Nació en 1937 en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Murió en 1980 en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Hélio Oiticica. El cuerpo del color
Un ensayo de Mónica Amor
A finales de los años cincuenta, Hélio Oiticica se embarcó en una meticulosa exploración de formas y espacios que lo llevó del plano bidimensional de la pintura al espacio real del espectador. Leer más
Francisco Sobrino. Edited by Matthieu Poirier, Marjolaine Lévy, Alfonso de la Torre. Paris, Dilecta, 2019.
Lucero, María Elena. Memorias de Brasil y Cuba. Gestos decoloniales, prácticas feministas. Rosario, Humanidades y Artes Ediciones, 2019.
Rio XXI. Vertentes contemporâneas. Edited by Paulo Herkenhoff. Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2019.
Sur Moderno. Journeys of abstraction. The Patricia Phelps de Cisneros gift. New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 2019.
Concrete matters. Exhibition catalogue, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden, February 24 - May 13, 2018 (in collaboration with the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros). With texts by Matilda Olof-Ors (et al.). Stockholm, Moderna Museet / London, Koenig Books, 2018.
Géométries sud. Du Méxique à la terre de feu. Exhibiton catalogue, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France, October 14, 2018 - February 24, 2019. With texts by Mónica Amor, Ticio Escobar, César Paternosto (et al.). Paris, Fondation Cartier, 2018.
Memorias del subdesarrollo. Arte y el giro decolonial en América Latina, 1960-1985 = Memories of underdevelopment. Art and the decolonial turn in Latin America, 1960-1985. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, USA, September 17, 2017 - February 4, 2018, Museo Jumex, Mexico City, March 21 - September 9, 2018, Museo de Arte de Lima, Peru, November 20, 2018 - February 23, 2019. With texts by Julieta González, Sharon Lerner, Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, and Andrea Giunta. San Diego, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2018.
Andermann, Jens. Tierras en trance. Arte y naturaleza después del paisaje. Santiago de Chile, Metales Pesados, 2018.
Alberro, Alexander. Abstraction in reverse. The reconfigured spectator in mid-twentieth-century Latin American art. Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 2017.
Carlos Amorales. La vida en los pliegues = Life in the folds. Exhibition catalogue, Mexican Pavilion, 57th International Art Exhibition of the Biennale di Venezia, 2017. With texts by Pablo León de la Barra (et al.), and a conversation between Mónica de la Torre and the artist. Ciudad de México, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes INBA / Editorial RM, 2017.
Delirious. Art at the limits of reason, 1950-1980. Exhibition catalogue, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA, September 13, 2017 - January 14, 2018. With texts by Kelly Baum, Lucy Bradnock, and Tina Rivers Ryan. New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2017.
Die Revolution ist tot. Lang lebe die Revolution! Von Malewitsch bis Judd, von Deineka bis Bartana. Exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseum Bern und Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern, Switzerland, April 13 - July 9, 2017. Edited by Michael Baumgartner, Kathleen Bühler, and Nina Zimmer, with texts by Tanya Barson (et al.). München, Prestel, 2017.
Bachmann, Pauline, Susanne Neubauer, and Andreas Valentin. Hélio Oiticica in New York. Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, 2017. (DOI: 10.17169/FUDOCS_document_000000026678)
Making Art Concrete. Works from Argentina and Brazil in the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. With texts by Aleca Le Blanc, and Pia Gottschaller. Los Angeles, Getty Publications, 2017.
Manifestos and polemics in Latin American Modern Art. Edited and translated by Patrick Frank. Albuquerque, University of Mexico Press, 2017.
The other Trans-Atlantic. Kinetic and Op art in Central & Eastern Europe and Latin America. Edited by Marta Dziewanska, Dieter Roelstraete, Abigail Winograd. Warsaw, Museum of Modern Art, 2017.
The revolution ist dead. Long live the revolution! From Malewitsch to Judd, from Deineka to Bartana. Exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseum Bern und Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern, Switzerland, April 13 - July 9, 2017. Edited by Michael Baumgartner, Kathleen Bühler, and Nina Zimmer, with texts by Tanya Barson (et al.). München, Prestel, 2017.
Shtromberg, Elena. Art systems. Brazil and the 1970s. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2016.
Arte e mercado no Brasil = Art and market in Brazil. With texts by Cesar Cunha Campos, Paulo Herkenhoff, Felipe Scovino, Ligia Canongia (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, FGV Projetos, 2016.
Anthonissen, Anton, and Evert van Straaten. De Stijl. 100 jaar inspiratie. De nieuwe beelding en de internationale kunst 1917-2017. Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers, 2016.
Small, Irene V. Hélio Oiticica. Folding the frame. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Hélio Oiticica. To organize delirium. Exhibition catalogue, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, October 1, 2016 - January 2, 2017, The Art Institute of Chicago, February 19 - May 7, 2017, Withney Museum of American Art, New York, USA, July 14 - October 1, 2017. With texts by Lynn Zelevansky, Adele Nelson, Guilherme Wisnik, Sérgio B. Martins, Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz (et al.). Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum of Art / Munich, Prestel DelMonico, 2016.
Hélio Oiticica: curating the Penetráveis. Die Publikation enstand anlässlich des Performance- und Filmprogramms "Hélio Oiticica im Palmengarten", Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, August 31 - October 27, 2013. Edited by Stefanie Heraeus. Bielefeld, transcript, 2016.
Taylor, Diana. Performance. Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2016.
Amor, Mónica. Theories of the nonobject. Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, 1944-1969. Oakland, University of California Press, 2016.
Verboamérica. Collection catalogue, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. With texts by Agustín Pérez Rubio, and Andrea Giunta. Buenos Aires, MALBA, 2016.
Alonso, Rodrigo. Elogio de la Low-Tech. Historia y estética de las artes electrónicas en América Latina. Buenos Aires, Luna Editores, 2015.
Amor, Mónica, and Carlos Basualdo. Hélio Oiticica, Apocalipopótese, 1968. In: The artist as curator 8 (2015), pp. 3-16.
Schwarze, Dirk. Im Schatten der documenta. Kritiken und Aufsätze zur Kunst. Berlin, Kassel, B&S Siebenhaar, 2015.
International Pop. Exhibition catalogue, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, April 11 - August 29, 2015, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, October 11, 2015 - January 17, 2016, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, USA, February 18 - May 15, 2016. With texts by Olga Viso, María José Herrera, Claudia Calirman (et al.). Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, 2015.
Diegues, Isabel, and Doro Globus (ed.). José Damasceno. With texts by Aurora García, José Thomaz Brum, and an interview with the artist by Ann Gallagher. London, Ridinghouse / Rio de Janeiro, Cobogó, 2015.
Mário Pedrosa: Primary Documents. Edited by Glória Ferreira and Paulo Herkenhoff, translation by Stephen Berg. New York, Museum of Modern Art, 2015.
Nach dem frühen Tod = After an early death. Exhibition catalogue, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, Germany, March 21 - June 21, 2015. With texts by Hendrik Bündge. Cologne, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2015.
Barnitz, Jacqueline. Twentieth-Century art of Latin America. Revised and expanded edition. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2015.
América Latina 1960-2013. Fotos y textos. Exhibition catalogue, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France, November 19, 2013 - April 6, 2014, Museo Amparo, Puebla, Mexico, May 24 - September 29, 2014. With texts by Olivier Compagnon, Luis Camnitzer, and Alfonso Morales Carrillo. Puebla, Museo Amparo, 2014.
Call me helium. 1974-2014. Andreas Valentin, Thomas Valentin, Hélio Oiticica. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Correios, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2014. With texts by Andreas and Thomas Valentin (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Andreas Valentin, 2014.
Playgrounds. Reinventar la plaza. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain, April 30 - September 22, 2014. Curated by Manuel Borja-Villel, Tamara Díaz-Bringas, and Teresa Velázquez. Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2014.
Realidades en conflicto = Realities in conflict. Exhibition catalogue, Espacio ArtNexus, Bogotá, Colombia, June 12 - September 9, 2014. With texts by Francine Birbragher, and Oscar Roldán-Alzate. Bogotá, Arte en Colombia, 2014.
Pini, Ivonne. Abstracción geométrica en América Latina. Textos antológicos Arte en Colombia / ArtNexus. Bogotá, Arte en Colombia, 2013.
