Born in 1944 in Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
Died in 2018 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Antonio Dias
Antonio Dias emerged on the art scene in the 1960s with ironic, socio-critical works that reflected aspects of Pop Art. The existentialist approach of the artist goes far beyond a mere reproduction of the world of merchandise and consumerism by incorporating the themes of eros, sex, and political oppression.
Dias left Brazil for Europe in 1966, during the military dictatorship. The bronze cobblestones bearing the handling instructions To the police, from 1968, were created while the artist was living in Paris and at the point when the student movements in Europe had reached their height. In Milan during the 1970s, Dias predominantly developed a conceptual, multimedia-based oeuvre fraught with formal elegance, in which he interweaves political issues with intrinsically artistic reflections and personal impressions. Works such as The Occupied Country and the diptych Environment for the Prisoner: The Day/The Night, both from 1970, are not merely to be interpreted within the context of the military dictatorship in Brazil. They are also to be seen with regard to a generally valid, esthetic transformation of open and covert oppression.
Antonio Dias’ artistic statements are never one-dimensional. Instead, he imbues his works with an enigmatic state of uncertainty: open, dynamic, sensual, ironic, committed to the social situation, and with subversive force. Indeed, the artist is unwilling to tie himself down. With his great love of experimentation, he employs a wide variety of techniques and materials in order to reveal more and more levels of meaning. In so doing, he has inscribed himself into the Brazilian cultural landscape, where he has long counted among the country’s most important artists.
Katrin Steffen
Imdahl, Georg. Explotación. Santiago Sierra y la historicidad del arte contemporáneo. Cáceres, Museo Helga de Alvear, 2020. (German original edition 2018)
Arte latinoamericano siglo XX. Colección MALBA. Collection catalogue. Buenos Aires, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano MALBA, 2018.
Cultura brasileira hoje. Diálogos. Edited by Flora Süssekind, and Tânia Dias. Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa, 2018. (Vol. 1)
Memorias del subdesarrollo. Arte y el giro decolonial en América Latina, 1960-1985 = Memories of underdevelopment. Art and the decolonial turn in Latin America, 1960-1985. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, USA, September 17, 2017 - February 4, 2018, Museo Jumex, Mexico City, March 21 - September 9, 2018, Museo de Arte de Lima, Peru, November 20, 2018 - February 23, 2019. With texts by Julieta González, Sharon Lerner, Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, and Andrea Giunta. San Diego, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2018.
Arte e mercado no Brasil = Art and market in Brazil. With texts by Cesar Cunha Campos, Paulo Herkenhoff, Felipe Scovino, Ligia Canongia (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, FGV Projetos, 2016.
Hélio Oiticica. To organize delirium. Exhibition catalogue, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, October 1, 2016 - January 2, 2017, The Art Institute of Chicago, February 19 - May 7, 2017, Withney Museum of American Art, New York, USA, July 14 - October 1, 2017. With texts by Lynn Zelevansky, Adele Nelson, Guilherme Wisnik, Sérgio B. Martins, Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz (et al.). Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum of Art / Munich, Prestel DelMonico, 2016.
Verboamérica. Collection catalogue, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. With texts by Agustín Pérez Rubio, and Andrea Giunta. Buenos Aires, MALBA, 2016.
Antonio Dias. With texts by Achille Bonito Oliva, Paulo Sérgio Duarte. São Paulo, Cosac Naify / APC, 2015.
Dark Mirror. Art from Latinamerica since 1968. Works from the Daros Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany, September 26, 2015 - January 31, 2016. Edited by Ralf Beil and Holger Broeker. Wolfsburg, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 2015.
Dark Mirror. Lateinamerikanische Kunst seit 1968. Werke aus der Daros Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany, September 26, 2015 - January 31, 2016. Edited by Ralf Beil and Holger Broeker. Wolfsburg, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 2015.
International Pop. Exhibition catalogue, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, April 11 - August 29, 2015, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, October 11, 2015 - January 17, 2016, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA, February 18 - May 15, 2016. With texts by Olga Viso, María José Herrera, Claudia Calirman (et al.). Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, 2015.
Made in Brasil (English). Exhibiton brochure, Casa Daros, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, March 21 - August 9, 2015. With a text by Hans-Michael Herzog and Katrin Steffen. Rio de Janeiro, Casa Daros, 2015.
Made in Brasil (Português). Exhibiton brochure, Casa Daros, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, March 21 - August 9, 2015. With a text by Hans-Michael Herzog and Katrin Steffen. Rio de Janeiro, Casa Daros, 2015.
Made in Brasil. Encontros 5. Art education publication accompanying the exhibition at Casa Daros, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, March 21 - August 9, 2015. With texts by Bia Jabor, Marcelo Campos, and Roberta Condeixa. Rio de Janeiro, Casa Daros, 2015.
Mário Pedrosa: Primary Documents. Edited by Glória Ferreira and Paulo Herkenhoff, translation by Stephen Berg. New York, Museum of Modern Art, 2015.
The world goes pop. Exhibition catalogue, Tate Modern, London, September 17, 2015 - January 24, 2016. With texts by Jessica Morgan, Giulia Lamoni, Mercedes Trelles-Hernández, Kalliopi Minioudaki (et. al.). New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University Press, 2015.
Barnitz, Jacqueline. Twentieth-Century art of Latin America. Revised and expanded edition. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2015.
A tara por livros ou a tara de papel. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria Bergamin, São Paulo, Brasil, March 18 - April 17, 2014. Curated by Ricardo Sardenberg. São Paulo, Galeria Bergamin, 2014.
Antonio Dias. Potência da pintura. Exhibition catalogue, Fundação Iberê Camargo, Porto Alegre, Brasil, March 14 - May 18, 2014. With texts by Paulo Sergio Duarte. Porto Alegre, Fundação Iberê Camargo, 2014.
Resistance performed. An anthology on aesthetic strategies under repressive regimes in Latin America. Exhibition catalogue, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich, Switzerland, November 21, 2015 - February 7, 2016. With texts by Heike Munder, Cristiana Tejo, Nelly Richard, Miguel A López, and Rodrigo Alonso. Zürich, JRP Ringier, 2014.
Antonio Dias. Aquarelas e colagens. With a text by Paulo Sergio Duarte. Rio de Janeiro, Multiplo Espaço Arte, 2013.
