Geboren 1975 in Cruzton, San Juan Chamula, Mexiko
Lebt in San Juan Chamula und arbeitet in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexiko
Without restraint. Werke mexikanischer Künstlerinnen aus der Daros Latinamerica Collection = Works by Mexican women artists from the Daros Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseum Bern, June 3 - October 23, 2016. With texts by Valentina Locatelli, Alma Ruiz (et al.), and a dialogue between Hans-Michael Herzog and Valentina Locatelli. Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2016.
MUAC. 2008-2015. Collection catalogue. With texts by Olivier Debroise, Graciela de la Torre, and Cuauhtémoc Medina. Mexico City, Museo Universitário Arte Contemporáneo MUAC, 2015.
América Latina 1960-2013. Fotos y textos. Exhibition catalogue, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France, November 19, 2013 - April 6, 2014, Museo Amparo, Puebla, Mexico, May 24 - September 29, 2014. With texts by Olivier Compagnon, Luis Camnitzer, and Alfonso Morales Carrillo. Puebla, Museo Amparo, 2014.
América Latina 1960-2013. Photographs. Exhibition catalogue, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France, November 19, 2013 - April 6, 2014, Museo Amparo, Puebla, Mexico, May 24 - September 29, 2014. With texts by Olivier Compagnon, Luis Camnitzer, and Alfonso Morales Carrillo. Paris, Fondation Cartier, 2013.
Mexico: Expected/Unexpected. Currrent alliances in art. Exhibition catalogue, Stedelijk Museum, Schiedam, November 7, 2009 - January 31, 2010. With texts by Mónica Amor (et al.). Schiedam, Stedelijk Museum, 2010.
Colección Anna Gamazo de Abelló. Fotografía Latinoamericana. Una selección / a selection (1895-2008). Collection catalogue. With a text by Alexis Fabry. Mexico City, RM, 2008.
Mexico: expected / unexpected. Collection Isabel et Agustín Coppel. Exhibition catalogue, La maison rouge, Paris, France, October 26, 2008 - January 18, 2009. With texts by Mónica Amor (et al.). Paris, Fage and La maison rouge, 2008.
La era de la discrepancia. Arte y cultura visual en México 1968-1997 = The age of discrepancies. Art and visual culture in Mexico 1968-1997. Exhibition catalogue. Museo Universitário de Ciencias y Artes (MUCA Campus), February 24 - September 30, 2007. With texts by Olivier Debroise, Cuauthémoc Medina (et al.). Mexico City, Turner; UNAM, 2007.
Puntos de vista. Zeitgenössische Kunst aus der Daros-Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Museum Bochum, Bochum, Germany, June 2 - August 26, 2007. With texts by Michael Nungesser and a dialogue between Hans Günter Golinski and Hans-Michael Herzog. Bochum, Museum Bochum, 2007.
Las Horas. Artes Visuales de América Latina contemporánea = The Hours. Visual arts of contemporary Latin America. Exhibition catalogue, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, October 5, 2005 - January 15, 2006. With texts by Sebastián López, Eugenio Valdés Figueroa and Hans-Michael Herzog. Zürich, Daros Latinamerica / Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2005.
2004 Shanghai Biennale. Techniques of the visible. Exhibition catalogue, Shanghai Biennial, September 2004. With contributions by Sebastián López (et al.). Shanghai, Municipal Administration of Culture, 2004.
La colección Gelman. Selecciones. La colección de arte mexicano moderno y contemporáneo de Jacques y Natasha Gelman. Catalogue, Fundación Cultural Parque Morelos, Muros, Cuernavaca. With texts by Hayden Herrera (et al.). Cuernavaca, Muros, 2004.
Williams, Gilda. Cream 3. Contemporary art in culture. 10 curators, 100 contemporary artists, 10 source artists. London, Phaidon, 2003.
Schering, Madlen. Vom Fremdbild zum Selbstbild: Die fotografische Repräsentation der Indigenen Mexikos (unpublished MA-thesis). Berlin, Humboldt Unviersität, 2003.
Atención México. Positionen der Gegenwart = Posiciones en la actualidad. Exhibition catalogue, MEXartes 2002, Berlin, September - Dezember 2002. With texts by Günther Maihold (et al.). Berlin, Haus der Kulturen, 2002.
Geld und Wert. Das letzte Tabu = Money and value. The last taboo. Exhibition catalogue, Expo 02, Arteplage Biel, May 15 - October 20, 2002. With texts by Harald Szeemann (et al.). Zurich, Edition Oehrli; Swiss National Bank, 2002.
La Mirada. Looking at photography in Latin America today. Exhibition catalogue, Daros Exhibitions, Löwenbräu, Zurich, October 25, 2002 - March 29, 2003. Edited by Hans-Michael Herzog, with an essay by David Levi Strauss, interviews with the artists by Hans-Michael Herzog. Zurich, Edition Oehrli, 2002.
Magische Expeditionen. Streifzüge mit rätselhaften Empfindungen. Exhibition catalogue, Museum Folkwang, Essen, July 5 - August 25, 2002. With texts by Necmi Sönmez (et al.). Essen, Museum Folkwang, 2002.
Duarte, Carlota. Nosotros vistos. Agenda 2003. Mexico City, Dirección General de Obras y Desarrollo Urbano, 2002.
Versiones del sur. Más allá del documento. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, December 12, 2000 - February 12, 2001. With texts by Charles Merewether (et al.). Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2000.
Visiones. Gertrude Duby Blom. Fotógrafos Mayas de Chiapas = Mayan photographers from Chiapas. 1950 - 2000. Exhibition catalogue, Na Bolom Cultural Center, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México, March 2000. With texts by Carlota Duarte, Manuel Palma and the artist. Mexico City, Ciesas, 2000.
Trace. 1st Liverpool Biennial of International Contemporary Art. Exhibition catalogue, 1st Liverpool Biennial, September 24 - November 7, 1999. With texts by Anthony Bond, Charles Merewether and Susan Best. Liverpool, Tate Gallery Liverpool, 1999.
Bellinghausen, Hermann. Creencias. De nuestros antepesados. Fotografías: Maruch Sántiz Gómez. 1998.
Fotofest 98. The seventh international festival of photography. Exhibition catalogue, Fotofest, Houston, Texas, USA, 1998. With texts by Frederick Baldwin and Wendy Watriss. Houston, Fotofest, 1998.
Territorios singulares. Fotografía contemporánea mexicana. Exhibition catalogue, Sala de Exposiciones del Canal Isabel II, Madrid, Spain, February 14 - March 30, 1997. With texts by Rafael Doctor, and Patricia Mendoza. Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Mexico City, Centro de la imagen, 1997.