Nació en 1958 en Bogotá, Colombia
Vive y trabaja en Bogotá, Colombia
Doris Salcedo
Las obras de Doris Salcedo no son materia fácil para el observador superficial. Su objetivo es hacer perceptible la “violencia universal” en sus obras y crear monumentos conmemorativos que inciten al recogimiento y a la introspección y que, a la vez, den lugar a recuerdos de diversa naturaleza (individuales como universales), como posible premisa para reorientaciones y cuestionamientos necesarios.
Salcedo trabaja con minuciosidad y premeditación, no deja lugar al azar; cada detalle cuenta. A menudo trabaja con muebles que remiten directamente al ser humano pero que adquieren en sus manos una cualidad abstracta. Con gran sutileza crea una simbología y alcanza la necesaria trascendencia para su obra.
Noviembre 6 se refiere al enfrentamiento sangriento en el violento ataque al Palacio de Justicia colombiano en 1985. La obra consta de sillas y taburetes de diversos metales, enganchados unos con otros. Elementos antagónicos dominan una escena amenazadoramente tranquila, lo blando contrasta con lo duro, la vulnerabilidad y fragilidad van de la mano con la violencia. Lo disfuncional, la desorientación, así como la total negación del material empleado se vuelven manifiestos. Es vano querer ocupar las sillas: esta instalación agobiante pero a la vez conmovedora se convierte en metáfora del encarcelamiento, de la tortura y del desplazamiento, y conmemora a todos aquellos a quienes se les niega estar en su lugar y vivir en paz.
Hans-Michael Herzog
Campo a través. Arte colombiano en la Colección del Banco de la República. Exhibition catalogue, Sala Alcalá 31, and Casa Museo Lope de Vega, Madrid, Spain, Feburary 20 - April 22, 2018. With texts by Estrella de Diego. Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, 2018.
Home - So different, so appealing. Exhibition catalogue, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, June 11 - October 15, 2017, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA, November 17, 2017 - January 21, 2018. With texts by Mari Carmen Rodríguez, Chon A. Noriega, and Pilar Tompkins Rivas. Los Angeles, UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press, 2017.
Thomas Fischer/Susanne Klengel/Eduardo Pastrana Buelvas (Eds). Kolumbien heute. Politik – Wirtschaft – Kultur. Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2017.
Manifestos and polemics in Latin American Modern Art. Edited and translated by Patrick Frank. Albuquerque, University of Mexico Press, 2017.
Platter, Johanna. Mitleiden, Mitwissen, Mitfühlen. Über das Moment der körperlichen Wahrnehmung in den Werken von Teresa Margolles und Doris Salcedo. Freiburg im Breisgau, modo Verlag, 2017.
Amirsadeghi, Hossein (ed.). Contemporary art Colombia. With texts by Christine Barthe, and Jaime Cerón. London, Thames & Hudson, 2016.
Doris Salcedo. The materiality of mourning. Exhibition catalogue, Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, November 4, 2016 - April 9, 2017. With texts by Mary Schneider Enriquez, Narayan Khandekar, and the artist. Cambridge, MA, Harvard Art Museums, 2016.
Colección Daros Latinamerica. Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina. July - September 2015. With texts by Rodrigo Alonso, Katrin Steffen, Hans-Michael Herzog (et. al.). Buenos Aires, Fundación Proa, 2015.
Obrist, Hans Ulrich. Conversations in Colombia. Anañam-Yoh-Reya. Edited by Karen Marta. Bogotá, La Oficina del Doctor, Casas Riegner, 2015.
Doris Salcedo. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, February 21 - May 24, 2015, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, June 26 - October 7, 2015, Pérez Art Museum, Miami, May 6 - October 23, 2016. With texts by Madeleine Grynsztejn, Julie Rodrigues Widholm (et al.). Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2015.
Ready, Sylvia, and Bárbara Becker. Entender el arte contemporáneo = Understand contemporary art. Santiago, Chile, Contrapunto, 2015.
Schirinian, Victoria. Esto no es Latinoamérica. Colección Daros. In: Barzón. Explorando el mundo contemporáneo, September 2015, pp. 82-91. Buenos Aires, Revista Barzón, 2015.
Rosauro Ruiz, Elena. Historia y violencia en el Sur americano. Prácticas artísticas, 1992-2012. Tesis doctoral. Madrid, Universidad Autónoma, 2015.
Barnitz, Jacqueline. Twentieth-Century art of Latin America. Revised and expanded edition. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2015.