Amor e ódio à Lygia Clark = Love and hate to Lygia Clark. Exhibition brochure, Zacheta - National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland, December 13, 2013 - February 23, 2014. With a text by Magda Kardasz. Warsaw, Zacheta - National Gallery of Art, 2013. (
América Latina 1960-2013. Photographs. Exhibition catalogue, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France, November 19, 2013 - April 6, 2014, Museo Amparo, Puebla, Mexico, May 24 - September 29, 2014. With texts by Olivier Compagnon, Luis Camnitzer, and Alfonso Morales Carrillo. Paris, Fondation Cartier, 2013.
Biennials and beyond - exhibitions that made art history. 1962-2002. Conceived and edited by Phaidon editors and Bruce Altshuler, introductory esssay and chapter introductions by Bruce Altshuler. London, Phaidon, 2013.
Brasiliana. Installationen von 1960 bis heute = Brasiliana. Installations from 1960 to the present. Exhibition catalogue, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, October 2, 2013 - January 5, 2014. With texts by Martina Weinhart, Mónica Amor, Guilherme Wisnik. Fernando Cocchiarale, Cauê Alves, Michael Asbury (et al.). Frankfurt am Main, Schirn, 2013.
Parente, André. Cinemáticos. Cinema de artista no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, +2 Editora, 2013.
Concrete Invention. Colección Patrica Phelps de Cisneros. Reflections on Geometric Abstraction from Latin America and its legacy. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain, January 23 - September 16, 2013. With texts by Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, Reinaldo Laddaga, Andrea Giunta, and Olga Fernández López. Madrid, Turner, 2013.
Martins, Sergio B.. Constructing an Avant-Garde. Art in Brazil. Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 2013.
Forschungsskizzen. Einblicke in Forschungspraktiken an der Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FHNW. Edited by Flavia Caviezel, Beate Florenz, Melanie Franke, and Jörg Wiesel. Zürich, Scheidegger & Spiess, 2013.
Hélio Oiticica. Conglomerado newyorkaises. Edited by César Oiticica Filho, and Frederico Coelho. Rio de Janeiro, Beco do Azougue, 2013.
Hélio Oiticica. Das grosse Labyrinth = Hélio Oiticica. The great labyrinth. Exhibition catalogue, MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, September 28, 2013 - January 12, 2014. With texts by Peter Gorschlüter, César Oiticica Filho, Max Jorge Hinderer Cruz (et al.). Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2013.
Pequeno, Fernanda. Lygia Pape e Hélio Oiticica: conversações e fricções poéticas. With a foreword by Anna Bella Geiger. Rio de Janeiro, Apicuri, 2013.
Order, chaos, and the space between. Contemporary Latin American Art from the Diane and Bruce Halle collection. Collection catalogue. With texts by Beverly Adams (et al.). Phoenix, Phoenix Art Museum, 2013.
Rubens Gerchman. O rei do mau gosto. Edited by Clara Gerchman. With texts by Frederico Morais, Paulo Sergio Duarte (et al.) and correspondences with Hélio Oiticica, Antonio Dias (et al.). São Paulo, J.J. Carol, 2013.
1911-2011 Arte brasileira e depois, na Coleção Itaú. Collection catalogue. With texts by Teixeira Coelho. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2012.
3ra Trienal Poli/Gráfica de San Juan: América Latina y el Caribe. Exhibition catalogue, Galería Nacional, Museo Casa Blanca, Antiguo Arsenal de la Marina Española, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 28 - August 28, 2012. With texts by Deborah Cullen, Ursula Dávila-Villa (et al.). San Juan, Puerto Rico, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, 2012.
Aberto fechado. Caixa e livro na arte brasileira = The enclosed openness. Box and book in Brazilian art. Exhibition catalogue, Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo, Brazil, October 20, 2012 - January 13, 2013. With texts by Guy Brett, Frederico Morais and Ana Paula Cohen. São Paulo, Pincoteca do Estado, 2012.
Arte de contradicciones. Pop, realismos y política. Brasil - Argentina 1960. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July - September 2012. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff, Rodrigo Alonso (et al.). Buenos Aires, Proa, 2012.
Calirman, Claudia. Brazilian art under dictatorship. Antonio Manuel, Artur Barrio, and Cildo Meireles. Durham, Duke University Press, 2012.
Buzz. Exhibition brochure, Roesler Hotel, Galeria Nara Roesler, São Paulo, Brazil, December 3, 2012 - February 23, 2013. With a text by Vik Muniz. São Paulo, Nara Roesler, 2012.
Amirsadeghi, Hossein. Contemporary art Brazil. London, TransGlobe Publishing, 2012.
Gravura em campo expandido. Exhibition catalogue, Estação Pinacoteca, São Paulo, Brasil, April 21 - July 15, 2012. With texts by Ivo Mesquita and Carlos Martins. São Paulo, Pinacoteca do Estado, 2012.
Open work in Latin America, New York & beyond. Exhibition catalogue, Bertha and Karl Leubsdorf Art Gallery, Hunter College, New York, February 8 - May 4, 2013. With texts by Harper Montgomery (et al.). New York, Hunter College of The City of New York, 2012.
Pulsos de la abstracción en Latinoamérica. Colección Ella Fontanals-Cisneros = Pulses of abstraction in Latin America. The Ella Fontanals-Cisneros collection. Collection catalogue. With texts by Jesús Fuenmayor, Mari Carmen Rodríguez (et al.). Miami, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Madrid, Turner, 2012.
crisisss... América Latina, arte y confrontación. 1920-2010. Exhibition catalogue, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, March 12 - June 5, 2011. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Luis Camnitzer, Aracy Amaral, Karen Cordero Reiman (et al.). Mexico City, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, 2012.
29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in. Documentation. Exhibition catalogue, 29th São Paulo Biennial, September 25 - December 12, 2010. With texts by Agnaldo Farias and Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2011.
América fría. La abstracción geométrica en Latinoamérica (1934-1973). Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Juan March, Madrid, February 11 - May 15, 2011. With texts by Osbel Suárez (et al.). Madrid, Fundación Juan March, 2011.
ArtNexus Brasil en Colombia. Artnexus, Arte en Colombia. Antología de textos. Edited by Adriano Pedrosa. Bogotá, ArtNexus / Arte en Colombia, 2011.
Cold America. Geometric abstraction in Latin America (1934-1973). Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Juan March, Madrid, February 11 - May 15, 2011. With texts by Osbel Suárez (et al.). Madrid, Fundación Juan March, 2011.
Cosmopolitan routes. Houston collects Latinamerican art. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, October 24, 2010 - February 6, 2011. With texts by Mari Carmen Ramírez and Gilbert Vicario. Houston, MFAH, 2011.
Fialho, Ana Letícia, and Graziela Kunsch (eds.). Critical reports. 27th São Paulo Biennial Seminars = Relatos críticos. São Paulo, Hedra, 2011.
García, María Amalia. El arte abstracto. Intercambios culturales entre Argentina y Brasil. Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2011.
Erre. Variations labyrinthiques. Exhibition catalogue, Centre Pompidou, Metz, France, September 12, 2011 - March 5, 2012. With texts by Hélène Guenin, Guillaume Désanges (et al.). Metz, Centre Pompidou, 2011.
Gigante por la propia naturaleza. Exhibition catalogue, IVAM, Valencia, Spain, May 31 - July 17, 2011. With texts by Consuelo Císcar Casabán, Paolo Herkenhoff, Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda, Roberto Conduru (et al.) Valencia, Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno IVAM, 2011. (
Guide Malba collection. Collection catalogue, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. With texts by Marcelo Pacheco. Buenos Aires, Malba - Fundación Costantini, 2011.
Malba. Diez años. 2001 - 2011. Exhibition catalogue, MALBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2001 - 2011. Buenos Aires, Fundación Eduardo F. Costantini, 2011.
Houayek, Hugo. Pintura como ato de fronteira. O confronto entre pintura e o mundo. Rio de Janeiro, Apicuri, 2011.
Sistemas, acciones y procesos 1965-1975. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July - October 2011. With texts by Rodrigo Alonso, Andrea Giunta, Cristina Freire (et al.). Buenos Aires, Fundación Proa, 2011.
Tate Latin American Acquisitions Committee. Celebrating 10 years. With texts by Nicolas Serota and Dawn Ades. London, Tate, 2011.
29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in. Exhibition catalogue, 29th São Paulo Biennial, September 25 - December 12, 2010. With texts by Agnaldo Farias and Moacir dos Anjos (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2010.
Cuno, James, John Elderfield, and Ariel Jiménez. A constructive vision. Latin American abstract art fom the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. New York, Fundación Cisneros, 2010.