Biennials and beyond - exhibitions that made art history. 1962-2002. Conceived and edited by Phaidon editors and Bruce Altshuler, introductory esssay and chapter introductions by Bruce Altshuler. London, Phaidon, 2013.
Parente, André. Cinemáticos. Cinema de artista no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, +2 Editora, 2013.
Martins, Sergio B.. Constructing an Avant-Garde. Art in Brazil. Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 2013.
Cor, cordis. Mostra do acervo. Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná. Collection catalogue, May 22 - September 22, 2013, Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil. With a text by Angélica de Moraes. Curitiba, Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná, 2013.
Order, chaos, and the space between. Contemporary Latin American Art from the Diane and Bruce Halle collection. Collection catalogue. With texts by Beverly Adams (et al.). Phoenix, Phoenix Art Museum, 2013.
Pucu, Izabela, and Jacqueline Medeiros (eds.). Roberto Pontual. Obra crítica. Rio de Janeiro, Azougue, 2013.
Rubens Gerchman. O rei do mau gosto. Edited by Clara Gerchman. With texts by Frederico Morais, Paulo Sergio Duarte (et al.) and correspondences with Hélio Oiticica, Antonio Dias (et al.). São Paulo, J.J. Carol, 2013.
1911-2011 Arte brasileira e depois, na Coleção Itaú. Collection catalogue. With texts by Teixeira Coelho. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2012.
3ra Trienal Poli/Gráfica de San Juan: América Latina y el Caribe. Exhibition catalogue, Galería Nacional, Museo Casa Blanca, Antiguo Arsenal de la Marina Española, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 28 - August 28, 2012. With texts by Deborah Cullen, Ursula Dávila-Villa (et al.). San Juan, Puerto Rico, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, 2012.
Aberto fechado. Caixa e livro na arte brasileira = The enclosed openness. Box and book in Brazilian art. Exhibition catalogue, Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo, Brazil, October 20, 2012 - January 13, 2013. With texts by Guy Brett, Frederico Morais and Ana Paula Cohen. São Paulo, Pincoteca do Estado, 2012.
Arte de contradicciones. Pop, realismos y política. Brasil - Argentina 1960. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July - September 2012. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff, Rodrigo Alonso (et al.). Buenos Aires, Proa, 2012.
Amirsadeghi, Hossein. Contemporary art Brazil. London, TransGlobe Publishing, 2012.
Diegues, Isabel, and Frederico Coelho (eds.). Desdobramentos da pintura brasileira Séc. XXI. Rio de Janeiro, Cobogó, 2012.
Gravura em campo expandido. Exhibition catalogue, Estação Pinacoteca, São Paulo, Brasil, April 21 - July 15, 2012. With texts by Ivo Mesquita and Carlos Martins. São Paulo, Pinacoteca do Estado, 2012.
Open work in Latin America, New York & beyond. Exhibition catalogue, Bertha and Karl Leubsdorf Art Gallery, Hunter College, New York, February 8 - May 4, 2013. With texts by Harper Montgomery (et al.). New York, Hunter College of The City of New York, 2012.
Um ponto de ironia. Exhibition catalogue, Fundação Vera Chaves Barcellos, Viamão, Porto Alegre, Brasil, July 9 - November 26, 2011. With texts by Ana Albani de Carvalho, Neiva Bohns, and Vera Chaves Barcellos. Porto Alegre, Fundação Vera Chaves Barcellos, 2012.
29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in. Documentation. Exhibition catalogue, 29th São Paulo Biennial, September 25 - December 12, 2010. With texts by Agnaldo Farias and Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2011.
A little-known story about a mouvement, a magazine, and the computer's arrival in art: New Tendencies and Bit International, 1961-1973. Exhibition catalogue, Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria, April 28 - June 17, 2007, ZKM/Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany, February 23, 2008 - January 18, 2009. Edited by Margit Rosen in collaboration with Peter Weibel, Darko Fritz, and Marija Gattin. Karlsruhe, ZKM Center for Art and Media, 2011.
ArtNexus Brasil en Colombia. Artnexus, Arte en Colombia. Antología de textos. Edited by Adriano Pedrosa. Bogotá, ArtNexus / Arte en Colombia, 2011.
Guide Malba collection. Collection catalogue, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. With texts by Marcelo Pacheco. Buenos Aires, Malba - Fundación Costantini, 2011.
Shaw, Edward. Pintura contemporánea latinoamericana. Santiago, Chile, Nexo Gestión Cultural / Celfin Capital, 2011.
Sistemas, acciones y procesos 1965-1975. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July - October 2011. With texts by Rodrigo Alonso, Andrea Giunta, Cristina Freire (et al.). Buenos Aires, Fundación Proa, 2011.
Untitled. 12th Istanbul Biennial. The catalogue. Exhibition guide, Istanbul Biennial, September 9 - November 13, 2011. With texts by Jens Hoffmann and Adriano Pedrosa. Istanbul, Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, 2011.
Untitled. 12th Istanbul Biennial. The companion. Exhibition guide, Istanbul Biennial, September 9 - November 13, 2011. With texts by Jens Hoffmann and Adriano Pedrosa. Istanbul, Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, 2011.
29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in. Exhibition catalogue, 29th São Paulo Biennial, September 25 - December 12, 2010. With texts by Agnaldo Farias and Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2010.
After utopia. A view on brazilian contemporary art. Exhibition catalogue, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy. With texts by Moacir dos Anjos, Ligia Canongia and Atto Belloli Ardessi, and an interview with Oscar Niemeyer. Prato, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, 2010.
O Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói: As coleções = The Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói: The collections. Collection catalogue. Niterói, Fundação de Arte de Niterói / MAC de Niterói, 2010.
Portolano of the 29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in = 29a Bienal des São Paulo. Há sempre um copo de mar para um homem navegar. Portulano = . Portolano. Six of the many ways to visit the 29th Bienal. São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2010.
Río experimental. Más allá del arte, el poema y la acción. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Botín, Santander, Spain, July 30 - September 26, 2010. With texts by Mónica Carballas, Frederico Morais (et al.). Santander, Fundación Botín, 2010.
Tropicália. Die 60s in Brasilien. Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria, January 28 - May 2, 2010. With texts by Gerald Matt and Thomas Miessgang. Wien, Kunsthalle, 2010.