Realidades en conflicto = Realities in conflict. Exhibition catalogue, Espacio ArtNexus, Bogotá, Colombia, June 12 - September 9, 2014. With texts by Francine Birbragher, and Oscar Roldán-Alzate. Bogotá, Arte en Colombia, 2014.
Aliento. Arte de Colombia. Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Kolumbien. Exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseum Bochum, Germany, November 23, 2013 - February 2, 2014. With texts by Hans Günter Golinski, Sarah Poppel (et al.). Bochum, Kunstmuseum, 2013.
Aliento. Arte de Colombia. Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Kolumbien. Exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseum Bochum, Germany, November 23, 2013 - February 2, 2014. With texts by Hans Günter Golinski, Sarah Poppel (et al.). Bochum, Kunstmuseum, 2013.
Candela, Iria. Art in Latin America 1990-2010. London, Tate, 2013.
Biennials and beyond - exhibitions that made art history. 1962-2002. Conceived and edited by Phaidon editors and Bruce Altshuler, introductory esssay and chapter introductions by Bruce Altshuler. London, Phaidon, 2013.
Cantos Cuentos Colombianos. Arte contemporânea colombiana. Exhibition catalogue, Casa Daros, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, March 23 - September 8, 2013. With interviews with the artists by Hans-Michael Herzog. Rio de Janeiro, Cobogó, 2013.
Jiménez Moreno, Carlos. La escena sin fin. El arte en la era de su big bang. Murcia, Editorial Micromegas, 2013.
Vajay, Sigismond de. Of bridges and borders vol. II. Zürich, JRP Ringier, 2013.
Order, chaos, and the space between. Contemporary Latin American Art from the Diane and Bruce Halle collection. Collection catalogue. With texts by Beverly Adams (et al.). Phoenix, Phoenix Art Museum, 2013.
Aznar, Yayo, and Pablo Martínez (eds.). Arte actual. Lecturas para un espectador inquieto. Móstoles, Madrid, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, 2012.
Speranza, Gabriela. Atlas portátil de América Latina. Arte y ficciones errantes. Barcelona, Anagrama, 2012.
Candela, Iria. Contraposiciones. Arte contemporáneo en Latinoamérica 1990-2010. Madrid, Alianza, 2012.
Doris Salcedo. Plegaria muda. Exhibition catalogue, MAXXI Arte, Rome, Italy, March 15 - June 24, 2012. With texts by Mieke Bal, Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). Milano, Electa, 2012.
Roca, José, and Sylvia Suárez. Transpolítico. Arte en Colombia 1992-2012 = Transpolitical art in Colombia 1992-2012. Barcelona and Madrid, Lunwerg, 2012.
crisisss... América Latina, arte y confrontación. 1920-2010. Exhibition catalogue, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, March 12 - June 5, 2011. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Luis Camnitzer, Aracy Amaral, Karen Cordero Reiman (et al.). Mexico City, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, 2012.
ArtNexus Brasil en Colombia. Artnexus, Arte en Colombia. Antología de textos. Edited by Adriano Pedrosa. Bogotá, ArtNexus / Arte en Colombia, 2011.
Cosmopolitan routes. Houston collects Latinamerican art. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, October 24, 2010 - February 6, 2011. With texts by Mari Carmen Ramírez and Gilbert Vicario. Houston, MFAH, 2011.
Garzón, Diego. De lo que somos. 110 obras para acercarse al arte contemporáneo colombiano. Barcelona, Lunwerg, 2011.
Doris Salcedo. Plegaria muda. Exhibition catalogue, Moderna Museet, Malmö, Sweden, May 21 - September 4, 2011, CAM - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, Portugal, November 9, 2011 - January 22, 2012. With texts by Mieke Bal, Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). Munich, Prestel, 2011.
Uzcátegui Araújo, Judit. El imaginario de la casa en cinco artistas contemporáneas: Remedios Varo, Louise Bourgeois, Marjetica Potr?, Doris Salcedo y Sydia Reyes. Madrid, Eutelequia, 2011.
Entre chien et loup. Works from the Meana Larrucea Collection. Collection catalogue. With texts by Guillermo Paneque (et al.). Madrid, Iberdrola, 2011.
Maraloto. El ojo del coleccionista. Exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte Banco de la República, Bogotá, Colombia, August 4 - October 30, 2011. With texts by Ana Sokoloff, Julieta González (et al.). Bogotá, Banco de la República, 2011.