After utopia. A view on brazilian contemporary art. Exhibition catalogue, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy. With texts by Moacir dos Anjos, Ligia Canongia and Atto Belloli Ardessi, and an interview with Oscar Niemeyer. Prato, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, 2010.
Larrañaga Altuna, Josu (ed.). Arte y política (Argentina, Brasil, Chile y España, 1989-2004). Madrid, Editorial Complutense, 2010.
Contemporary Art in Latin America. With texts by Gerardo Mosquera, Luis Camnitzer, Guy Brett (et al.) and a conversation between Gabriela Salgado and Guillermo Gómez-Peña. London, Black Dog, 2010.
Das Verlangen nach Form. O Desejo da Forma. Neoconcretismo und zeitgenössische Kunst aus Brasilien. Exhibition catalogue, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, September 3 - November 7, 2010. Edited by Robert Kudielka (et al.), with texts by Ronaldo Brito (et al.). Berlin, Akademie der Künste, 2010.
Desenhar no espaço. Artistas abstratos do Brasil e da Venezuela na Coleção Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Fundação Iberê Camargo, Porto Alegre, Brazil, July 29 - October 31, 2010, Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo, Brazil, November 27, 2010 - January 30, 2011. With texts by Ariel Jiménez (et al.). Porto Alegre, Fundação Iberê Camargo, 2010.
Cohn, Sergio (ed.). Ensaios fundamentais. Artes plásticas. Rio de Janeiro, Beco do Azougue, 2010.
Galanternick, Nina. Formas do afeto. Um filme sobre Mário Pedrosa. Rio de Janeiro, NUSC/UFRJ, 2010. (DVD 33 min)
Horizonte expandido. Exhibition catalogue, Santander Cultural, Porto Alegre, Brasil, May 25 - August 15, 2010. With texts by André Severo, Maria Helena Bernardes, Mônica Hoff (et al.). Porto Alegre, NAU produtora, 2010.
Hélio Oiticica. With an introduction by Kevin Power and a talk between Carlos Vergara and Hélio Oiticica. Santa Monica,California, White Wine Press, 2010.
Hélio Oiticica. Museu é o mundo. Exhibition catalogue, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, March 20 - May 16, 2010. With texts by Fernando Cocchiarale, Felipe Scovino, Paula Braga (et al.). Sâo Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2010.
Casa Nova, Vera, Márcia Arbex, Márcio Venicio Barbosa (ed). Interartes. Belo Horizonte, Editora UFMG, 2010.
Coelho, Frederico. Livro ou livro-me. Os escritos babilônicos Hélio Oiticica (1971-1978). Rio de Janeiro, Editora da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2010.
Mexico: Expected/Unexpected. Currrent alliances in art. Exhibition catalogue, Stedelijk Museum, Schiedam, November 7, 2009 - January 31, 2010. With texts by Mónica Amor (et al.). Schiedam, Stedelijk Museum, 2010.
O Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói: As coleções = The Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói: The collections. Collection catalogue. Niterói, Fundação de Arte de Niterói / MAC de Niterói, 2010.
Paula Trope. Emancipatory Action. Exhibition catalogue, Americas Society, New York, May 24 - August 31, 2007. With texts by Gabriela Rangel, Paulo Herkenhoff (et al.). New York, Americas Society, 2010.
Portolano of the 29th Bienal de São Paulo. There is always a cup of sea to sail in = 29a Bienal des São Paulo. Há sempre um copo de mar para um homem navegar. Portulano = . Portolano. Six of the many ways to visit the 29th Bienal. São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2010.
Río experimental. Más allá del arte, el poema y la acción. Exhibition catalogue, Fundación Botín, Santander, Spain, July 30 - September 26, 2010. With texts by Mónica Carballas, Frederico Morais (et al.). Santander, Fundación Botín, 2010.
Suprasensorial. Experiments in light, color, and space = Suprasensorial. Experimentos en luz, color, y espacio. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art MoCA, Los Angeles, USA, December, 12, 2010 - February 27, 2011, Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, USA, June 23 - September 11, 2011. With texts by Alma Ruiz. Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2010.
Tropicália. Die 60s in Brasilien. Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria, January 28 - May 2, 2010. With texts by Gerald Matt and Thomas Miessgang. Wien, Kunsthalle, 2010.
Farias, Agnaldo, and Fernanda Fernandes (ed.). VII Fórum Brasília de Artes Visuais. Arte e arquitetura. Balanço e novas direções. Brasília, Editora Univerisidade de Brasília, 2010.
Vibración. Moderne Kunst aus Lateinamerika. The Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, September 17, 2010 - January 30, 2011. With texts by Juan Ledezma (et al.).
Kastner, Jens, and Tom Waibel (ed.). HIlfe der Zeichen / por medio de signos... Transnationalismus, soziale Bewegungen und kulturelle Praktiken in Lateinamerika. Wien, LIT Verlag, 2009.
Lopes, Fernando. A experiência Rex. "Éramos o time do rei". São Paulo, Alameda, 2009.
Arte brasileira contemporânea. Coleções João Sattamini e Mac Niterói. Collection catalogue. With texts by Guilherme Bueno. Niterói, Museo de Arte Contemporânea, 2009.
Ferreira, Glória. Arte contemporáneo brasileño. Documentos y críticas = Contemporary Brazilian art. Documents and critical texts. Santiago de Compostela, Artedardo,
Brazil Contemporary, Architecture, Visual Art, Visual Culture. Catalogue, published on the occasion of the exhibition "Brazil Contemporary" at the Nederlandse Architectuurinstitut, Rotterdam, Museum Boijmana Van Beuningen, Rotterdam and the Nederlandse Fotomuseum, Rotterdam, May 23 - August 23, 2009. With texts by Luciano Figueredo (et al.). Rotterdam, NAi Publishers, 2009.
Building on a construct: The Adolpho Leirner collection of Brazilian constructive art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Catalogue, published on the occasion of the exhibition at Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich, November 18, 2009 - February 21, 2010. Edited by Héctor Olea and Mari Carmen Ramírez, with texts by Aracy Amaral (et al.). New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2009.
Herrera, María José (ed.). Exposiciones de arte argentino 1956-2006. La confluencia de historiadores, curadores e instituciones en la escritura de la historia. Buenos Aires, Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 2009.
Hot Spots. Rio de Janeiro / Milano - Torino / Los Angeles, 1956 bis 1969. Exhibition catalogue, Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland, February 13 - May 3, 2009. With texts by Paulo Venancio Filho, Ferreira Gullar, Annika Gunnarsson (et al.). Göttingen, Steidl, 2009.
Ortega, Damián (ed.). Hélio Oiticica. With texts by Guy Brett, Haroldo de Campos, Waly Salomão and Catherine David. Mexico City, Alias, 2009. (Alias 9)
Brazil Contemporary, Architecture, Visual Art, Visual Culture. Catalogue, published on the occasion of the exhibition "Brazil Contemporary" at the Nederlandse Architectuurinstitut, Rotterdam, Museum Boijmana Van Beuningen, Rotterdam and the Nederlandse Fotomuseum, Rotterdam, May 23 - August 23, 2009. With texts by Luciano Figueredo (et al.). Rotterdam, NAi Publishers, 2009.
Osthoff, Simone. Performing the archive. The transformation of the archive in Contemporary art from repository of documents to art medium. New York, Atropos, 2009.
Duarte, Paulo Sergio. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Um prelúdio. Rio de Janeiro, Silvia Roesler Edições de Arte, 2008.
Duarte, Paulo Sergio. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Um prelúdio. Rio de Janeiro, Silvia Roesler Edições de Arte, 2008. (DVD)
Arte e Ousadia. O Brasil na coleção Sattamini. Collection catalogue. With texts by Luiz Camillo Osorio and Cristina Chacel, and an interview with João Sattamini. Rio de Janeiro, Aprazível, 2008.
Cullen, Deborah. Arte no es vida. Actions by artists of the Americas 1960 - 2000. New York, El Museo del Barrio, 2008.
Através. Inhotim. Exhibition/collection catalogue, Inhotim, Brumadinho, Brazil. With texts by Adriano Pedrosa, Jochen Volz, Rodrigo Moura (et al.). Brumadinho, Instituto Cultural Inhotim, 2008.
Correspondences: Contemporary art from the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Beard and Weil Galleries, Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts, USA, February 4 - April 10, 2008. With texts by Carlos E. Palacios (et al.). New York, Fundación Cisneros, 2008.