1968. Die grosse Unschuld. Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany, March 15 - August 2, 2009. With texts by Thomas Kellein, Matthias Albrecht (et al.). Cologne, Dumont, 2009.
Lopes, Fernando. A experiência Rex. "Éramos o time do rei". São Paulo, Alameda, 2009.
Antonio Dias. Anywhere is my land. Exhibition catalogue, Daros Exhibitions, Zurich, Switzerland, October 17, 2009 - February 7, 2010. With texts by Regula Malin and Ursula Helg. Zürich, Daros Latinamerica, 2009.
Antonio Dias. Anywhere is my land. Exhibition catalogue, Daros Exhibitions, Zurich, Switzerland, October 17, 2009 - February 7, 2010. With a text by Sônia Salzstein and a conversation between the artist and Hans-Michael Herzog. Zürich, Daros Latinamerica / Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2009.
Scovino, Felipe (ed.). Arquivo contemporâneo. Rio de Janeiro, 7letras, 2009.
Arte brasileira contemporânea. Coleções João Sattamini e Mac Niterói. Collection catalogue. With texts by Guilherme Bueno. Niterói, Museo de Arte Contemporânea, 2009.
Catálogo geral do acervo do Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná. Collection catalogue. Curitiba, Secretaria de Estado da Cultura, 2009.
Amparo Sessenta Galeria de Arte. Gallery catalogue. Recife, Amparo Sessenta Galeria de Arte, 2008.
Duarte, Paulo Sergio. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Um prelúdio. Rio de Janeiro, Silvia Roesler Edições de Arte, 2008.
Arte e Ousadia. O Brasil na coleção Sattamini. Collection catalogue. With texts by Luiz Camillo Osorio and Cristina Chacel, and an interview with João Sattamini. Rio de Janeiro, Aprazível, 2008.
Camnitzer, Luis. Didáctica de la liberación. Buenos Aires, Centro Cultural de España, 2008.
Malin, Regula. Face to face. Teil 2. Zürich, Daros Art Education, 2008.
Face to face. The Daros collections. Exhibition catalogue, Daros Exhibitions, Zurich, October 5, 2007 - February 17, 2008 (Part 1), March 14 - September 7, 2008 (Part 2). With texts by Alexander Alberro and Luis Camnitzer. Zürich, Daros-Latinamerica and Daros Services ; Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2008.
Pucu, Isabela (ed.). Imediações. A crítica de Wilson Coutinho. Rio de Janeiro, 2008.
It's not neutral = Ez da neutrala = No es neutral. Exhibition catalogue, Tabakalera, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, July 19 - October 5, 2008. With texts by Joxean Muñoz, Luis Camnitzer and Eugenio Valdés Figueroa. Donostia - San Sebastián, Tabakalera, 2008.
Goldman, Shifra M.. Perspectivas artísticas del continente Americano. Arte y cambio social en América Latina y Estados Unidos en el siglo XX. Mexico City, Universidad Autónoma, 2008.
SP Arte. Feria Internacional de Arte São Paulo. Exhibition catalogue, Feira internacional de Arte, São Paulo, April 24 - 27, 2008. São Paulo, SP Arte Eventos Culturals, 2008.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria Paulo Darzé, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 2007. With a text by Luiz Alberto Oliveira. Salvador, Bahia, Paulo Darzé, 2007.
Conduru, Roberto. Arte Afro-Brasileira. Belo Horizonte, Editora C/Arte, 2007.
Gonçalves, Lisbeth Rebollo (ed.). Arte brasileira no século XX. With texts by Cristina Freire, Felipe Chaimovich (et al.). São Paulo, ABCA, 2007.
Coleção Itaú Moderno. Arte no Brasil 1911-1980. Edited by Teixeira Coelho. Collection catalogue. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2007.
Camnitzer, Luis. Conceptualism in Latin American Art: Didactics of Liberation. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2007.
Constructing a poetic universe: The Diane and Bruce Halle collection of Latin American Art. Exhibition catalogue, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA, March 11 - June 10, 2007. With texts by Beverly Adams (et al.). London/New York, Merrell Publishers, 2007.
Camnitzer, Luis. Didáctica de la liberación. Arte conceptualista latinoamericano. Murcia, Cendeac, 2007.
Diálogos con la pintura latinoamericana. La colección FEMSA en el Museo Arocena. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Arocena, Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico, 2007. With a text by Xavier Moyssén L. Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico, Museo Arocena, 2007.
Filmes de artista. Brasil 1965-80. Exhibition catalogue, Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, May 1 - June 17, 2007. With texts by Fernando Cocchiarale, and André Parente. Rio de Janeiro, Contra Capa, 2007.
Impressões originais: A gravura desde o século XV. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, São Paulo, October 31, 2006 - January 7, 2007, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, February 26 - April 29, 2007. Rio de Janeiro/São Paulo, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, 2007.
Machado, Arlindo (ed.). Made in Brasil. Três décadas do video brasileiro. São Paulo, Iluminuras and Itaú Cultural, 2007.
Panorama da Arte Brasileira 2007. Contraditório. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil, October 20, 2007 - January 6, 2008. With texts by Moacir dos Anjos and Milton Hatoum. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2007.
Mercer, Kobena. Pop Art and vernacular cultures. Annotatin art's histories. London, Iniva; Cambridge Mass./London, The MIT Press, 2007.
Puntos de vista. Zeitgenössische Kunst aus der Daros-Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany, June 2 - August 26, 2007. With texts by Michael Nungesser and a dialogue between Hans Günter Golinski and Hans-Michael Herzog. Bochum, Museum Bochum, 2007.
Tropicália. Uma revolução na cultura brasileira [1967-1972]. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007. With texts by Carlos Basualdo (et al.). São Paulo, Cosac Naify, 2007.
Reis, Paulo. Arte de vanguarda no Brasil. Os anos 60. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 2006.
Certain encounters. Daros-Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, April 7 - June 4, 2006. With texts by Keith Wallace, Tonel, and Juan A. Gaitán. Vancouver, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, 2006.
Coleção Itaú Contemporâneo. Arte no Brasil 1981-2006. Collection catalogue, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2006.
Coleção de Arte Moderna Museu de Arte Moderna Aloísio Magalhães. Inventário. With an introduction by Moacir dos Anjos. Recife, MAMAM, 2006.