Wu, Chin-Tao. Scars and faultlines. The art of Doris Salcedo. In: New Left Review, 69, Second Series, May-June 2011, pp. 61-77.
Al calor del pensamiento. Obras de la Daros Latinamerica Collection = Al calor del pensamiento. Works from the Daros Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Banco Santander, Madrid, Spain, February 3 - April 30, 2010. With texts by Katrin Steffen (et al.). Madrid, Fundación Banco Santander, 2010.
Contemporary Art in Latin America. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Luis Camnitzer, Guy Brett (et al.) and a conversation between Gabriela Salgado and Guillermo Gómez-Peña. London, Black Dog, 2010.
Giraldo Escobar, Sol Astrid. Cuerpo de mujer: modelo para armar. Beca de creación ensayo - mujer 2009. Medellín, La Carreta, 2010.
Bal, Mieke. Of what one cannot speak. Doris Salcedo’s political art. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2010.
Valencia, Luis Fernando. Qué es la experiencia estética? Hechos artísticos e ideas estéticas en la obra de cuatro artistas colombianos. Germán Botero, Beatriz González, Miguel Ángel Rojas, Doris Salcedo Medellín, La Carreta, 2010.
SITAC VII. Simposio Internacional de Teoría sobre Arte Contemporáneo. Sur, sur, sur, sur = South, south, south, south. Mexico City, Patronato de Arte Contemporáneo PAC, 2010.
Suárez, Juana. Sitios de contienda: producción cultural colombiana y el discurso de la violencia. Madrid, Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert, 2010.
The new décor. Exhibition catalogue, The Hayward Gallery, London, June 19 - September 5, 2010, The Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Moscow, October 2010 - January 2011. With texts by Ralph Rugoff (et al.). London, Hayward Publishing,
Lehmann, Stefan. Back to the city. Strategies for informal urban interventions. Collabortion between artists and architects. Edited by Steffen Lehmann, with essays by Angela Philp (et al.)
Caderno SESC_Videobrasil 05. Clio, pátria. São Paulo, Edições SESC SP, Associação Cultural Videobrasil, 2009.
Latin America. Auction catalogue, Phillips de Pury, New York, October 3, 2009. With texts and an interview with Vik Muniz by Karen Wright. New York, Phillips de Pury, 2009.
Márceles Daconte, Eduardo. Los recursos de la imaginación. Artes visuales de la región andina de Colombia. Barranquilla, Fundación Amigos del Arte del Caribe, 2009.
Thea, Carolee. On curating. Interviews with ten international curators. New York, D.A.P. / Distributed Art Publishers, 2009.
Respect Women. Respect the world. Contemporary artists on violence against women. Exhibition catalogue, International Conference on Violence against Women, Rome, Italy, September, 2009. With a text by Cristiana Perrella. Roma, International Conference on Violence against Women, 2009.
Cullen, Deborah. Arte no es vida. Actions by artists of the Americas 1960 - 2000. New York, El Museo del Barrio, 2008.
Através. Inhotim. Exhibition/collection catalogue, Inhotim, Brumadinho, Brazil. With texts by Adriano Pedrosa, Jochen Volz, Rodrigo Moura (et al.). Brumadinho, Instituto Cultural Inhotim, 2008.
Fernández Uribe, Carlos Arturo. Arte en Colombia 1981-2006. Antioquia, Editorial Universidad de Antioquia, 2007.
González, Miguel. Cali. Visiones y miradas. Cali, Feriva, 2007.
Constructing a poetic universe: The Diane and Bruce Halle collection of Latin American Art. Exhibition catalogue, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA, March 11 - June 10, 2007. With texts by Beverly Adams (et al.). London/New York, Merrell Publishers, 2007.
Doris Salcedo. Exhibition catalogue, White Cube, London, September 15 - October 20, 2007. With a text by Rod Mengham. London, White Cube, 2007.
Doris Salcedo. Shibboleth. Exhibition catalogue, Tate Modern, London, October 9, 2007 - April 6, 2008. With texts by Mieke Bal (et al.). London, Tate Publishing, 2007.
Olivares, Rosa (ed.). 100 artistas Latinoamericanos = 100 Latin American artists. Madrid, Exit, 2006.