Camnitzer, Luis. Didáctica de la liberación. Buenos Aires, Centro Cultural de España, 2008.
Malin, Regula. Face to face. Teil 2. Zürich, Daros Art Education, 2008.
Face to face. The Daros collections. Exhibition catalogue, Daros Exhibitions, Zurich, October 5, 2007 - February 17, 2008 (Part 1), March 14 - September 7, 2008 (Part 2). With texts by Alexander Alberro and Luis Camnitzer. Zürich, Daros-Latinamerica and Daros Services ; Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz, 2008.
Braga, Paula (ed.). Fios soltos. A arte de Hélio Oiticica. São Paulo, Perspectiva, 2008.
Hélio Oiticica. A pintura depois do quadro. With texts by Luciano Figueiredo and an interview with the artist by Ivan Cardoso from 1979. Rio de Janeiro, UBS Pactual, 2008.
Pucu, Isabela (ed.). Imediações. A crítica de Wilson Coutinho. Rio de Janeiro, 2008.
Zuñiga, Rodrigo. La demarcación de los cuerpos. Tres textos sobre arte y biopolítica. Santiago de Chile, Metales Pesados, 2008.
La implicaciones de la imagen = Implications of the image. Exhibition catalogue, Universidad Nacional Autónoma, México, 2008. With texts by Taiyana Pimentel. Mexico City, Universidad Nacional Autónoma, 2008.
MAM 60. Collection and exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brasil, October 16 - December 14, 2008. With texts by Annateresa Fabris, Luis Camillo Osorio (et al.). São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2008.
Mestizo. Una historia del arte latinoamericano 10. Destrucción de las formas. Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2008. (DVD 30 min)
Mestizo. Una historia del arte latinoamericano 11. Pop!. Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2008. (DVD 30 min)
Mestizo. Una historia del arte latinoamericano 9. Punto, línea, plano. Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2008. (DVD 30 min)
Mexico: expected / unexpected. Collection Isabel et Agustín Coppel. Exhibition catalogue, La maison rouge, Paris, France, October 26, 2008 - January 18, 2009. With texts by Mónica Amor (et al.). Paris, Fage and La maison rouge, 2008.
Neovanguardas. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, December 23, 2007 - March 16, 2008. With texts by Marcio Sampaio (et al.). Belo Horizonte, Museu de Arte da Pampulha, 2008.
Alonso, Rodrigo (ed.). No sabe / no contesta. Prácticas fotográficas contemporáneas desde América Latina. Buenos Aires, Arte x Arte, 2008.
Goldman, Shifra M.. Perspectivas artísticas del continente Americano. Arte y cambio social en América Latina y Estados Unidos en el siglo XX. Mexico City, Universidad Autónoma, 2008.
The art of participation. 1950 to now. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, November 8, 2008 - February 8, 2009. With texts by Rudolf Frieling (et al.). New York, Thames & Hudson, 2008.
Time & place. Rio de Janeiro 1956-1964. Exhibition catalogue, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, January 19 - April 6, 2008. Edited by Paulo Venancio Filho and Annika Gunnarsson. Stockholm, Moderna Museet, 2008.
When lives become form. Dialogue with the future. Brazil / Japan = Quando vidas se tornam forma. Diálogo com o futuro. Brasil / Japão. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil, April 10 - June 22, 2008. With texts by Yuko Hasegawa, and Felipe Chaimovich. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2008.
Caderno SESC_Videobrasil 03. With texts by Lisette Lagnado, Jorge La Ferla (et al.) São Paulo, Edições SESC SP, Associação Cultural Videobrasil, 2007.
Coleção Itaú Moderno. Arte no Brasil 1911-1980. Edited by Teixeira Coelho. Collection catalogue. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2007.
Camnitzer, Luis. Conceptualism in Latin American Art: Didactics of Liberation. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2007.
Constructing a poetic universe: The Diane and Bruce Halle collection of Latin American Art. Exhibition catalogue, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA, March 11 - June 10, 2007. With texts by Beverly Adams (et al.). London/New York, Merrell Publishers, 2007.
Buchmann, Sabeth. Denken gegen das Denken. Produktion, Technologie, Subjektivität bei Sol LeWitt, Yvonne Rainer und Hélio Oiticica. Berlin, b_books, 2007.
Camnitzer, Luis. Didáctica de la liberación. Arte conceptualista latinoamericano. Murcia, Cendeac, 2007.
López Anaya, Jorge. El extravío de los límites. Claves para el arte contemporáneo. Buenos Aires, Emecé Editores, 2007.
Gullar, Ferreira. Experiência neoconcreta: momento-limite da arte. São Paulo, Cosac Naify, 2007. (includes facsimile of the catalogue of the exhibition "1a. exposição neoconcreta", 1959)
Malin, Regula. Face to face. Teil 1. Zürich, Daros Art Education, 2007.
Filmes de artista. Brasil 1965-80. Exhibition catalogue, Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, May 1 - June 17, 2007. With texts by Fernando Cocchiarale, and André Parente. Rio de Janeiro, Contra Capa, 2007.
Gerchman. With texts by Hélio Oiticica, Haroldo de Campos, Mario Pedros (et al.). São Paulo, J.J. Carol, 2007.
Hélio Oiticica. The body of colour. Exhibition catalogue, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, December 10,2006 - April 1, 2007, Tate Modern, London, June 6 - September 23, 2007. With texts by Mari Carmen Ramírez. Houston, The Museum of Fine Arts, 2007.
Machado, Arlindo (ed.). Made in Brasil. Três décadas do video brasileiro. São Paulo, Iluminuras and Itaú Cultural, 2007.
Oiticica in London. London, Tate Publishing, 2007.
Panorama da Arte Brasileira 2007. Contraditório. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil, October 20, 2007 - January 6, 2008. With texts by Moacir dos Anjos and Milton Hatoum. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2007.
Heiser, Jörg. Plötzlich diese Übersicht. Was gute zeitgenössische Kunst ausmacht. Berlin, Claassen, 2007.
The geometry of hope. Latin American abstract art from the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros collection. Exhibition catalogue, Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, Austin, February 20 - April 22, 2007, Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York, September 12 - December 8, 2007. With texts by Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro (et al.). Austin, Blanton Museum of Art, 2007.
Tropicália. Uma revolução na cultura brasileira [1967-1972]. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007. With texts by Carlos Basualdo (et al.). São Paulo, Cosac Naify, 2007.
27a. Bienal de São Paulo.Como viver junto. Exhibition catalogue, 27th São Paulo Biennial, October 7 - December 17, 2006. With texts by Lisette Lagnado (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 2006.
Camnitzer, Luis. Antología de textos críticos 1979 - 2006. ArtNexus / Arte en Colombia. Bogotá, Universidad de los Andes, Ediciones Uniandes, 2006.
Ao mesmo tempo o nosso tempo. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brasil, April 5 - May 1, 2006. With a text by Andrés I. Martín Hernández. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2006.
Gradowczyk, Mario H.. Arte abstracto. Cruzando líneas desde el sur. Caseros, Unversidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2006.
Reis, Paulo. Arte de vanguarda no Brasil. Os anos 60. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 2006.
Arte moderna em contexto. Coleção ABN AMRO REAL = Modern art in context. ABN AMRO REAL collection. Exhbition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, July - August 2006, Banco Real Headquarters, São Paulo, August - October 2006, Instituto Cultural Banco Real, Recife, october - November 2006.With texts by fernando Cocchiarale (et al.). São Paulo, Abn Amro Banco Reral, 2006.
Certain encounters. Daros-Latinamerica Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, April 7 - June 4, 2006. With texts by Keith Wallace, Tonel, and Juan A. Gaitán. Vancouver, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, 2006.
Cruce de miradas. Visiones de América Latina. Colección Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, August 2 - October 22, 2006. With texts by Ariel Jiménez (et al.). Mexico City, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, 2006.
Ferreira, Glória (ed.). Crítica de arte no Brasil. temáticas contemporâneas. Rio de Janeiro, Funarte, 2006.
Ferreira, Glória, and Cecilia Cotrim (eds.). Escritos de artistas. Anos 60/70. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, 2006.
Kuczynski, Paulo. HO. Exposição dos parangolés originais da performance que Helio Oiticica realizou no Recife em 23 julho de 1979. São Paulo, Paulo Kuczynski Escritório de Arte, 2006.