Ferreira, Glória (ed.). Crítica de arte no Brasil. temáticas contemporâneas. Rio de Janeiro, Funarte, 2006.
Câmaras de luz. Exhibition catalogue, Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 6 - December 14, 2006. With texts by Ligia Canongia and Cezar Bartholomeu. Rio de Janeiro, Oi Futuro, 2006.
Entre a palavra e a imagem = Entre la palabra y la imagen. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Luis Seoane, La Coruña, July 5 - September 17, 2006, Museu da Cidade, Lisboa, February 22 - April 28, 2007. With texts by Perjaume, Ferreira Gullar (et al.). La Coruña, Fundación Luis Seoane; Lisboa, Museu da Cidade, 2006.
Espaço aberto /espaço fechado. Sites for sculpure in modern Brazil. Exhibition catalogue, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, February 5 - April 16, 2006. With texts by Stephen Feeke (et al.). Leeds, Henry Moore Institute, 2006.
Invenção de mundos. Coleção Marcantonio Vilaça. Collection catalogue. With texts by Moacir dos Anjos, and Ileana Pradilla Ceron. Recife, Instituto Cultural Banco Real, 2006.
Living in Rio. With a text by Paulo Thiago de Mello and photographs by Reto Guntli and Agi Simões. London, Thames & Hudson, 2006.
MAC de Niterói. 10 anos. Collection catalogue, MAC Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. With texts by Luiz Guilherme Vergara (et al.). Niterói, Fundação de Arte de Niterói / MAC de Niterói, 2006.
Notas do observatório. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Telemar, Rio de Janeiro, 2006. With texts by Wilton Montenegro and Glória Ferreira and conversations. Rio de Janeiro, Acro Arquitetura e Produções, 2006.
Olea, Héctor, and Mari Carmen Ramírez (eds.). Versions and inversions. Perspectives on Avant-Garde art in Latin America. Houston, The Museum of Fine Arts, 2006.
Antonio Dias. Sobre casas, torres, argila e bronze. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, 2005. With a text by Paulo Sergio Duarte. São Paulo, Galeria Luisa Strina, 2005.
Bandeiras do Brasil. Exhibition catalogue, Museu da República, Rio de Janeiro, 2005. With texts by Fernando Cocchiarale (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Museu de la República, 2005.
Corpo. Exhibition catalogue "O corpo na arte contemporânea brasileira", Itaú Cultural, March 30 - May 29, 2005. With texts by Fernando Cocchiarale, Viviane Matesco (et al.). São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2005.
Erotica. Os sentidos na arte. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil São Paulo, October 12, 2005 - January 8, 2006, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, February 20 - April 30, 2006, Centro Cultural Bando do Brasil, Brasília, May 15 - July 23, 2006. With a text by Tadeu Chiarelli. São Paulo, Associaçao de amigos do CCBBSP, 2005.
Brito, Ronaldo. Experiência crítica. São Paulo, Cosac Naify, 2005.
Pinacoteca 100 anos. Destaques do acervo = Pinacoteca 100 years. Collection highlights. Collection catalogue. With a text by Marcelo Mattos Araujo. São Paulo, Prêmio, 2005.
Quinta Bienal do Mercosul. Uma história concisa da Bienal do Mercosul. Exhibition catalogue, Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 30 - December 4, 2005. With a text by Gaudêncio Fidelis. Porto Alegre, Fundação Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, 2005.
Díaz Bringas, Tamara (ed.). Situaciones artísticas latinoamericanas. With texts by Virginia Pérez-Ratton, Ticio Escobar, Mari Carmen Ramírez, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Ivo Mesquita (et al.). San José, Costa Rica, TEOR/e?Tica, 2005.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition catalogue, Silvia Cintra Galeria de Arte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 22 - Augsut 21, 2004. With a text by Paulo Sergio Duarte. Rio de Janeiro, Silvia Cintra Galeria de Arte, 2004.
Antonio Dias. 2+2. Rio de Janeiro, Galeria Artur Fidalgo, 2004.
Cecato, Roberto. Antonio Dias. Freedom Territory. A film by Roberto Cecato. Milan, Studio Roberto Cecato, 2004. (DVD 48 min.)
Teixeira da Costa, Cacilda. Arte no Brasil 1950-2000. Movimientos e meios. São Paulo, Alameda, 2004.
Beyond geometry. Experiments in form, 1940s-70s. Published in conjunction with the exhibition at the County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, June 13 - October 3, 2004, Miami Art Museum, Miami, USA, November 18, 2004 - May 1, 2005. With texts by Lynn Zelevansky, Ines Katzenstein (et al.). Cambridge, Mass., London, The MIT Press, 2004.
Coleção de Arte Moderna Museu de Arte Moderna Aloísio Magalhães. Doações 2001-2004. Collection and Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna Aloisio Magalhães, Recife, Brazil, November 16, 2004 - January 30, 2005. With a text by Moacir dos Anjos. Recife, Museu de Arte Moderna Aloísio Magalhães, 2004.
Imagem sitiada. Exhibition catalogue, Espaço Sesc, Rio de Janeiro, May 4 - 30, 2005, Espaço Sesc, Petrópolis, June 6 - July 4, 2005, Espaço Sesc, Campos, July 09 - August 8, 2005. With texts by Armando Mattos, Daniela Labra, and Juliana Monachesi. Rio de Janeiro, SESC, 2004.
Inverted utopias. Avant-garde art in Latin America. Catalogue published in conjunction with the exhibition at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, June 20 - September 12, 2004. With essays by Mari Carmen Ramírez, Héctor Olea (et al.). New Haven and London, Yale University Press / Houston, Texas, The Museum of Fine Arts, 2004.
Latin american and caribbean art. MoMA at El Museo. Exhibition catalogue, Museo del Barrio, New York, March 4 - July 25, 2004. Edited by Miriam Basilio (et al.), with texts by Garry Garrels (et al.). New York, El Museo del Barrio/Museum of Modern Art, 2004.
MAM-DPZ. 10 anos de arte e comunicação. São Paulo, Museo de Arte Moderna, 2004.
Gomes, Dyógenes Chaves. Núcleo de arte contemporânea da Paraíba - NAC. Rio de Janeiro, Funarte, 2004.