Guerra y pá. Simposio sobre la situación social, política y artística en Colombia / Simpósio sobre a situação social, política e artística na Colômbia / Symposium on the social, political and artistic situation of Colombia. Published in conjunction with the symposium held at the Kunsthaus Zürich, January 29, 2005. With an introduction by Eugenio Valdés Figueroa. Zürich, Daros-Latinamerica, 2006.
Invenção de mundos. Coleção Marcantonio Vilaça. Collection catalogue. With texts by Moacir dos Anjos, and Ileana Pradilla Ceron. Recife, Instituto Cultural Banco Real, 2006.
Transactions. Contemporary Latin American and Latino art. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, September 17, 2006 - May 13, 2007, Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, October 6 - December 30, 2007, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, February 9 - May 4, 2008, Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, June 22 - September 21, 2008. With an essay by Stephanie Hanor. San Diego, California, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2006.
Arte Américas. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Correios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 12 - September 25, 2005. With a text by Paulo Herkenhoff. Rio de Janeiro, Centro Cultural Correios, 2005.
Beyond delirious. Architecture in selected photographs from the Ella Fontanals Cisneros collection. Indeterminate states. Video in the Ella Fontanals Cisneros collection = Más allá del delirio, Estados indeterminados. Exhibition catalogue, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami, USA, November 30, 2005 - February 3, 2006. With texts by Christopher Phillips and Michael Rush. Miami, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, 2005.
Insite 05. Farsites. Urban crisis and domestic symptoms in recent contemporary art = Sitios distantes. Crisis urbanas y síntomas domésticos en el arte contemporáneo reciente (inSite 05). Exhibition catalogue, San Diego Museum of Art and Centro Cultural Tijuana, August 27 - November 13, 2005. With texts by Adriano Pedrosa (et al.). San Diego, Museum of Art/inSite; Tijuana, Centro Cultural, 2005.
Las Horas. Artes Visuales de América Latina contemporánea = The Hours. Visual arts of contemporary Latin America. Exhibition catalogue, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, October 5, 2005 - January 15, 2006. With texts by Sebastián López, Eugenio Valdés Figueroa and Hans-Michael Herzog. Zürich, Daros Latinamerica / Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2005.
The Pantagruel Syndrome. Exhibition catalogue, T1 TorinoTriennaleTremusei, November 9, 2005 - March 19, 2006. With texts by Francesco Bonami (et al.). Milan, Skyra, 2005.
Cantos Cuentos Colombianos. Arte Colombiano Contemporáneo. Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2004.
Malin, Regula. Cantos Cuentos Colombianos. Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Kolumbien. Zürich, Daros Art Education, 2004.
Tawadros, Gilane. Changing States. Contemporary art and ideas in an era of globalisation. London, Institute of International Visual Arts, 2004.
Contemporary art and Latin America. Selections from the Diane and Bruce Halle collection. Exhibition catalogue, Tucson Museum of Art, March 25 - July 4, 2004, Richard E. Peeler Art Center, DePauw University, September 15 - December 12, 2004. With a text by Beverly Adams. Tucson, Tucson Museum of Art, 2004.
Doris Salcedo. Neither. Exhibition catalogue, White Cube, London, September 10 - October 17, 2004. With a text by Carlos Basualdo. London, White Cube, 2004.
Ponce de León, Carolina. Efecto mariposa. Ensayos sobre arte en Colombia 1985-2000. Bogotá, Alcaldía Mayor; Instituto Distrital de Cultura y Turismo, 2004.
Latin american and caribbean art. MoMA at El Museo. Exhibition catalogue, Museo del Barrio, New York, March 4 - July 25, 2004. Edited by Miriam Basilio (et al.), with texts by Garry Garrels (et al.). New York, El Museo del Barrio/Museum of Modern Art, 2004.
8th International Istanbul Biennial. Exhibition catalogue, 8th Istanbul Biennale, September 20 - November 16, 2003. Edited by Efza Evrengil, with texts by Dan Cameron (et al.). Istanbul, Foundation for Culture and Arts, 2003.
Archivo Pons Artxiboa. Exhibition catalogue, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, Donostia, San Sebastián, Spain, October 17, 2002 - January 11, 2003. With texts by Mónica Amor (et al.). San Sebastián, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, 2002.
Artists from Latin American cultures. A biographical dictionary. By Kristin G.Congdon and Kara Kelley Hallmark. Westport, Conn. and London, Greenwood Press, 2002.
Documenta 11, Platform 5: Ausstellungsorte = Exhibition venues. Exhibition catalogue, Documenta, Kassel, Germany, June 8 – September 15, 2002. Edited by Heike Ander, photographed by Werner Maschmann. Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2002.