Kuczynski, Paulo. HO. Exposição dos parangolés originais da performance que Helio Oiticica realizou no Recife em 23 julho de 1979. São Paulo, Paulo Kuczynski Escritório de Arte, 2006.
Invenção de mundos. Coleção Marcantonio Vilaça. Collection catalogue. With texts by Moacir dos Anjos, and Ileana Pradilla Ceron. Recife, Instituto Cultural Banco Real, 2006.
MAM na OCA. Arte brasileira do acervo do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, 2006. With texts by Tadeu Chiarelli (et al.). São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2006.
Bishop, Claire. Participation. Documents of contemporary art. London, Whitechapel; Cambridge Mass., The MIT Press, 2006.
Cruzvillegas, Abraham. Round de Sombra. Mexico City, Conaculta, 2006.With a preface by Gabriel Kuri
The sites of Latin American abstraction = Los sitios de la abstracción latinoamericana. Exhibition catalogue, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami, December 6, 2006 - February 18, 2007. Edited by Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, Texts by Juan Ledezma (et al.). Miami, Cifo, 2006.
Santos, Lidia. Tropical Kitsch. Mass Media in Latin American Art and Literature. Princeton, Markus Wiener Publishers; Madrid, Iberoamericana, 2006.
Olea, Héctor, and Mari Carmen Ramírez (eds.). Versions and inversions. Perspectives on Avant-Garde art in Latin America. Houston, The Museum of Fine Arts, 2006.
Adquisiciones 2004. Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2005.
Amalgames brésiliens. 18 artistes contemporains du Brésil. Exhibition catalogue, Musée de l'Hôtel, Mantes-la-Jolie, France, November 5, 2005 - March 15, 2006. With texts by Philippe Cyroulnik and Agnaldo Farias. Paris, Somogy, 2005.
Anos 70: Trajetórias. With texts by António Risério, Paulo Sérgio Duarte, Cristina Freire (et al.). São Paulo, Iluminuras and Itáu Cultural, 2005.
Bandeiras do Brasil. Exhibition catalogue, Museu da República, Rio de Janeiro, 2005. With texts by Fernando Cocchiarale (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Museu de la República, 2005.
Bits & pieces put together to present a semblance of a whole: Walker Art Center Collections. Collection catalogue. Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, 2005.
Brett, Guy. Brasil Experimental. Arte/vida: Proposições e paradoxos. Rio de Janeiro, Contra Capa, 2005. Edited and foreword by Katia Maciel, translated by Renato Rezende.
CC - Programa in progress. Hélio Oiticica. Neville D'Almeida.. Exhibition catalogue, Malba - Colección Costantini, Buenos Aires, November 25, 2005 - January 30, 2006. With texts by Cesar Oiticica (et al.). Buenos Aires, Malba - Colección Costantini, 2005.
Collection remixed. Exhibition catalogue, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, February 3 - May 29, 2005. With texts by Marysol Nieves et al. New York, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, 2005.
Cosmococa. Programa in progress. Hélio Oiticica. Neville D'Almeida.. Exhibition catalogue, Malba - Colección Costantini, Buenos Aires, November 25, 2005 - January 30, 2006. With texts by Cesar Oiticica (et al.). Buenos Aires, Malba - Colección Costantini, 2005.
Kulmer, Birgit. Das Konzept der Anthropophagie im Werk von Lygia Clark und Hélio Oiticica oder Die Wirklichkeit des Fremden. Magisterarbeit. Berlin, Birgit Kulmer, 2005.
González, Miguel. Latinoamérica. Visiones y miradas. Cali, Corporación para la cultura, 2005.
Miradas y conceptos en la colección de Helga de Alvear. Exhibition catalogue, MEIAC, Museo Extemeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo, Badajoz, 2005. With texts by Antonio Franco Domínguez (et al.). Badajoz, Consejería de Cultura, Junta de Extremadura, 2005.
Mouvement. l'indisciplinaire des arts vivants. Un autre Brésil. In: Mouvement. L'indisciplinaire des arts vivants, no. 36-37, September - December 2005.
O lúdico na arte. Exhibition catalogue "Homo Ludens", Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, Ocotober 12, 2005 - January 29, 2006. With texts by Denise Mattar (et al.). São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2005.
Open systems: Rethinking art c. 1970. Catalogue, published on the occasion of the exhibition at Tate Modern, London, June 1 - August 29, 2005. Edited by Donna de Salvo, with contributions by Johanna Burton (et al.). London, Tate Publishing, 2005.
Hoffmann, Jens, and Joan Jonas. Perform. New York, Thames & Hudson, 2005.
Alcázar, Josefina. Performance y arte-acción en América Latina. Mexico City, Ex Teresa; Ediciones sin Nombre, 2005.
Pintura Reencarnada. Exhibition catalogue, Paço das Artes, São Paulo, May 3 - July 11, 2004. With texts by Angélica de Moraes (et al.). São Paulo, Imprensa Oficial do Estado / Paço das Artes, 2005.
Quinta Bienal do Mercosul. Da escultura à instalação. Núcleo contemporâneo. A (Re)invenção do espaço. Núcleo histórico. Fronteiras da linguagem. Exposição especial. Exhibition catalogue, Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 30 - December 4, 2005. With texts by Paulo Sergio Duarte and Gaudêncio Fidelis. Porto Alegre, Fundação Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, 2005.
Quinta Bienal do Mercosul. Uma história concisa da Bienal do Mercosul. Exhibition catalogue, Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 30 - December 4, 2005. With a text by Gaudêncio Fidelis. Porto Alegre, Fundação Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, 2005.
Osório, Luiz Camillo. Razões da crítica. Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 2005.
Díaz Bringas, Tamara (ed.). Situaciones artísticas latinoamericanas. With texts by Virginia Pérez-Ratton, Ticio Escobar, Mari Carmen Ramírez, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Ivo Mesquita (et al.). San José, Costa Rica, TEOR/e?Tica, 2005.
Soto. A construção da imaterialidade. Exhibition catalogue, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, Brasil, April 27 - July 3, 2005, Museu Oscar Niemeyer, Curitiba, Brasil, July 20 - October 30, 2005. With texts by Paulo Venancio Filho, and Guy Brett. São Paulo, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, 2005.
Soto. A construção da imaterialidade. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, January 24 - April 3, 2005. With texts by Paulo Venancio Filho, and an interview with the artist by Guy Brett. Rio de Janeiro, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, 2005.
Foster, Hal. Art since 1900. Modernism, antimodernism, postmodernism. New York, Thames and Hudson, 2004.
Teixeira da Costa, Cacilda. Arte no Brasil 1950-2000. Movimientos e meios. São Paulo, Alameda, 2004.
Beyond geometry. Experiments in form, 1940s-70s. Published in conjunction with the exhibition at the County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, June 13 - October 3, 2004, Miami Art Museum, Miami, USA, November 18, 2004 - May 1, 2005. With texts by Lynn Zelevansky, Ines Katzenstein (et al.). Cambridge, Mass., London, The MIT Press, 2004.
Brett, Guy. Carnival of perception. Selected writings on art. London, Institute of International Visual Arts, 2004.
Diálogos. Arte Latinoamericano desde la Colección Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile, November 25, 2004 - February 28, 2005. With an interview with Patricia Phelps de Cisneros by Luis Pérez Oramas. Caracas, Fondación Cisneros, 2004.
Inverted utopias. Avant-garde art in Latin America. Catalogue published in conjunction with the exhibition at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, June 20 - September 12, 2004. With essays by Mari Carmen Ramírez, Héctor Olea (et al.). New Haven and London, Yale University Press / Houston, Texas, The Museum of Fine Arts, 2004.
Latin american and caribbean art. MoMA at El Museo. Exhibition catalogue, Museo del Barrio, New York, March 4 - July 25, 2004. Edited by Miriam Basilio (et al.), with texts by Garry Garrels (et al.). New York, El Museo del Barrio/Museum of Modern Art, 2004.
Morethy Couto, Maria de Fátima. Por uma vanguarda nacional. A crítica brasileira em busca de uma identidade artística (1940-1960). Campinas, Editora Unicamp, 2004.
Frank, Patrick. Readings in Latin American Modern Art. New Haven/London, Yale University Press, 2004.
Scigliano Carneiro, Beatriz. Relâmpagos com claror. Lygia Clark e Hélio Oiticica, vida como arte. São Paulo, Imaginário; FAPESP, 2004.
