Born in 1944 in Santiago, Chile
Lives and works in Santiago, Chile
Mosquera, Gerardo. Arte desde América Latina (y otros pulsos globales). Foreword by Nikos Papastergiadis. Madrid, Ediciones Cátedra, 2020.
Pulsions urbaines. 1962-2017. L'amérique latine en mouvement. Collection Leticia et Stanislas Poniatowski. Exhibition catalogue, Rencontres internationales de la Photographie, Espace van Gogh, Arles, France, July 3 - September 24, 2017. With texts by María Wills, and Alexis Fabry. Paris, Toluca, 2017.
Radical women: Latin American art, 1960-1985. Exhibition catalogue, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, September 15- December 31, 2017, Brooklyn Museum, April 13 - July 22, 2018. With texts by Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, Andrea Giunta, Mónica Mayer, Miguel A. López, Rodrigo Alonso, Karen Cordero Reiman, Rosina Cazali, María Angélica Melendi, Carla Stellweg (et al.). Munich/London/New York, DelMonico-Prestel, 2017.
Paz Errázuriz. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Mapfre, Madrid, Spain, December 16, 2015 - February 28, 2016. With texts by Juan Vicente Aliaga, Gerardo Mosquera, and Paulina Varas. New York, Aperture, 2016.
Verboamérica. Collection catalogue, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. With texts by Agustín Pérez Rubio, and Andrea Giunta. Buenos Aires, MALBA, 2016.
Dark Mirror. Art from Latinamerica since 1968. Works from the Daros Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany, September 26, 2015 - January 31, 2016. Edited by Ralf Beil and Holger Broeker. Wolfsburg, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 2015.
Dark Mirror. Lateinamerikanische Kunst seit 1968. Werke aus der Daros Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany, September 26, 2015 - January 31, 2016. Edited by Ralf Beil and Holger Broeker. Wolfsburg, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 2015.
Poéticas de la disidencia = Poetics of dissent: Paz Errázuriz - Lotty Rosenfeld. Pabellón de Chile = Pavilion of Chile - Biennale Art 2015. Exhibition catalogue, Biennale di Venezia, Italy, 2015. With texts by Nelly Richard, Andrea Giunta, and Diamela Eltit. Barcelona, Ediciones Polígrafa, 2015.
Paz Errázuriz. La Manzana de Adán = Adam's Apple. With texts by Claudia Donoso, Cecilia Brunson, Pedro Lemebel (et al.). Santiago, Chile, Fundación AMA, 2014.
Fernández, Horacio. El fotolibro latinoamericano. Mexico City, RM, 2011.
Fernández, Horacio. Fotolivros latino-americanos. São Paulo, Cosac Naify, 2011.
Les livres de photographie d'Amérique latine. Exhibition catalogue, Le Bal, Paris, France, January 20 - April 8, 2012. With texts by Horacio Fernández. Marseille, Images En Manoeuvres, 2011.
Tate Latin American Acquisitions Committee. Celebrating 10 years. With texts by Nicolas Serota and Dawn Ades. London, Tate, 2011.
Centenario. Colección Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. 1910-2010. Collection catalogue. With texts by Milan Ivelic, Ramón Castillo, Angélica Pérez Germain, and Patricio M. Zárate. Santiago, Chile, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 2009.
Richard, Nelly (ed.). Debates críticos en América Latina 3. 36 números de la Revista de Crítica Cultural (1990-2008). Santiago, Chile, ARCIS / Cuarto Propio / Revista de Crítica Cultural, 2009.
Richard, Nelly (ed.). Debates críticos en América Latina 1. 36 números de la Revista de Crítica Cultural (1990-2008). Santiago, Chile, ARCIS / Cuarto Propio / Revista de Crítica Cultural, 2008.
Medidas preventivas. En el centenario de la huelga general de Iquique. Santiago de Chile, Metales Pesados, 2008.
Alonso, Rodrigo (ed.). No sabe / no contesta. Prácticas fotográficas contemporáneas desde América Latina. Buenos Aires, Arte x Arte, 2008.
Lihn, Enrique. Textos sobre arte. With an introduction by Adriana Valdés. Santiago, Chile, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2008.
Camnitzer, Luis. Conceptualism in Latin American Art: Didactics of Liberation. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2007.
Camnitzer, Luis. Didáctica de la liberación. Arte conceptualista latinoamericano. Murcia, Cendeac, 2007.
