismo e nova objetividade brasileira. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1999.
Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin, 1950s - 1980s. Exhibition catalogue, Queens Museum of Art, New York, April 28 - August 29, 1999, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, December 19, 1999 - March 5, 2000, Miami Art Museum, September 15 - November 26, 2000.. New York, The Queens Museum of Art, 1999.
Horizontes cambiantes. Cuerpos, redes, voces, tránsitos. Obras de la colección de arte latinoamericano de la Universidad de Essex. Exhibition catalogue, Casa de América, Madrid, March 26 - June 13, 1999. With texts by Dawn Ades (et al.). Madrid, Casa de América, 1999.
Jiménez, José, and Fernando Castro (eds.). Horizontes del arte latinoamericano. Madrid, Tecnos, 1999.
Salgado, Renata. Imagem escrita. Rio de Janeiro, Graal, 1999.
O Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro. With a text by Maria del Carmen Zilio. São Paulo, Banco Safra, 1999.
Por que Duchamp. Leituras duchampians por artistas e críticos brasileiros. Exhibition catalogue, Paço das Artes, São Paulo, April - June 1999. With texts by Vitória Daniela Bousso (et al.). São Paulo, Itaú Cultural; Paço das Artes, 1999.
Newman, Michael. Rewriting conceptual art. London, Reaktion Books Ltd., 1999.
Tridimensionalidade. Arte brasileira. By Annateresa Fabris (et al.). São Paulo, Itáu Cultural and Cosac & Naify, 1999.
Duarte, Paulo Sergio. Anos 60. Transformações da arte no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, Campos Gerais, 1998.
Atelier contemporâneo: Projeto Finep no Paço Imperial. Exhibition catalogue, Atelier Finep at Paço Imperial, 1994-1998. With texts by Lauro Cavalcanti. Brazil, Salamandra, 1998.
Der brasilianische Blick = Um olhar brasileiro. Sammlung Gilberto Chateaubriand. Exhibition catalogue, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, July 3 - September 13, 1998, Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen, October 22 - November 29, 1998, Kunstmuseum Heidenheim, December 13, 1998 - January 31, 1999. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff (et al.). Berlin, Deutsch-Brasilianische Kulturelle Vereinigung e.V., 1998.
Perfil da coleção Itaú. By Stella Teixeira de Barros. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1998.
Profile of the Itaú Collection. By Stella Teixeira de Barros. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1998.
Teoria dos valores. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil, January - February 1998. With texts by Marcio Doctors and Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Museu de arte moderna, 1998.
The garden of forking paths. Contemporary artists from Latin America. Exhibition catalogue, Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, April 25 - June 14, 1998, Edsvik Konst & Kultur, Stockholm, October - December 1998, Helsinki City Art Museum, January - February 1999, Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg (DK), March - April 1999. With texts by Octavio Zaya (et al.). Copenhagen, Kunstforeningen, 1998.
XXIV Bienal de São Paulo. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Um e/entre Outro/s. Exhibition catalogue, 24th São Paulo Biennial, Pavillion Ciccillo Matarazzo, Parque Ibirapuera, October 3 - December 13, 1998. Edited by Adriano Pedrosa and Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Fundaçao Bienal, 1998.
Así está la cosa. Instalación y arte objeto en América Latina. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Arte Contempráneo, México, July 25 - October 20, 1997. With texts by Kurt Hollander, Gerardo Mosquera (et al.). Mexico City, Centro Cultural Arte Contemporáneo, 1997.
Lucie-Smith, Edward. Die Kunst Lateinamerikas. Munich, Lichtenberg Verlag, 1997.
I Bienal de artes visuais do Mercosul = I Bienal de artes visuales del Mercosur. Exhibition catalogue, 1st Biennial of Mercosur, Porto Alegre, October 2 - November 30, 1997. With texts by Frederico Morais (et al). Porto Alegre, Fundação Bienal, 1997.
Gutiérrez Viñuales, Rodrigo, and Ramón Gutiérrez (eds.). Pintura, escultura y fotografía en Iberoamérica, siglos XIX y XX. Madrid, Cátedra, 1997.
Re-Aligning vision: Alternative currents in south american drawing. Exhibition catalogue, El Museo del Barrio, New York, May 7 - September 7, 1997, Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, October 3 - November 14, 1997, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, Austin, Texas, January 16 - March 8, 1998, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, May 10 - July 19, 1998. With essays by Mari Carmen Ramírez (et al.). Austin, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, 1997.