Rocha, Daniela de Andrade. O discurso conceitual nas artes plásticas brasileiras da década de 1970: Da visceralidade ao intelectualismo predominante. Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal UFRJ, EBA, 2004.
Paulo Sérgio Duarte. A trilha da trama e outros textos sobre arte. organizadora: Luisa Duarte. With a text by Luiz Renato Martins. Rio de Janeiro, Funarte, 2004.
Être. Les droits de l'homme à travers l'art. Exhibition catalogue, United Nations Office at Geneva, Palais des Nations, Geneva, March 16 - April 23, 2004. With a text by Lars Müller. Bern, DFAE, 2004.
Anjos, Moacir dos. A ilustração da arte, cidade, modelo. Recife, Amparo Sessenta Galeria, 2003.
A subversão dos meios. Exhibition catalogue, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, October 23, 2003 - February 1, 2004. With texts by Maria Alice Milliet and Nancy Betts. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2003.
Aproximações do espírito pop; 1963 - 1968. Waldemar Cordeiro, Antonio Dias, Wesley Duke Lee, Nelson Leirner. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, April 24 - June 22, 2003. With texts by Cacilda Teixeira da Costa and José Augusto Ribeiro. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2003.
Sredni de Birbragher, Celia. Art nexus, no. 49. Bogotá, Art Nexus, 2003.
Arte Latinoamericano Siglo XX = 20th Century Latin American Art. Obras = Works Malba-Colección Costantini. Collection catalogue, Malba, Buenos Aires. Edited by Victoria Noorthoorn and María Amalia García. With texts by Patricia Artundo (et al.). Buenos Aires, Malba, 2003.
Arte e sociedade. Uma relação polêmica. Exhibition catalogue, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, April 15 - June 29, 2003. With texts by Aracy Amaral. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2003.
Amaral, Aracy A.. Arte para quê? A preocupação social na arte brasileira 1930-1970. Subsídios para uma história social da arte no Brasil. São Paulo, Studio Nobel, 2003.
Coleção MAC collection. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Contemporânea, São Paulo, 2003. With texts by Teixeira Coelho (et al.). São Paulo, Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Universidade de São Paulo, 2003.
História de uma coleção. Arte brasileira entre os anos 1960 e 1980 no acervo do Banco JPMorganChase = History of a collection. Brazilian art among the years 1960 and 1980in the JPMorganChase Bank collection. Corporate collection catalogue, Banco JPMorgan Chase, Rio de Janeiro. Wit texts by Luiz Camillo osorio. Rio de Janeiro, Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio, 2003.
Antonio Dias. Múltiplos. Exhibition catalogue, Mercedes Viegas Arte Contemporânea, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, November 23 - December 21, 2002. With texts by Luiz Camillo Osorio and Paulo Sérgio Duarte. Rio de Janeiro, Mercedes Viegas Arte Contemporânea, 2002.
Arte conceitual e conceitualismos. Anos 70 no acervo do MAC USP. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Contemporânea USP, São Paulo, Brazil, June 2000. With texts by Cristina Freire (et al.). São Paulo, Museo de Arte Contemporânea, 2002.
Chiarelli, Tadeu. Arte internacional brasileira. São Paulo, Lemos-Editorial, 2002.
Artefoto. Centro Cultural Banco de Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, December 16, 2002 - February 28, 2003. With texts by Ligia Canongia (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Centro Cultural Banco de Brasil, 2002.
Atelier FINEP 2002. Exhibition catalogue, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, November 8, 2002 - March 16, 2003. With a text by Lauro Cavalcanti. Rio de Janeiro, Finep, 2002.
Leal, Carlos (ed.). Ateliês do Rio de Janeiro. With photographs by Reto Guntli, and Agi Somões. Rio de Janeiro, Barléu, 2002.
Caminhos do contemporâneo 1952/2002. Exhibition catalogue, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, July - October 2002. With texts by Lauro Cavalcanti (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Paço Imperial, 2002.
Desenhistas e coloristas. Exhibition booklet, published on the occasion of the opening of the Galeria Luisa Strina, March 2000. Curated and with a text by Felipe Chaimovich. São Paulo, Galeria Luisa Strina, 2002.
Damasceno, Aglaíze da Silva. Os universos paralelos em Antonio Dias. Thesis. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais. Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal UFRJ, Escola de Belas Artes EBA, 2002.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura, Fortaléza, 2001, Museu de Arte Moderno Aloísio Magalhães, Recife, 2002. With a text by Moacir dos Anjos. Fortaleza, Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura, 2001.
Antonio Dias. O País Inventado. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, February - April 2001, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, May - July 2001. Edited by Antonio Dias (et al.), with a text by Sônia Salzstein. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna; Rio de Janeiro, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2001.
Antonio Dias. O país inventado. Documentário. Produced by Storia Filmes. Directed by Leila Hipólito. With interviews with the artist by Achille Bonito Oliva, Catherine Millet, Paulo Herkenhoff (et al.). Manaus, Petrabras / Storia Filmes, 2001. (DVD)
Basbaum, Ricardo. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Texturas, dicções, ficções, estratégias. Rio de Janeiro, Rios Ambiciosos, 2001.
Experiment, Experiência. Art in Brazil 1958 -2000. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, UK, July 28 - October 21, 2001. With texts by Astrid Bowron, Nelson Aguilar, Paulo Venancio Filho et al. Oxford, Museum of Modern Art, 2001.
Lucio Fontana Brasil. Catalogue, published in conjunction with the exhibition at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, November 2001, Brasília, February 2002 and São Paulo, April 2002. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff (et al.). Milan, Edizioni Charta, 2001.
Malba. Colección Costantini. Collection catalogue, Malba - Colección Costantini. With texts by Patricia Artundo (et al.). Mexico, Landucci Editores, 2001.
Barnitz, Jacqueline. Twentieth-Century art of Latin America. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2001.
Bayón, Damián. América Latina en sus artes. Mexico City, Siglo Veintiuno, 2000.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria Paulo Darzé, Salvador, 2000. With a text by Helmut Friedel. Salvador, Galeria Paulo Darzé, 2000.
Antonio Dias. O País Inventado. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador, September - October 2000, Casa Andrade Muricy, Curitiba, November 2000 to January 2001. With texts by Elisa Byington and Ronaldo Brito. Salvador, Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia; Curitiba, Casa Andrade Muricy, 2000.