Paz Errázuriz. Los chilenos I, Calbuco. Exhibition catalogue, Galería AFA, Santiago de Chile, November 2007. With a text by Sonia Montecino Aguirre. Santiago de Chile, Galería AFA, 2007.
Puntos de vista. Zeitgenössische Kunst aus der Daros-Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany, June 2 - August 26, 2007. With texts by Michael Nungesser and a dialogue between Hans Günter Golinski and Hans-Michael Herzog. Bochum, Museum Bochum, 2007.
Signes d'existence. Fotografía actual. Francia, Chile, Argentina. Exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago, Chile, June 28 - September 2, 2007, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 18 - April 20, 2008. With texts by Régis Durand, Andrés Duprat, and Francisco Brugnoli. Santiago de Chile, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, 2007.
Wack ! Art and the feminist revolution. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, March 4 - July 16, 2007, and other venues. With texts by Cornelia Butler, Nelly Richard (et al.). Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2007.
Mosquera, Gerardo (ed.). Copiar el edén. Arte reciente en Chile = Copying eden. Santiago de Chile, Puro Chile, 2006.
Brugnoli, Francisco. Memoria MAC 1998-2005. Santiago de Chile, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, 2006.
Paz Errázuriz. Kawésqar, hijos de la mujer sol. With a text by José Tonko. Santiago, Chile, LOM Ediciones, 2006.
XIV Encuentros abiertos [de fotografía]. Festival de la Luz 2006. Exhibition catalogue, Buenos Aires, Neuquén, Salta, and other "provincias" of Argentina, August 2006. With texts by Alejandro Montes de Oca (et al.). Buenos Aires, dv-arts, 2006.
Colección de arte contemporáneo. Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes. Exhibition brochure, Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago de Chule, 2004. With tets by Claudia Zaldívar hurtado. Santiago de Chile, Galería Gabriela Mistral, 2004.
Paz Errázuriz. Fotografía = Photography 1983 - 2002. Edited by Paz Errázuriz, with texts by Nelly Richard, Claudia Donoso and Gonzalo Leiva. Santiago de Chile, Ograma, 2004.
AFA 02. Catalogue, resuming the activities of AFA Gallery, Santiago de Chile, during 2007. With texts by José Falconi (et al.). Santiago de Chile, Galería AFA, 2002.
La Mirada. Looking at photography in Latin America today. Exhibition catalogue, Daros Exhibitions, Löwenbräu, Zurich, October 25, 2002 - March 29, 2003. Edited by Hans-Michael Herzog, with an essay by David Levi Strauss, interviews with the artists by Hans-Michael Herzog. Zurich, Edition Oehrli, 2002.
Williams, Gareth. The other side of the popular. Neoliberalism and subalternity in Latin America. Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2002.
Galería Animal. 2000/2001. Catalogue of exhibitions held in the years 2000 and 2001 at the Galería Animal, Santiago de Chile. With an introduction by Tomás Andreu, with contributions by Fabián Lebenglik (et al.). Santiago de Chile: Galería Animal, 2001.
Richard, Nelly. Residuos y metáforas (Ensayos de crítica cultural sobre el Chile de la Transición). Santiago, Chile, Cuarto Propio, 2001.
Chile. 100 años artes visuales. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile, 2000. With texts by Ramón Castillo, Justo Pastor Mellado (et al.). Santiago de Chile, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 2000.
Chile 100 años artes visuales. Vol 1: Primer periodo 1900-1950. Modelo y representación. Vol 2: Segundo periodo 1950-1973. Entre modernidad y utopia. Vol 3: Tercer periodo 1973-2000. Transferencia y densidad. Exhibition catalogue, Museo de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile, April 2000, July - September 2000, October - December 2000. With texts by Ramón Castillo (et al.). Santiago de Chile, Museo de Bellas Artes, 2000.
Eltit, Damiela. El infarto del alma. Paz Errazuriz. Santiago de Chile, Cía Ltda., 1999.
Corporación de Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (ed.). Memoria 1993-1998. Santiago, Chile, Corporación de Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 1998.
Paz Errázuriz. Nomads of the sea. Exhibition catalogue, Artspace, Visual Arts Centre, Sidney, 5 - 28 March, 1998, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, April 10 - May 9, 1998. With a text by Justo Pastor Mellado. Sidney, Artspace, Visual Arts Centre; Fitzroy, Centre for Contemporary Photography, 1998.