You are here. Re-siting installations. Exhibition catalogue, Henry Moore and Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, April 25 - May 16, 1997. With texts by Michael Petry (et al.). London, Royal College of Art,
Façe à l'histoire 1933 - 1996. L'artiste moderne devant l'événement historique. Exhibition catalogue, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, December 19, 1996 - April 7, 1997. Edited by Jean-Paul Ameline, with essays by Luis Camnitzer (et al.). Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1996.
Art from Brazil in New York. Catalogue, published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Galerie Lelong, Brooke Alexander, Charles Cowles Gallery, The Drawing Center, Marian Goodman Gallery, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, LedisFlam Inc., Robert Miller Gallery, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, Annina Nosei Gallery, Marc Pottier with the Contemporary, all in New York, 1995. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff and Carlos Basualdo. New York, Galerie Lelong, 1995.
Mosquera, Gerardo (ed.). Beyond the Fantastic. Contemporary art criticism from Latin America. With contributions by Néstor García Canclini, Luis Camnitzer, Guillermo Gómez-Peña (et al.). London, Institute of International Visual Arts, 1995.
Cildo Meireles. Exhibition catalogue, IVAM Centre del Carme, February 2 - April 23, 1995, With essays by Bartomeu Marí and Nuria Enguita. Valencia, IVAM Centre del Carme, 1995.
Panorama da arte brasileira 1995. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Ocotber 24 - November 26, 1995, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, December 5 - January 21, 1996. With texts by Ivo Mesquita and Cacilda Teixeira da Costa. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 1995.
XI Mostra da Gravura Cidade de Curitiba. Exhibition catalogue, Curitiba, October 31 - December 29, 1995. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff (et al.). Curitiba, Fundação cultural de Curitiba, 1995.
Bienal Brasil Século XX. Exhibition catalogue, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, April 24 - May 29, 1994. With contributions by Nelson Aguilar (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, 1994.
Die Dichte des Lichts: Zeitgenössische Brasilianische Fotografie = Density of light: Contemporary Brazilian photography. A espessura da luz: Fotografia Brasileira contemporânea. Exhibition catalogue, Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, 1994. With a text by Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Câmara Brasileira do Livro, 1994.
Goldman, Shifra M.. Dimensions of the Americas. Art and social change in Latin America and the United States. Chicago/London, The University of Chicago Press, 1994.
Brasil: Segni d'arte. Libri e video 1950 - 1993. Exhibition catalogue, Fondazione Scientifica Querini Stampalia, Venice, June 10 - August 31, 1993, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Sala Maria Teresa, Milan, September 23 - October 9, 1993, Biblioteca Nazionale, Sala Dantesca, Florence, October 16 - November 6, 1993, Galeria Candido Portinari, Palazzo Pamphili, Rome, November 18 - December 18, 1993. With texts by Lucilla Saccà (et al.). 1993.
L'autre a Montevideo. Homenaje a Isidore Ducasse. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales and Asociación Francesa de Assión Artística, Montevideo, Uruguay, November 10 - December 19, 1993. With an introduction by Angel Kalenberg. Montevideo, Barreiro y Ramos, 1993.
Latin American artists of the twentieth century. Published on the occasion of the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 6 - September 7, 1993. Edited by Waldo Rasmussen with Fatima Bercht and Elizabeth Ferrer. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1993.
Latin American artists of the twentieth century. A selection from the exhibition = Artistas latinoamericanos del siglo XX. Selecciones de la exposición. Published on the occasion of the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 6 - September 7, 1993. With texts by Waldo Rasmussen. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1993.
O desenho moderno no Brasil. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Galeria de Arte do SESI. São Paulo, 1993. With texts by Reynaldo Roels Jr.. São Paulo, SESI, 1993.
America. Bride of the sun. 500 years Latin America and the low countries. Exhibition catalogue, Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp, February 2 - May 31, 1992. With contributions by Paul Vandenbroeck (et al.). Gent, Imschoot books, 1992.
American Visions = Visiones de las Américas. Artistic and cultural identity in the western hemisphere. Edited by Noreen Tomassi, Mary Jane Jacob and Ivo Mesquita, with contributions by Ricardo Forster (et al.). New York, American Council for the Arts and Allworth Press, 1992.
Artistas latinomericanos del siglo XX = Latin American artists of the twentieth century. Exhibition catalogue, Estación Plaza de Armas, Sevilla, Spain, August 11 - October 12, 1992, Centre Georges Pompidou and Hôtel des Arts, Paris, France, November 10/19, 2003 - January 11, 1993, Kunsthalle Cologne, Germany, February 8 - April 25, 1993, Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 6 - September 7, 1993. With an essay by Edward J. Sullivan and an introduction by Waldo Rasmussen. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1992.