Antonio Dias. Os anos 70 na Coleção João Sattamini. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Niterói, Brazil, March 2000. With texts by Luiz Camillo Osorio, Paulo Sergio Duarte, and Tommaso Trini. Niterói, Museu de Arte Contemporânea, 2000.
Rubiano Caballero, Germán. Art of Latin America 1981-2000. New York, Inter-American Development Bank, 2000.
Arte contemporânea = Contemporary art. Mostra do redescobrimento. Parque Ibirapuera, São Paulo, April 23 - September 7, 2000. With texts by Nelson Aguilar (et al.) and a foreword by Edemar Cid Ferreira. São Paulo, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo; Associação Brasil 500 Anos Artes Visuais, 2000.
Rubiano Caballero, Germán. Arte de América Latina 1981-2000. New York, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2000.
Bagoli, Luiz Armando. Arte e artistas plásticos no Brasil 2000. São Paulo, Metalivros, 2000.
Ridenti, Marcelo. Em busca do povo brasileiro. Artistas da revolução, do CPC à era da tv. Rio de Janeiro/São Paulo, Editora Record, 2000.
Marcas do corpo, dobras da alma = Marks of the body, folds of the soul. Exhibition catalogue, XII Mostra da Gravura de Curitiba, Brazil. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff, Adriano Pedrosa, Frederico Morais (et al.). Curitiba, Mostra da Gravura, 2000.
Casanegra, Mercedes (ed.). Pintura del Mercosur. Una selección del período 1950-1980. Buenos Aires, El Ateneo, 2000.
Situações. Arte brasileira. Anos 70. Exhibition catalogue, Fundaçao Casa França-Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, August 16 - September 24, 2000. With an essay by Paula Terra and Glória Ferreira. Rio de Janeiro, Fundaçao Casa França-Brasil, 2000.
Versiones del sur. F[r]icciones. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, December 12, 2000 - March 26, 2001. Edited by Ivo Mesquita and Adriano Pedrosa. Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2000.
Versiones del sur. Heterotopías. Medio siglo sin-lugar 1918 - 1968. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, December 12, 2000 - February 27, 2001. Edited by Mari Carmen Ramírez and Héctor Olea. Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2000.
Carneiro, Lúcia. Antonio Dias. Entrevista a Lúcia Carneiro e Ileana Pradilla. Rio de Janeiro, Lacerda, 1999.
Antonio Dias. Trabalhos = Works 1965 - 1999. Exhibition catalogue, Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão, Lisbon, 1999. With texts by Jorge Molder and Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Cosac Naify, 1999.
Das vanguardas ao fim do milénio. Exhibition catalogue, Culturgest, Lisboa, Portugal, April 23 - August 1, 1999. With a text by Jorge Glusberg. Lisboa, Culturgest, 1999.
Alvarado, Daisy Valle Machado Peccinini de. Figurações. Brasil anos 60. Neofigurações fantásticas e neo-surrealismo, novo realismo e nova objetividade brasileira. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1999.
Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin, 1950s - 1980s. Exhibition catalogue, Queens Museum of Art, New York, April 28 - August 29, 1999, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, December 19, 1999 - March 5, 2000, Miami Art Museum, September 15 - November 26, 2000.. New York, The Queens Museum of Art, 1999.
Jiménez, José, and Fernando Castro (eds.). Horizontes del arte latinoamericano. Madrid, Tecnos, 1999.
O Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro. With a text by Maria del Carmen Zilio. São Paulo, Banco Safra, 1999.
A coleção Costantini no Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro. Exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro 1998. By Marcelo E. Pacheco. Rio de Janeiro, Museu de Arte Moderna, 1998.
Duarte, Paulo Sergio. Anos 60. Transformações da arte no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, Campos Gerais, 1998.
Atelier contemporâneo: Projeto Finep no Paço Imperial. Exhibition catalogue, Atelier Finep at Paço Imperial, 1994-1998. With texts by Lauro Cavalcanti. Brazil, Salamandra, 1998.
Celma Albuquerque. Galeria de Arte. Exhibition catalogue Galeria de Arte Celma Albuquerque, Belo Horizonte, November 1998. With texts by Luiz H. Horta and Celma Albuquerque. Belo Horizonte, Galeria de Arte Celma Albuquerque, 1998.
Negrão, Maria Cristina Gomes. Os anos 60. Antonio Dias, uma poética entre o bem e o mal. A história de uma passagem na arte brasileira (Thesis, Prof. Dr. Paulo Venâncio Filho). Rio do Janeiro, Universidade Federal, 1998.
Perfil da coleção Itaú. By Stella Teixeira de Barros. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1998.
Poéticas da cor. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Light, Rio de Janeiro, September 9 - October 25, 1998. With texts by Ligia Canongia. Rio de Janeiro, Centro Cultural Light, 1998.
Profile of the Itaú Collection. By Stella Teixeira de Barros. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1998.
Teoria dos valores. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil, January - February 1998. With texts by Marcio Doctors and Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Museu de arte moderna, 1998.
XXIV Bienal de São Paulo. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Um e/entre Outro/s. Exhibition catalogue, 24th São Paulo Biennial, Pavillion Ciccillo Matarazzo, Parque Ibirapuera, October 3 - December 13, 1998. Edited by Adriano Pedrosa and Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Fundaçao Bienal, 1998.
I Bienal de artes visuais do Mercosul = I Bienal de artes visuales del Mercosur. Exhibition catalogue, 1st Biennial of Mercosur, Porto Alegre, October 2 - November 30, 1997. With texts by Frederico Morais (et al). Porto Alegre, Fundação Bienal, 1997.
Gutiérrez Viñuales, Rodrigo, and Ramón Gutiérrez (eds.). Pintura, escultura y fotografía en Iberoamérica, siglos XIX y XX. Madrid, Cátedra, 1997.
Re-Aligning vision: Alternative currents in south american drawing. Exhibition catalogue, El Museo del Barrio, New York, May 7 - September 7, 1997, Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, October 3 - November 14, 1997, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, Austin, Texas, January 16 - March 8, 1998, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, May 10 - July 19, 1998. With essays by Mari Carmen Ramírez (et al.). Austin, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, 1997.
Transparências. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, October 1996. WIth texts by Denise Mattar and Marcus de Lontra Costa. Rio de Janeiro, Museu de Arte Moderna, 1996.