Havanna/São Paulo. Junge Kunst aus Lateinamerika. Exhibition catalogue, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. March 23 - June 5, 1995. With texts by Alfons Hug (et al.). Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 1995.
Agenda Cochrane 1994. Fotografias de Paz Errázuriz. Agenda Cochrane 1994. With a text by Waldemar Sommer. Santiage de Chile, Cochrane S.A., 1994.
Die 5. Biennale von Havanna. Kunst, Gesellschaft, Reflexion. Eine Auswahl. Exhibition catalogue, Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen, September 15 - December 11, 1994. With texts by Wolfgang Becker and Llilian Llanes, with contributions by Nelson Herrera Ysla (et al.). Aachen, Thouet Verlag, 1994.
Quinta Bienal de la Habana. Arte, Sociedad, Reflexión. Exhibition catalogue, 5th Habana Biennial, Centro Wifredo Lam, May 1994. With texts by Nelson Herrera Ysla (et al.). Madrid, Tabapress S.A., 1994.
Recovering histories. Aspects of contemporary art in Chile since 1982 = Historias recuperadas. Aspectos del arte contemperáneo en Chile desde 1982. Exhibition catalogue, Center for Latino Arts and Culture, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, July 9 - August 24, 1993, Lehigh University Galleries, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Kenkeleba Gallery, New York, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile. New Brunswick, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 1993.
Desires and Disguises. Five latin american photographers. Edited by Amanda Hopkins, with texts by Elena Poniatowska and the artists. London/New York, Serpent's Tail, 1992.
Fotografías de Paz Errázuriz. 1981 - 1991. Chile. Exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, May 13 - June 29, 1992. With texts by Damiela Eltit and Georgina Gutiérrez. Mexico City, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, 1992.
Old world, new world. Three hispanic photographers. Paz Errázuriz, Graciela Iturbide and Christina García Rodero. Exhibition catalogue, Seattle Art Museum, August 8 - November 10, 1991. With a text by Deborah Caplow. Seattle, Art Museum, 1991.
Paz Errázuriz. Un cierto tiempo. Fotografias. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile, June 20 - July 7, 1991. With a text by Adriana Valdés. Santiago de Chile, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 1991.
La manzana de Adan = Adam's apple. Exhibition catalogue, Centre for Photography, Sidney, Galería Ojo de Buey, Santiago, 1990. Photographs by Paz Errazuriz, text by Claudio Donoso. Santiago de Chile, Zona Editorial, 1990.
Images of silence. Photography from Latin America and the Caribbean in the 80s. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Modern Art of Latin America, Washington, June 20 - August 26, 1989, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, Bronx NY, February 15 - April 29, 1990, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 1 - July 22, 1990. With a text by Bélgica Rodriguez. Washington, Museum of Modern Art of Latin America, 1989.
Tercera Bienal de la Habana '89. Catalogo. Exhibition catalogue, 3rd Habana Biennial, Centro Wifredo Lam, 1989. With an introduction by Llilian Llanes Godoy and texts by Juan Acha, Frederico Moraes (et al.). La Habana, Editorial Letras Cubanas, 1989.
U-ABC : schilderijen, beelden, foto's uit Uruguay, Argentinië, Brazilië, Chili = U-ABC : paintings, sculptures, photography from Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile. Exhibition catalogue, Stedelijk Museum, amsterdam Netherlands, 1989. With texts by Els Barents, Guillermo, Whitelow, Ángel Kalenberg, Aracy Amaral, Raúl Zurita (et al.). Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1989.
Paz Errázuriz. Fotografias de a dos. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria Carmen Waugh, Santiago de Chile, June 13 - July 2, 1988. With a text by Enrique Lihn. Santiago de Chile, Galería Carmen Waugh, 1988.
Paz Errázuriz. El combate contra el angel. Fotografias. Exhibition catalogue, Galería de la Plaza, Santiago de Chile, August 1987. With a text by Eugenio Dittborn. Santiago de Chile, Galería de la Plaza, 1987.
Segunda Bienal de la Habana '86. Catálogo general. Exhibition catalogue, 2nd Habana Biennial, 1986. Edited by Mirta Yánez (et al.). La Habana, Ministerio de Cultura, 1986.