Arte Latinoamericano Siglo XX = 20th Century Latin American Art. Obras = Works Malba-Colección Costantini. Collection catalogue, Malba, Buenos Aires. Edited by Victoria Noorthoorn and María Amalia García. With texts by Patricia Artundo (et al.). Buenos Aires, Malba, 2003.
Coleção MAC collection. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Contemporânea, São Paulo, 2003. With texts by Teixeira Coelho (et al.). São Paulo, Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Universidade de São Paulo, 2003.
Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Painting. Hybridity, Hegemony, Historicism. Edited by Jonathan Harris. Tate Liverpool Critical Forum, Volume 6. Liverpool, Liverpool University Press and Tate Liverpool, 2003.
Cuasi-Corpus. Arte concreto y neoconcreto de Brasil. Una selección del acervo del Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo y la colección Adolpho Leirner. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, México, February 20 - June 22, 2003, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, July 24 - October 15, 2003. With texts by Aracy Amaral (et al.). Mexico City, INBA; Museo Rufino Tamayo, 2003.
Dreams and conflicts. The dictatorship of the viewer. 50th International art exhibition. Exhibition catalogue, 50th Venice Biennial, June 15 - Ocotober 19, 2003. Edited by Francesco Bonami and Maria Luisa Frisa, with contributions by Daniel Birnbaum (et al.). Venice, Marsilio, 2003.
Foto Arte 2003. Brasilia, Capital da Fotografia. Exhibition catalogue, Foto Arte 2003, Brasilia DF, June 16 - August 29, 2003. With texts by Ligia Canongia (et al.). Brasilia, ARTE 21, 2003.
Geo-metrías. Abstracción geométrica latinoamericana en la Colección Cisneros = Geo-Metries. Latin American geometric art from the Cisneros Collection. Exhibition catalogue, Malba, Buenos Aires, March 14 - May 19, 2003. With a text by Ariel Jiménez and an interview between Patricia Phelps de Cisneros and Luis Pérez Oramas. Buenos Aires, Malba, 2003.
Geo-metrías. Abstracción geométrica latinoamericano en la Colección Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, Montevideo, July 3 - October 26, 2003. With texts by Ángel Kalenberg, Ariel Jímenez. Caracas, Fundación Cisneros, 2003.
Hélio Oiticica. Cor, imagem, poética. Exhibition catalogue, Centro de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, 2003. With texts by Cesar Oiticica Filho (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Arte Hélio Oiticica, 2003.
Salomão, Waly. Hélio Oiticica. Qual é o parangolé? E outros escritos. Rio de Janeiro, Rocco, 2003.
José Resende, Lygia Pape, Nuno Ramos. Exhibition catalogue, Museu do Açude, Rio de Janeiro, September 2003. With a text by Marcio Doctors. Rio de Janeiro, Museu do Açude, 2003.
The last picture show. Artists using photography. 1960-1982. Exhibition catalogue, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, October 11, 2003 - January 4, 2004, UCLA Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, USA, February 8, - May 11, 2004, Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo, May 28 - September, 19, 2004, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland, November 27 - February 20, 2005, Miami Art Central, Miami, USA, March - June, 2005. With texts by Douglas Fogle, Douglas Crimp (et al.). Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, 2003.
Arte brasileira na coleção Fadel. Da inquietação do moderno à autonomia da linguagem. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, February 26 - April 28, 2002 and São Paulo, November 23, 2002 - January 12, 2003. WIth a text by Paulo Herkenhoff. Rio de Janeiro, Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio, 2002.
Chiarelli, Tadeu. Arte internacional brasileira. São Paulo, Lemos-Editorial, 2002.
Artefoto. Centro Cultural Banco de Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, December 16, 2002 - February 28, 2003. With texts by Ligia Canongia (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Centro Cultural Banco de Brasil, 2002.
Artists from Latin American cultures. A biographical dictionary. By Kristin G.Congdon and Kara Kelley Hallmark. Westport, Conn. and London, Greenwood Press, 2002.
Caminhos do contemporâneo 1952/2002. Exhibition catalogue, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, July - October 2002. With texts by Lauro Cavalcanti (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Paço Imperial, 2002.
Plas, Els van der. Creating spaces of freedom. Culture in defiance. London, Saqi Books; The Hague, Prince Claus Fund Library, 2002.
Espelho selvagem. Arte moderna no Brasil da primeira metade do século XX. Coleção Nemirovsky. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, March 23 - June 16, 2002. With contributions by Maria Alice Milliet, Olívio Tavares de Araújo. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2002.
Berenstein Jacques, Paola. Esthétique des favelas. Les favelas de Rio à travers l'oeuvre de Hélio Oiticica. Paris/Budapest/Turin; L'Harmattan, 2002.
Geométricos e cinéticos. Exhibition catalogue, Gabinete de Arte Raquel Arnaud, São Paulo, March 19 - April 24, 2002. With a text by Raquel Arnaud. São Paulo, Gabinete de Arte Raquel Arnaud, 2002.
Hélio Oiticica. Obra e estratégia. Exhibition catalogue, 1a Mostra Rio Arte Contemporânea, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, 2002.With texts by Luciano Figueiredo. Rio de Janeiro, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2002.
International center for the arts of the Americas. Collecting Latin American art for the 21st Century. Edited by Mari Carmen Ramírez and Theresa Papanikolas, with contributions by Tomás Ybarra-Frausto (et al.). Houston, International Center for the Arts of the Americas, 2002.
Cocchiarale, Fernando. Mapeamento nacional da produção emergente. Rumos Itaú Cultural Artes Visuais 2001/2003. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 2002.
Paralelos. Arte brasileira de segunda metade do século XX em contexto. Colección Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, March 23 - June 16, 2002. With texts by Ariel Jiménez and Mari Carmen Ramírez and an interview with Patricia Phelps de Cisneros by Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 2002.
poT. Exhibition catalogue, The Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art, Liverpool, September 14 - October 31, 2002. With a text by Erika Verzutti. São Paulo, Galería Fortes Vilaça, 2002.
Basbaum, Ricardo. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Texturas, dicções, ficções, estratégias. Rio de Janeiro, Rios Ambiciosos, 2001.
Brazil. Body and Soul. Exhibition catalogue, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, October 11, 2001- January 27, 2002, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, March 23 - September 29, 2002. Edited by Edward J. Sullivan, with texts by Michael M. Hall (et al.). New York, Harry N. Abrams, 2001.
Century City, Art and culture in the modern metropolis. Exhibition catalogue, Tate Modern, London, February 1 - April 29, 2001. Edited by Iwona Blazwick, with contributions by Emma Dexter (et al.). London, Tate Gallery Publishing, 2001.
Da adversidade vivemos = De l'adversité nous vivons. Exhibition catalogue, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, June 1 - September 30, 2001. With texts by Carlos Basualdo (et al.). Paris, Musée d'Art Moderne, 2001.
Experiment, Experiência. Art in Brazil 1958 -2000. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, UK, July 28 - October 21, 2001. With texts by Astrid Bowron, Nelson Aguilar, Paulo Venancio Filho et al. Oxford, Museum of Modern Art, 2001.
Geometric abstraction. Latin american art from the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros collection = Abstracción geométrica. Arte latinomericano en la colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. Exhibition catalogue, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, Mass., March 3 - November 4, 2001. With essays by Yve-Alain Bois (et al.). New Haven/London, Yale University Press, 2001.
Hélio Oiticica. Quasi-Cinemas. Exhibition catalogue, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio, September 18 - December 30, 2001, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, February 16 - April 7, 2002, Whitechapel Gallery, London , July 25 - October 5, 2002. Edited by Carlos Basualdo, with texts by Dan Cameron and Ivana Bentes. Ostfildern-Ruit, Hatje Cantz, 2001.
Lucio Fontana Brasil. Catalogue, published in conjunction with the exhibition at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, November 2001, Brasília, February 2002 and São Paulo, April 2002. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff (et al.). Milan, Edizioni Charta, 2001.
Malba. Colección Costantini. Collection catalogue, Malba - Colección Costantini. With texts by Patricia Artundo (et al.). Mexico, Landucci Editores, 2001.
Painting at the edge of the world. Exhibition catalogue, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, February 10 - May 6, 2001. Edited by Douglas Fogle, with texts by Yve-Alain Bois (et al.). Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, 2001.
Rubens Gerchman. Tempo 1962 / 1979. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói, September 1 - November 2, 2001.. Rio de Janeiro, R.G. Produções Artísticas e Culturaís Ltda., 2001.