Burtet Pieta, Marilene. A modernidade da pintura no Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Sagra, DC Luzzatto, 1995.
Francalanci, Ernesto L.. Antonio Dias. Una collezione 1968-1976. Testi di Ernesto L. Francalanci, Gualtiero Schönenberger, Tommaso Trini. Milan, Marconi, 1995.
Mesótica. The America non-representativa. Exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo, San Jose, Costa Rica, January 1995. With texts by Virginia Pérez-Ratton and Carlos Basualdo. San José, Costa Rica, Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo, 1995.
A fronteira dos vazios. Livro-objeto. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 27 - June 5, 1994. With texts by José Mindlin and Marcio Doctors. Rio de Janeiro, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, 1994.
Antonio Dias. Trabalhos = Arbeiten = Works 1967 - 1994. Exhibition catalogue, Institut Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt and Paço das Artes, São Paulo, 1994. With texts by Paulo Sérgio Duarte, Klaus Wolbert and Nadja von Tilinsky. Ostfildern-Ruit, Cantz Verlag, 1994.
Bienal Brasil Século XX. Exhibition catalogue, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, April 24 - May 29, 1994. With contributions by Nelson Aguilar (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, 1994.
Goldman, Shifra M.. Dimensions of the Americas. Art and social change in Latin America and the United States. Chicago/London, The University of Chicago Press, 1994.
Do conceitual à arte contemporânea. Marcos históricos (Cadernos História da Pintura no Brasil 6). With texts by Frederico Morais. São Paulo, Instituto Cultural Itaú, 1994.
Exposiçâo. São Paulo, 13 Dezembro 1994, 8 Janeiro 1995 Antonio Dias, Antonio Poteiro, Celso Renato, Cristina Canale, Evandro Carlos Jardim, Herman Tacasey, José Spaniol, Leda Catunda, Leonilson, Luiz Paulo Baravelli, Maria Tereza Louro, Megumi Yuasa, Osmar Pinheiro, Patricia Furlong, Pinky Wainer, Roberto Magalhâes, Sergio Fingermann, Siron Franco, Valdir Sarubbi. Curadoria Joâo Candido Galvâo.
Poética da resistência. Aspectos da gravura Brasileira. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria de Arte do SESI, São Paulo, November 8, 1994 - May 28, 1995.. São Paulo, SESI, 1994.
Sartorius, Joachim. Antonio Dias. Munich, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus; Berlin, DAAD Galerie, 1993.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, June 1993. With a text by Haroldo de Campos. São Paulo, Galeria Luisa Strina, 1993.
Brasil: Segni d'arte. Libri e video 1950 - 1993. Exhibition catalogue, Fondazione Scientifica Querini Stampalia, Venice, June 10 - August 31, 1993, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Sala Maria Teresa, Milan, September 23 - October 9, 1993, Biblioteca Nazionale, Sala Dantesca, Florence, October 16 - November 6, 1993, Galeria Candido Portinari, Palazzo Pamphili, Rome, November 18 - December 18, 1993. With texts by Lucilla Saccà (et al.). 1993.
Latin American artists of the twentieth century. Published on the occasion of the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 6 - September 7, 1993. Edited by Waldo Rasmussen with Fatima Bercht and Elizabeth Ferrer. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1993.
Latin American artists of the twentieth century. A selection from the exhibition = Artistas latinoamericanos del siglo XX. Selecciones de la exposición. Published on the occasion of the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 6 - September 7, 1993. With texts by Waldo Rasmussen. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1993.
O desenho moderno no Brasil. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Galeria de Arte do SESI. São Paulo, 1993. With texts by Reynaldo Roels Jr.. São Paulo, SESI, 1993.
Artistas latinomericanos del siglo XX = Latin American artists of the twentieth century. Exhibition catalogue, Estación Plaza de Armas, Sevilla, Spain, August 11 - October 12, 1992, Centre Georges Pompidou and Hôtel des Arts, Paris, France, November 10/19, 2003 - January 11, 1993, Kunsthalle Cologne, Germany, February 8 - April 25, 1993, Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 6 - September 7, 1993. With an essay by Edward J. Sullivan and an introduction by Waldo Rasmussen. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1992.
Branco dominante. Exhibition brochure, Galeria de Arte São Paulo, April 7 - 24, 1992. Wit a text by Cacilda Teixeira da Costa. São Paulo, Galeria de Arte São Paulo, 1992.
Viva Brasil viva. Konst fran Brasilien. Exhibition catalogue, Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, April - Juni 1991. With texts by Aracy Amaral (et al.). Stockholm, Liljevalchs; Kulturhuset, 1991.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition catalogue, Cesare Manzo Galleria d'Arte, Pescara, Italy, November 24 - December 22, 1990. Pescara, Cesare Manzo Galleria d'Arte, 1990.
Antonio Dias. Malerei. Exhibition catalogue, Städtisches Museum Mülheim in der alten Post, Mülheim, March 12 - April 16, 1989. With an introduction by Karin Stempel. Mülheim an der Ruhr, Städtisches Museum, 1989.
Amarante, Leonor. As bienais de São Paulo, 1951-1987. São Paulo, Projeto, 1989.
Antonio Dias. Arbeiten auf Papier = Trabalhos sobre papel. 1977-1987. (Brasilianische Kunst in Berlin 1988). Exhibition catalogue, Berliner Künstlerprogramm des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Berlin, 1988. With texts by Helmut Friedel and Ronaldo Brito. Berlin, Staatliche Kunsthalle, 1988.
Brazil projects. Exhibition catalogue, P.S.1, Long Island, New York, April 17 - June 12, 1988. With texts by Paulo Vanzolini, Frederico Morais, Ricardo Ohtake, Rosely Nakagawa (et al.).
The Latin American spirit: Art and artists in the United States, 1920 - 1970. Exhibition catalogue, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, September 29, 1988 - January 29, 1989, El Paso Museum of Art, Texas, USA, February 27 - April 23, 1989, San Diego Museum of Art, California, USA, May 22 - July 16, 1989, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 14 - October 8, 1989, Center for the Arts, Vero Beach, Florida, USA, January 28, 1990 - March 31, 1990. With essays by Jacinto Quirarte (et al.). New York, The Bronx Museum of the Arts and Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1988.