Documenta 11, Platform 5: Kurzführer Ausstellung = Short guide exhibition. Program, published in conjunction with the Documenta 11, Kassel, Germany, June 8 - September 15, 2002. With texts by Okwui Enwezor (et al.). Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2002.
Documenta 11, Plattform 5: Ausstellung. Katalog. Exhibition catalogue, Documenta 11, Kassel, Germany, June 8 - September 15, 2002. With essays by Okwui Enwezor (et al.). Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2002.
Espacio C. Arte contemporáneo Camargo 2001. Espacio interdisciplinar internacional de arte contemporáneo = Interdisciplinary international contemporary art space. Exhibition catalogue, Espacio C, Arte Contemporáneo Camargo, Santander, 2001. With texts by Orlando Britto Jinorio, Carolina Ponce de León (et al.). Santander, Espacio C, 2002.
Iriarte, María Elvira, and Eliana Ortega (eds.). Espejos que dejan ver. Mujeres en las artes visuales latinoamericanas (Ediciones de las mujeres, No. 33). Santiago, Chile, Isis International, 2002.
International center for the arts of the Americas. Collecting Latin American art for the 21st Century. Edited by Mari Carmen Ramírez and Theresa Papanikolas, with contributions by Tomás Ybarra-Frausto (et al.). Houston, International Center for the Arts of the Americas, 2002.
Lateral Thinking. Art of the 1990s. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, La Jolla, September 16, 2001 - January 13, 2002, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, September 27, 2002 - January 4, 2003, Hood Museum, Dartmouth University, Hanover, New Hampshire, January 3 - March 14, 2004, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, Ohio, July 17 - Octobe 17, 2004. With texts by Toby Kamps (et al.). San Diego, California, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2002.
Ars 01: Avautuvia näköaloja = Unfolding perspectives. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, September 30, 2001 - January 20, 2002. With essays by Maaretta Jaukkuri (et al.). Helsinki, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, 2001.
Arte Colombiano. 3.500 años de historia. Edited by Benjamín Villegas, with a text by Santiago Londoño Vélez. Bogotá, Villegas Editores, 2001.
Fråvær = Absences. Exhibition catalogue, Riksutstillingar, Oslo, Norway, 2001. With texts by David Elliot and Ian Cole. Oslo, Riksutstillingar, 2001.
Versiones del sur. Heterotopías. Eztetyka del sueño. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Palacio de Cristal/Palacio de Velázquez, Madrid, Spain, January 23 - March 25, 2001. With texts by Carlos Basualdo (et al.). Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2001.
A quietude da terra. Vida cotidiana, arte contemporânea e projeto Axé. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador, July 7 - August 20, 2000. With texts by France Morin (et al.). Salvador, Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, 2000.
Rubiano Caballero, Germán. Art of Latin America 1981-2000. New York, Inter-American Development Bank, 2000.
Rubiano Caballero, Germán. Arte de América Latina 1981-2000. New York, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2000.
Merewether, Charles. Converge. Miami Art Museum. Miami Art Museum, 2000.
Princenthal, Nancy. Doris Salcedo. London, Phaidon Press, 2000.
Fresh cream. Contemporary art in culture. 10 curators, 10 writers, 100 artists. New York, Phaidon Press, 2000.
Proyecto pentágono. Investigaciones sobre arte contemporáneo en Colombia. Catalogue, published in conjunction with 5 exhibitions in Colombia. With texts by Miguel Rojas Sotelo (et al.). Santafé de Bogotá, Ministerio de Cultura, 2000.
Summarium 3. Estéticas de fin de siglo. Santa Fe, Argentina, Centro Transdisciplinario de Investigaciones de Estética, 2000.
Arte y violencia en Colombia desde 1948. Exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, May - July 1999. With texts by Álvaro Medina (et al.). Bogotá, Museo de Arte Moderno, 1999.
Jiménez, José, and Fernando Castro (eds.). Horizontes del arte latinoamericano. Madrid, Tecnos, 1999.
Trace. 1st Liverpool Biennial of International Contemporary Art. Exhibition catalogue, 1st Liverpool Biennial, September 24 - November 7, 1999. With texts by Anthony Bond, Charles Merewether and Susan Best. Liverpool, Tate Gallery Liverpool, 1999.