Barnitz, Jacqueline. Twentieth-Century art of Latin America. Austin, University of Texas Press, 2001.
Alegoria. Arte brasileira. Século XX. Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo. By Tadeu Chiarelli. São Paulo, Lemos Editorial, 2000.
Bayón, Damián. América Latina en sus artes. Mexico City, Siglo Veintiuno, 2000.
Antonio Manuel. Exhibition catalogue, Fundacão de Serralves, Porto, October 14 - December 24, 2000. Edited by Cláudia Gonçalves and Maria Ramos, with texts by Guy Brett (et al.). Porto, Fundaçao de Serralves, 2000.
Rubiano Caballero, Germán. Art of Latin America 1981-2000. New York, Inter-American Development Bank, 2000.
Arte contemporânea = Contemporary art. Mostra do redescobrimento. Parque Ibirapuera, São Paulo, April 23 - September 7, 2000. With texts by Nelson Aguilar (et al.) and a foreword by Edemar Cid Ferreira. São Paulo, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo; Associação Brasil 500 Anos Artes Visuais, 2000.
Rubiano Caballero, Germán. Arte de América Latina 1981-2000. New York, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2000.
Ridenti, Marcelo. Em busca do povo brasileiro. Artistas da revolução, do CPC à era da tv. Rio de Janeiro/São Paulo, Editora Record, 2000.
Espaço de instalaçoes permanentes do Museu do Açude. Hélio Oiticica. Exhibition catalogue, Museu do Açude, Rio de Janeiro, 2000. With a text by Marcio Doctors. Rio de Janeiro, Museu do Açude, 2000.
Force fields. Phases of the kinetic. Exhibition catalogue, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, April 19- June 18, 2000, Hayward Gallery, London, July 13 - September 17, 2000. With texts by Guy Brett (et al.). Barcelona, ACTAR, 2000.
La tentación de la pureza. Un montaje en la Presidencia de la Organización Cisneros. Catalogue, Organización Cisneros, Caracas. With a text by Ariel Jiménez. Caracas, Fundación Cisneros, 2000.
Lygia Pape. Gávea de Tocaia. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Serralves, Porto, October 14 - December 24, 2000. With texts by Guy Brett, Mário Pedrosa and Helio Oiticica. São Paulo, Cosac & Naify, 2000.
Casanegra, Mercedes (ed.). Pintura del Mercosur. Una selección del período 1950-1980. Buenos Aires, El Ateneo, 2000.
Situações. Arte brasileira. Anos 70. Exhibition catalogue, Fundaçao Casa França-Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, August 16 - September 24, 2000. With an essay by Paula Terra and Glória Ferreira. Rio de Janeiro, Fundaçao Casa França-Brasil, 2000.
Séptima Bienal de la Habana. Uno más cerca del otro. Exhibition catalogue, Bienal de La Habana, Cuba, November 2000 - January 2001. With texts by Nelson Herrera Ysla, Sara Vega, Alicia García (et al.). La Habana, Consejo Nacional de las Artes Plásticas, 2000.
Trans> #8, 2000. Edited by Adriano Perosa, with texts by Ernesto Neto (et al.). New York, Trans>, 2000.
Versiones del sur. F[r]icciones. Exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, December 12, 2000 - March 26, 2001. Edited by Ivo Mesquita and Adriano Pedrosa. Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, 2000.
Vivências. Lebenserfahrung = Life experience. Exhibition catalogue, Generali Foundation, Vienna, September 15 - December 22, 2000. Edited by Sabine Breitwieser, with contributions by Guy Brett (et al.). Cologne, Walther König, 2000.
Alberro, Alexander. Conceptual Art: A critical anthology. Cambridge, Massachusetts/London, MIT Press, 1999.
Cotidiano/Arte. Objeto anos 60/90. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, April 8 - May 30, 1999, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, June 16 - August 8, 1999. With texts by Agnaldo Farias and Reynaldo Roels. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1999.
Das vanguardas ao fim do milénio. Exhibition catalogue, Culturgest, Lisboa, Portugal, April 23 - August 1, 1999. With a text by Jorge Glusberg. Lisboa, Culturgest, 1999.
Alvarado, Daisy Valle Machado Peccinini de. Figurações. Brasil anos 60. Neofigurações fantásticas e neo-surrealismo, novo realismo e nova objetividade brasileira. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1999.
Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin, 1950s - 1980s. Exhibition catalogue, Queens Museum of Art, New York, April 28 - August 29, 1999, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, December 19, 1999 - March 5, 2000, Miami Art Museum, September 15 - November 26, 2000.. New York, The Queens Museum of Art, 1999.
Jiménez, José, and Fernando Castro (eds.). Horizontes del arte latinoamericano. Madrid, Tecnos, 1999.
O Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro. With a text by Maria del Carmen Zilio. São Paulo, Banco Safra, 1999.
Por que Duchamp. Leituras duchampians por artistas e críticos brasileiros. Exhibition catalogue, Paço das Artes, São Paulo, April - June 1999. With texts by Vitória Daniela Bousso (et al.). São Paulo, Itaú Cultural; Paço das Artes, 1999.
The experimental exercise of freedom. Lygia Clark, Gego, Mathias Goeritz, Hélio Oiticica, Mira Schendel. Exhibition catalogue, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, October 17, 1999 - January 23, 2000. Edited by Susan Martin and Alma Ruiz, with essays by Rina Carvajal (et al.). Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art, 1999.
Tridimensionalidade. Arte brasileira. By Annateresa Fabris (et al.). São Paulo, Itáu Cultural and Cosac & Naify, 1999.
Duarte, Paulo Sergio. Anos 60. Transformações da arte no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, Campos Gerais, 1998.
Arte brasileira no acervo do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo. Doações recentes, 1996-1998. Exhibition and collection catalogue, MAM, São Paulo, Brasil, August 6 - September 27, 1998. With a text by Tadeu Chiarelli. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 1998.
Arte construtiva no Brasil: Coleção Adolpho Leirner. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, October 2 - December 20, 1998. With a text by Adolpho Leirner. São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, 1998.
Perfil da coleção Itaú. By Stella Teixeira de Barros. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1998.
Poéticas da cor. Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural Light, Rio de Janeiro, September 9 - October 25, 1998. With texts by Ligia Canongia. Rio de Janeiro, Centro Cultural Light, 1998.
Profile of the Itaú Collection. By Stella Teixeira de Barros. São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, 1998.
Teoria dos valores. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil, January - February 1998. With texts by Marcio Doctors and Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Museu de arte moderna, 1998.
XXIV Bienal de São Paulo. Arte contemporânea brasileira. Um e/entre Outro/s. Exhibition catalogue, 24th São Paulo Biennial, Pavillion Ciccillo Matarazzo, Parque Ibirapuera, October 3 - December 13, 1998. Edited by Adriano Pedrosa and Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Fundaçao Bienal, 1998.
Coleccionar en América Latina: Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. Catalogue, published in conjunction with the Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo (ARCO), Madrid 1997. Madrid, Editorial Arte, 1997.
Morais, Frederico (ed.). Arte latino-americana: Manifestos, documentos e textos de época. Continente sul Sur. Revista do Instituto Estadual do Livro 6, November 1997, Porto Alegre, Instituto Estadual do Livro, 1997.
Lucie-Smith, Edward. Die Kunst Lateinamerikas. Munich, Lichtenberg Verlag, 1997.
I Bienal de artes visuais do Mercosul = I Bienal de artes visuales del Mercosur. Exhibition catalogue, 1st Biennial of Mercosur, Porto Alegre, October 2 - November 30, 1997. With texts by Frederico Morais (et al). Porto Alegre, Fundação Bienal, 1997.
Gutiérrez Viñuales, Rodrigo, and Ramón Gutiérrez (eds.). Pintura, escultura y fotografía en Iberoamérica, siglos XIX y XX. Madrid, Cátedra, 1997.
Burtet Pieta, Marilene. A modernidade da pintura no Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Sagra, DC Luzzatto, 1995.
Art from Brazil in New York. Catalogue, published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Galerie Lelong, Brooke Alexander, Charles Cowles Gallery, The Drawing Center, Marian Goodman Gallery, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, LedisFlam Inc., Robert Miller Gallery, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, Annina Nosei Gallery, Marc Pottier with the Contemporary, all in New York, 1995. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff and Carlos Basualdo. New York, Galerie Lelong, 1995.