Modernidade. Art brésilien du 20e siècle. Exhibition catalogue, Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris, December 10, 1987 - February 14, 1988. With texts by Affonso Romano de Sant'Ana, Aracy Amaral, Roberto Pontual, Frederico Morais (et al.). Paris, Association française d'action artistique, 1987.
Panorama da arte atual brasileira / 87. Arte sobre papel. Sala especial Oswaldo Goeldi. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, October 3 - November 30, 1987. With an introduction by Carlos von Schmidt. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 1987.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition catalogue, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan, June 2 - 23, 1985. With a text by Catherine Millet. Taipei, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 1985.
Tendências do livro de artista no Brasil. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural, São Paulo, May 16 - June 23, 1985. With a text by Annateresa Fabris and Cacilda Teixeira da Costa and artists' statements by Maria Luiza Saboia Saddi, Antonio Dias, and Nelson Leirner. São Paulo, Centro Cultural, 1985.
Antonio Dias. The invented country = Erfundenes land. Exhibition catalogue, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, München, October 24 - December 9, 1984. With a text by Helmut Friedel. 1984.
Tradição e ruptura. Síntese de arte e cultura brasileira. Exhibition catalogue, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, November 1984 - January 1985. With texts by Ana Maria Belluzzo, Fábio Magalhães (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 1984.
Antonio Dias. Graphic design by Antonio Dias. Texts by Sandro Sproccati, and Helmut Friedel. Leonberg, Verlag Beatrix Wilhelm, 1983.
Millet, Catherine. Antonio Dias. Brescia, Piero Cavellini, 1983.
Antonio Dias. Graphic design by Antonio Dias. Texts by Sandro Sproccati, and Helmut Friedel. Leonberg, Verlag Beatrix Wilhelm, 1983.
Dercon, Chris. Schöne vis a vis. Bulletin bimestriel d'art contemporian. 1983.
Canongia, Ligia. Quase cinema. Cinema de artista no Brasil, 1970/80. Arte Brasileira contemporânea. Caderno de textos 2. Rio de Janeiro, Funarte, 1981.
Antonio Dias. Biennale di Venezia '80. Exhibition catalogue, Biennale di Venezia, 1980. With a text by Paulo Sergio Duarte, and photographs of Dias' works by Miguel Rio Branco. Brasil, Fundação Nacional de Arte, 1980.
Homenagem a Mario Pedrosa. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria Jean Boghici, Rio de Janeiro, April - July 1980. With texts by Helio Pellegrino (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Galeria Jean Boghici, 1980.
Piero Cavellini. Per nuovi strumenti ass. Exhibition catalogue. Brescia, 1980.
Trini, Tommaso. Quasi cinema. Video tapes e film d'artisti in Brasile 70/80. Arti visive - Ambiente Quaderno N. 3. Milan, Centro Internazionale di Brera, 1980.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria Saramenha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1979. With a text by Gabriela Usberti. Rio de Janeiro, Galeria Saramenha, 1979.
Antonio Dias. Política: Ele não acha mais graça no público das próprias graças. Lay out of the book by Antonio Dias. João Pessoa, Núcleo de Arte Contemporânea, 1979. (Artist book)
Antonio Dias. O papel do artista / A ilustração da arte. Exhibition catalogue, Arte Global, São Paulo, Brazil, January 10-28, 1978. With a text by Paulo Sergio Duarte. São Paulo, Arte global, 1978.
L'art brésilien. São Paulo, Ministerio das Relações Exteriores do Brasil, 1976.
Antonio Dias. Some artists do, some not. Brescia, Nuovi Strumenti, 1974.
Art systems in Latin America. Exhibition catalogue, Institute for Contemporary Art, London, 1974, Centro de Arte y Comunicación CAYC, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1974. With a text by Jorge Glusberg. London, Nash House, 1974.
8e Biennale de Paris. Italia. Exhibition catalogue, 8th Paris Biennial, Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Pairs, France, September 14 - October 21, 1973. With a text by Achille Bonito Oliva. Firenze, Centro Di, 1973.
Antonio Dias. Studio Marconi Mensile No. 2 (1971). Artist book. Milan, Studio Marconi, 1971.
Antonio Dias.The Tripper. Exhibition brochure, Galleria Bréton, Milano, March 9, 1971. With a text by Ernesto L. Francalanci. Milan, Galleria Bréton, 1971.
Guggenheim International Exhibition 1971. Exhibition catalogue, Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA, 1971. With texts by Diane Waldman, Edward F. Fry (et al.). New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1971.
Groh, Klaus. If I had a mind... (ich stelle mir vor...). Concept-art = Project-art. Cologne, DuMont, 1971.
Chase, Gilbert. Contemporary art in Latin America. New York, The Free Press, 1970.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition brochure with 6 color slides, Studio Marconi, Milano, October 14, 1969. With a text by Tommaso Trini. Milan, Studio Marconi, 1969.
Antonio Dias. Do it yourself. Incomplete biography. Desert. Memory. Monument. Exhibition brochure, Studio Marconi, Milano, March 12 - March 26, 1969. With a text by Tommaso Trini. Milan, Studio Marconi, 1969.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition catalogue, Galerie Hammer, Berlin, Germany, Feburary 7 - ?, 1968. With a text by Mario Barata. Berlin, Galerie Hammer, 1968.
Antonio Dias, Allen Jones, Jacob Zekveld. Exhibition brochure, Galerie Delta, Rotterdam, April 19 - May 22, 1968. Rotterdam, Galerie Delta, 1968.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition brochure, Galerie Delta, Rotterdam, May 26 - June 26, 1967.. Rotterdam, Delta, 1967.
Antonio Dias. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria Relevo, Rio de Janeiro, November 16 - December 10, 1967. With a text by Mario Pedrosa. Rio de Janeiro, Galeria Relevo, 1967.
Pan América. Epopéia. Cover by Antonio Dias. Rio de Janeiro, Tridente, 1967.
Science fiction. Bern 1967. Exhibition brochure, Kunsthalle Bern, July 8 - September 17, 1967. Edited by Harald Szeemann. Bern, Kunsthalle, 1967.
Antonio Dias. Peinture d'assemblages. Exhibition brochure, Galerie Florence Houston-Brown, Paris, February 11 - March 6, 1965. With a text by Pierre Restany. 1965.