Unland. Doris Salcedo. New work. Exhibition catalogue, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, February 18 - April 27, 1999. Text by Charles Merewether. San Francisco, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1999.
Displacements: Balka, Salcedo, Whiteread. Exhibition catalogue, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, April 8 - July 26, 1998. With texts by Jessica Bradley and Andreas Huyssen. Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, 1998.
Doris Salcedo. Exhibition catalogue, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, March 19 - May 31, 1998, Site Santa Fe, August 15 - October 18, 1998. With essays by Dan Cameron and Charles Merewether. New York, New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1998.
XXIV Bienal de São Paulo. Roteiros. Roteiros. Roteiros. Roteiros. Roteiros. Roteiros. Roteiros. Exhibition catalogue, 24th São Paulo Biennial, Pavillion Ciccillo Matarazzo, Parque Ibirapuera, October 3 - December 13, 1998. Edited by Adriano Pedrosa and Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Fundaçao Bienal, 1998.
Así está la cosa. Instalación y arte objeto en América Latina. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Arte Contempráneo, México, July 25 - October 20, 1997. With texts by Kurt Hollander, Gerardo Mosquera (et al.). Mexico City, Centro Cultural Arte Contemporáneo, 1997.
Gutiérrez Viñuales, Rodrigo, and Ramón Gutiérrez (eds.). Pintura, escultura y fotografía en Iberoamérica, siglos XIX y XX. Madrid, Cátedra, 1997.
Distemper. Dissonant themes in the art of the 1990s. Exhibition catalogue, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., June 20 - September 15, 1996. With texts by Neal Benezra and Olga M. Viso. New York, Distributed Art Publishers, 1996.
Propositions. Exhibition catalogue. Musée départemental d'art contemporain, Rochechouart, 1996. With texts by Nancy Spector (et al.). Rochechouart, Musée départemental d'art contemporain, 1996.
Welchman, John. Rethinking Borders. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Sin fronteras. Arte Latinoamericano actual. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Alejandro Otero, Caracas, Venezuela, November 11, 1996 - March 16, 1997. With essays by Tahía Rivero, Miguel Miguel and Mónica Amor. Caracas, Museo Alejandro Otero, 1996.
About place: recent art from the Americas. Exhibition catalogue, Art Institute of Chicago, March 11 - May 21, 1995. With essays by Madeleine Grynsztein and Dave Hickey. New York, Distributed Art Publishers, 1995.
Cocido y crudo. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, December 14, 1994 - March 6, 1995. With texts by Jerry Saltz (et al.). Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 1995.
Una visión del arte contemporáneo venezolano. Colección Ignacio y Valentina Oberto. Collection catalogue. With texts by Ignacio Enrique Oberto F., Luis Angel duque, María Luz Cárdenas (et al.). Caracas, Fundación Noa Noa, 1995.
Pulsiones. Exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte Moderno La Tertulia, Cali, Colombia, 1993. With a text by Miguel González. Cali, Museo de Arte Moderno La Tertulia, 1993.
Ante América. Exhibition catalogue, Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, Bogotá, 1992. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera (et al.). Bogotá, Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, 1992.
Ulf Rollof, Doris Salcedo, Cecile Huber, Liliana Moro, Marianna Uutinen. Exhibition catalogue, Shedhalle Zurich, March 29 - May 17, 1992. With texts by Harm Lux and Edith Krebs. Zurich, Shedhalle, 1992.
Cuarta Bienal de la Habana 1991. Catalogo. Exhibition catalogue, 4th Habana Biennial, Centro Wifredo Lam, 1991. Edited by Nelson Herrera Ysla, with texts by Llilian Llanes (et al.). La Habana, Editorial Letras Cubanas, 1991.
Calderón Schrader, Camilo (ed.). 50 años - Salón nacional de artistas. Bogotá, Colcultura, 1990.
Arte Colombiano de los 80's. Obras tridimensionales. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Colombo Americano, 1990. With a text by Germán Rubiano Caballero. Bogotá, Centro Colombo Americano, 1990.
Nuevos nombres. Seguimento. Exhibition catalogue, Biblioteca Luis-Ángel Arango, Bogotá, Colombia, 1990. With texts by Carolina Ponce de León and the artists. Bogotá, Banco de la República, Biblioteca Luis-Ángel Arango, 1990.
Nuevas tendencias. Exhibition catalogue, Galería Ventana, Cali, March 8, 1988. WIth a text by Carolina Ponce de León. Cali, Galería Ventana, 1988.