Mosquera, Gerardo (ed.). Beyond the Fantastic. Contemporary art criticism from Latin America. With contributions by Néstor García Canclini, Luis Camnitzer, Guillermo Gómez-Peña (et al.). London, Institute of International Visual Arts, 1995.
Brasil desde Brasil. Los orígenes del jurado. Revista del Occidente 174 (Madrid), February 1995.
Opinião 65. 30 anos. Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, May 17 - July 16, 1995. With texts by Wilson Coutinho (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Centro Cultural Banco de Brasil, 1995.
XI Mostra da Gravura Cidade de Curitiba. Exhibition catalogue, Curitiba, October 31 - December 29, 1995. With texts by Paulo Herkenhoff (et al.). Curitiba, Fundação cultural de Curitiba, 1995.
Bienal Brasil Século XX. Exhibition catalogue, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, April 24 - May 29, 1994. With contributions by Nelson Aguilar (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, 1994.
Die Dichte des Lichts: Zeitgenössische Brasilianische Fotografie = Density of light: Contemporary Brazilian photography. A espessura da luz: Fotografia Brasileira contemporânea. Exhibition catalogue, Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, 1994. With a text by Paulo Herkenhoff. São Paulo, Câmara Brasileira do Livro, 1994.
Goldman, Shifra M.. Dimensions of the Americas. Art and social change in Latin America and the United States. Chicago/London, The University of Chicago Press, 1994.
Brasil: Segni d'arte. Libri e video 1950 - 1993. Exhibition catalogue, Fondazione Scientifica Querini Stampalia, Venice, June 10 - August 31, 1993, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, Sala Maria Teresa, Milan, September 23 - October 9, 1993, Biblioteca Nazionale, Sala Dantesca, Florence, October 16 - November 6, 1993, Galeria Candido Portinari, Palazzo Pamphili, Rome, November 18 - December 18, 1993. With texts by Lucilla Saccà (et al.). 1993.
Latin American artists of the twentieth century. Published on the occasion of the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 6 - September 7, 1993. Edited by Waldo Rasmussen with Fatima Bercht and Elizabeth Ferrer. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1993.
Latin American artists of the twentieth century. A selection from the exhibition = Artistas latinoamericanos del siglo XX. Selecciones de la exposición. Published on the occasion of the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 6 - September 7, 1993. With texts by Waldo Rasmussen. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1993.
O desenho moderno no Brasil. Exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Galeria de Arte do SESI. São Paulo, 1993. With texts by Reynaldo Roels Jr.. São Paulo, SESI, 1993.
America. Bride of the sun. 500 years Latin America and the low countries. Exhibition catalogue, Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp, February 2 - May 31, 1992. With contributions by Paul Vandenbroeck (et al.). Gent, Imschoot books, 1992.
Artistas latinomericanos del siglo XX = Latin American artists of the twentieth century. Exhibition catalogue, Estación Plaza de Armas, Sevilla, Spain, August 11 - October 12, 1992, Centre Georges Pompidou and Hôtel des Arts, Paris, France, November 10/19, 2003 - January 11, 1993, Kunsthalle Cologne, Germany, February 8 - April 25, 1993, Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 6 - September 7, 1993. With an essay by Edward J. Sullivan and an introduction by Waldo Rasmussen. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1992.
Branco dominante. Exhibition brochure, Galeria de Arte São Paulo, April 7 - 24, 1992. Wit a text by Cacilda Teixeira da Costa. São Paulo, Galeria de Arte São Paulo, 1992.
Magnaguagno, Guido. Brasilien. Entdeckung und Selbstentdeckung. Bern, Benteli Verlag, 1992.
Hélio Oiticica. Exhibition catalogue, Witte de With, Rotterdam, February 22 - April 26, 1992, Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris, June 8 - August 23, 1992, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, October 1 - December 6, 1992, Centro de Arte Moderna da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, January 20 - March 20, 1993, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, October 31, 1993 - February 20, 1994, Centro de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, September 30 - January 30, 1997. With texts by the artist, Guy Brett (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Arte Hélio Oiticica, 1992.
Viva Brasil viva. Konst fran Brasilien. Exhibition catalogue, Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, April - Juni 1991. With texts by Aracy Amaral (et al.). Stockholm, Liljevalchs; Kulturhuset, 1991.
Art in Latin America. The modern era 1820-1980. Catalogue, published in conjunction with the exhibition held at the Hayward Gallery, London, 1989. Edited by Dawn Ades, with contributions by Guy Brett (et al.). New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1989.
Arte en Iberoamérica 1820-1980. Exhibition catalogue, The Hayward Gallery, London, May 18 - August 6, 1989, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, September 16 - November 19, 1989, Palacio de Velázquez, Madrid, December 14, 1989 - March 4, 1990 . With texts by Dawn Ades (et al.). Madrid, Turner, 1989.
Morais, Frederico. Panorama das Artes Plásticas. Séculos XIX e XX. São Paulo, Instituto Cultural Itaú, 1989.
U-ABC : schilderijen, beelden, foto's uit Uruguay, Argentinië, Brazilië, Chili = U-ABC : paintings, sculptures, photography from Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile. Exhibition catalogue, Stedelijk Museum, amsterdam Netherlands, 1989. With texts by Els Barents, Guillermo, Whitelow, Ángel Kalenberg, Aracy Amaral, Raúl Zurita (et al.). Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1989.
Brazil projects. Exhibition catalogue, P.S.1, Long Island; New York, April 17 - June 12, 1988. With texts by Paulo Vanzolini, Mário Pedrosa (et al.).
Cocchiarale, Fernando. Abstracionismo geométrico e informal. A vanguarda brasileira nos anos cinqüenta. Rio de Janeiro, Funarte / Instituto Nacional de Artes Plásticas, 1987.
Latin American artists in New York since 1970. Exhibition catalogue, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, Austin, Texas, USA, 1987. Edited by Jacqueline Barnitz, with essays by Janis Bergman-Carton and Florencia Bazzano Nelson. Austin, Texas, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, 1987.
Modernidade. Art brésilien du 20e siècle. Exhibition catalogue, Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris, December 10, 1987 - February 14, 1988. With texts by Affonso Romano de Sant'Ana, Aracy Amaral, Roberto Pontual, Frederico Morais (et al.). Paris, Association française d'action artistique, 1987.
Oiticica, Hélio. Aspiro ao grande labirinto. Seleção de textos: Luciano Figueiredo, Lygia Pape, Waly Salomão. Rio de Janeiro, Rocco, 1986.
O q faço é música. Hélio Oiticica. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria de Arte São Paulo, February - March 1986. With texts by Mário Pedrosa (et al.). 1986.
Brito, Ronaldo. Neoconcretismo. Vértice e ruptura do projeto construtivo brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro, Funarte; Instituto Nacional de Artes Plásticas, 1985.
Tradição e ruptura. Síntese de arte e cultura brasileira. Exhibition catalogue, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, November 1984 - January 1985. With texts by Ana Maria Belluzzo, Fábio Magalhães (et al.). São Paulo, Fundação Bienal, 1984.
Canongia, Ligia. Quase cinema. Cinema de artista no Brasil, 1970/80. Arte Brasileira contemporânea. Caderno de textos 2. Rio de Janeiro, Funarte, 1981.
Homenagem a Mario Pedrosa. Exhibition catalogue, Galeria Jean Boghici, Rio de Janeiro, April - July 1980. With texts by Helio Pellegrino (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Galeria Jean Boghici, 1980.
Trini, Tommaso. Quasi cinema. Video tapes e film d'artisti in Brasile 70/80. Arti visive - Ambiente Quaderno N. 3. Milan, Centro Internazionale di Brera, 1980.
Projeto construtivo brasileiro na arte (1950 - 1962). Anthology/exhibition catalogue, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo, 1977. Edited and texts by Aracy Amaral (et al.). Rio de Janeiro, Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Pinacoteca do Estado, 1977.
L'art brésilien. São Paulo, Ministerio das Relações Exteriores do Brasil, 1976.
Gullar, Ferreira (ed.). Arte brasileira hoje. Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra, 1973. With texts by Frederico Morais, Aracy Amaral, Mario Pedrosa (et al.)
Brett, Guy. Kinetic Art. The language of movement. London, Studio Vista and New York, Reinhold Book Corporation, 1968.
Konkrete Kunst. 50 Jahre Entwicklung. Exhibition catalogue, Helmhaus Zürich, June 8 - August 14, 1960. With texts by Max Bill. Zürich, Helmhaus, 1960.