Body to earth - Three artists from Brazil. Cildo Meireles, Mario Cravo Neto, Tunga. Exhibition catalogue, Fisher Gallery, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, January 13 - February 20, 1993. With texts by Selma Holo and Susan M. Anderson. Los Angeles, Fisher Gallery, 1992.
Encounters displacements. Luis Camnitzer, Alfredo Jaar, Cildo Meireles. Exhibition catalogue, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, College of Fine Arts, The University of Texas at Austin. Edited by Mari Carmen Ramírez and Beverly Adams, with essays by Jacqueline Barnitz and Paulo Herkenhoff. Austin, Texas, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, 1992.
Viva Brasil viva. Konst fran Brasilien. Exhibition catalogue, Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, April - Juni 1991. With texts by Aracy Amaral (et al.). Stockholm, Liljevalchs; Kulturhuset, 1991.
Transcontinental. An investigation of reality. Nine latin american artists. Waltercio Caldas, Juan Davila, Eugenio Dittborn, Roberto Evangelista, Victor Grippo, Jac Leirner, Cildo Meireles, Tunga, Regina Vater. Catalogue, published in conjunction with the exhibitions held at the Ikon Gallery, Birmingham and Cornerhouse, Manchester, March 24 - April 28, 1990. With texts by Guy Brett (et al.). London/New York, Verso, 1990.
Amarante, Leonor. As bienais de São Paulo, 1951-1987. São Paulo, Projeto, 1989.
Les magiciens de la terre. Exhibition catalogue, Musée Nationale d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou and La Grande Halle-La Villette, Paris, May 18 - August 14, 1989. Edited by Jean Hubert Martin, with contributions by Aline Luque (et al.). Paris, Centre Pompidou, 1989.
Morais, Frederico. Panorama das Artes Plásticas. Séculos XIX e XX. São Paulo, Instituto Cultural Itaú, 1989.
Tunga. Lezarts / Cildo Meireles. Through. Exhibition catalogue, Kunststichting Kanaal, Kortrijk, May 20 - October 22, 1989. With texts by Guy Brett (et al.). Kortrijk, Belgium, Kunststichting Kanaal, 1989.
Brazil projects. Exhibition catalogue, P.S.1, Long Island; New York, April 17 - June 12, 1988. With texts by Paulo Vanzolini, Mário Pedrosa (et al.).
The Latin American spirit: Art and artists in the United States, 1920 - 1970. Exhibition catalogue, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, September 29, 1988 - January 29, 1989, El Paso Museum of Art, Texas, USA, February 27 - April 23, 1989, San Diego Museum of Art, California, USA, May 22 - July 16, 1989, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 14 - October 8, 1989, Center for the Arts, Vero Beach, Florida, USA, January 28, 1990 - March 31, 1990. With essays by Jacinto Quirarte (et al.). New York, The Bronx Museum of the Arts and Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1988.
Missões 300 anos. Avisão do artista. Arte sobre arte: a visão contemporânea das missões. Exhibition catalogue, Foyer superior da Sala Villa Lobos do Teatro Nacional, Brasília, November 26 - December 23, 1987, Escola de Artes Visuais, Rio de Janeiro, January 7 - 24, 1988, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, March 8 - April 3, 1988, Centro Cultural da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, May 2 - 29,1988. With a text by Frederico Morais. São Paulo, Prêmio Editorial, 1987.
Modernidade. Art brésilien du 20e siècle. Exhibition catalogue, Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris, December 10, 1987 - February 14, 1988. With texts by Affonso Romano de Sant'Ana, Aracy Amaral, Roberto Pontual, Frederico Morais (et al.). Paris, Association française d'action artistique, 1987.
Cildo Meireles. Desvio para o vermelho. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo, November 13 - December 14, 1986. Texts by Aracy Amaral and Sônia Salzstein Goldberg. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Contemporânea, 1986.
Obscura luz. Obscure Light. Cildo Meireles. Exhibition brochure, Galeria Saramenha, Rio de Janeiro, October 3 - 17, 1983, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, October 11 - 31, 1983.. Rio de Janeiro, Galeria Saramenha, 1983.
Gottlieb, Carla. La iconografía en el arte contemporáneo. Coloquio internacional de Xalapa. Mexico City, Universidad Nacional Autónoma, 1982.
10e Biennale de Paris. Amérique latine. Exhibition catalogue, 10th Paris Biennial, 1977. With texts by Angel Kalenberg and Severo Sarduy, with an introduction by Georges Boudaille. 1977.
L'art brésilien. São Paulo, Ministerio das Relações Exteriores do Brasil, 1976.